Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 280: carry out

Some wild animals with five virtual gods rushed towards the bald man. The bald man struggled to resist some tricks, then he was torn and fell on the spot.

The elderly do not support some skills, but are also chopped up by wild animals.

A few people Su Yi left here.

"There is a tide of wild animals, whether on the ground or in the sky, there are terrible wild animals. There should be no strong people blocking us, let us leave now!"

Su Yi Dao

Everyone nodded, and those strong who saw the beasts happen would probably leave Wanjinxing.

However, there are so many wild animals in the sky, and naturally, they cannot fly directly out of the interstellar warship. They need to cross the wild animals and leave.

They flew to the sky.


Suddenly, a sharp scream sounded. It was always white, and an eagle carved like silver flew over and stared at Su Yi.

A terrible breath leaked from the eagle, and Su Yi accelerated their heartbeat.

terror! too terrifying!

This great eagle made them feel terrible, it was even more terrifying than the beasts encountered in the virtual world.

This is definitely seven times the existence outside the virtual state.

This kind of existence is so amazing that Su Yi felt that the opponent could only kill him with one shot.

Yinying and Leng Xiezi stared at them, causing Su Yi and others' bodies to tighten, the cold sweat behind them.


The metal ball grew up and looked at the big eagle.

Yinying's eyes fell on the metallic paint. Unlike other wild animals, the silver eagle does not have much fear.

Seeing the silver icy eyes, with a fearless look, Su Yi couldn't help tightening in their hearts.

No, this silver eagle is not afraid of metal balls, so will they not finish the game?

I was ignored by Silver Eagle and Metal Ball was angry. My Majesty seems to be provocative. Its body bulged, its eyes smashed into a ball, revealing a mouth full of teeth, biting it. At the same time, in the liquid metal body, two tentacles stretched out and waved strongly, seeming to threaten the silver eagle.

Su Yi, Xie Nianqing, Xie Nianjun, Tong Xier, a few people, the atmosphere did not dare to go out, standing there, motionless.

Now, just rely on metal balls!

If metal **** cannot frighten each other, they are dangerous.

Fortunately, Silver Eagle finally had some reaction. Its cold scorpion swept over Su Yi, then turned, shouted, and left with its wings.

Not only that, but the beasts of other flying classes around also left.


Su Yi, they breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the cold behind them, already wet with cold sweat.


The metal ball became smaller and re-formed a round metal ball, jumping around in front of Su Yi, as if showing off its record.


Su Yi grabbed the metal ball and flew into the sky.

This time, they were shocked and fled to the sky above the atmosphere. They stopped near the sky of the outer starry sky.

Here, there are no wild animals and no other strong people. Tong Hill took out a starry battleship. After entering the starry sky battleship, the starry battleship turned into a streamer, flew out of the atmosphere, and rushed into the vast starry sky.

After entering the starry sky, they breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, during the trip of Ten Thousand Golden Stars, a lot of things happened and no risk was taken in the end.

"When you become a high school later, do it again!"

Su Yi whispered.

This is a treasure land that can capture a large number of metal beasts, and treasures such as Su Yi and metal **** to hunt beasts are amazingly efficient.

However, in the near future, it is absolutely impossible to come, not just because of the animal tide, but after the wild beast tide, the owners of other troops will return to Ten Thousand Golden Stars, I am afraid they will still look for them.

After a few years, wait until the repair is higher and come back.

Then they sorted out the storage ring they got from the enemy, but they also found some beasts and gods.

Put these things together, wait until you return to the Zhengtian army, sell these beasts and separate them.

Soon, after more than a month, they returned to the starry sky.

In the army every day, special places to buy, sell, and even exchange treasures.

Back to the starry sky, Tong Xier brought Su Yi and the others here, and sold all the metal beasts.

Together with their trophies, there are 120,000 crystals in total.

"Shen Jing 12,000 yuan, we are 30,000 people!"

Su Yi smiled and started to divide evenly.

"No, I only need ten thousand. This time, thanks to you, I have nothing to do!"

Tong Hill quickly refused, his face flushed.

This time, she did not exert much force. Whether it is Su Yi or Xie Nianqing, Xie Nianjun's strength is higher than her. She had the least credit and took away 10,000 pieces of silence. She was a little embarrassed.

"We said yes, Shen Jing is equal, because it is good, it will be completed naturally!"

Su Yi pushed 30,000 nerves to Tonghill.

Su Yi got the metal ball this time and was already very satisfied. If the kid didn't cherish and take them, he could get it. However, Tong Hill still refused, and finally received only 20,000 Shen Jing.

"Su Yi, then I will starship battleship, go back and talk about it first!"

Tong Hill's vacation disappeared.

"There are 100,000 more nerves..."

Su Yi took out the remaining silence.

"Give me 30,000 yuan!"

Xie Nianjun waved his hand and took a storage ring containing 30,000 crystals. he left.

The rest, only Su Yi and Xie Nianqing, only said that the two were not separated, Xie Nianqing took 30,000 away, and Su Yi left 40,000.

"With these nerves, my cultivation should be able to break through quickly!"

Xie Nianqing smiled.

She swallowed the memories of the predecessors and cultivated them at an amazing speed. Especially for the understanding of spiritual practice, this is a matter of course.

Therefore, as long as she has the resources, she will break through, very quickly.

However, Xie Nianjun has a greater advantage. When she merges with her previous life, she is equal to the resurrection of her previous life. She almost never wanted to re-understand. It breaks through, is faster, and has almost no bottlenecks.

The two chatted for a while, then went back to the room to practice.

This time, during the journey of Venus, after a series of battles, Su Yi has made great progress, and the word war or the battle to dominate has taken another step forward.

Su Yi has a feeling that he will be able to break through.

Su Yi put the metal ball in the room and closed his mind to practice.

In the blink of an eye, a year passed. ..

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