Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 279: animal

This matter was humiliated and humiliated by him. He hoped that Su Yi hated it, and he always wanted to find Su Yi to avenge him.

However, Su Yi hid in the Zhengtian army. He has no choice. He did not expect to encounter it in Yunfeng City.

"Kang Long, Situ smiled!"

Tong Xier's eyes flashed, and he recognized these two.

"Child, I will kill you sooner or later!"

Kang Long's eyes were indifferent and ruthless, staring at Su Yi.

If it is not the city of Yunfeng, it cannot be killed. He has already begun to crush Su Yi.

"These people will be defeated. They will be arrogant here. Who will brag?" Su Yi squinted at Kang Long, full of contempt.


When Kang Long thought about being arrested by Su Yi a few months later, he was very angry and gritted his teeth. At this time, he saw Su Yi's contemptuous appearance. He couldn't wait to give Lu Ming a look.


Kang Long's body burst into a strong atmosphere, exerting pressure on Lu Ming.

The virtual state is heavy!

Obviously, during this time, Kang Long broke through and reached the virtual state from the demigod.

The movement here attracts passersby to see it and see its lively appearance.

"I want to start, come on!"

Su Yi was fascinated by his fingers.

In Yunfeng City, he did not believe that Kang Long dared to shoot, shooting in order to find his own death.

"Child, I am challenging you now, I will fight on the battlefield!"

Kang Long glared at Su Yidao.

"You? Lost, not interested!"

Su Yi licked his mouth, Kang Long almost panted his lungs.

After taking a few deep breaths, Kang Long barely calmed down and said, "You dare not!"

At first, he was defeated by Su Yi. He thinks he is a big problem. In addition, he has now broken through virtual reality, and his strength has soared. He is full of confidence and can easily suppress Su Yi.

"You don't have to provoke me. I am really not interested in my failure, nothing else, don't stop this road!"

Su Yi waved his hand casually.

What he said is the truth. Kang Long's practice is a virtual reality. He can suppress it by hand. He is really not interested.

However, Su Yi lost one of his people and listened to Kang Long's ears, which was just the biggest insult to him.

His face was red, and his teeth creaked.

"If you don't fight with Kang, then I will challenge you, do you dare to fight?"

At this time, the young man on Kang Long's side spoke.

His face is white, with a folding fan in his hand, and a confident smile on his face.

Other people have seen this scene.

"Give it to them quickly!"

"They are fine, with them, we can leave Wanjinxing!"

The rest of the people died and rushed to Su Yi.


Su Yi, they would stand stupidly. They opened the way with a metal ball and rushed directly into the animal tide.

"Ah, you can't not die, you can't die..."

Those people saw Su Yi, they rushed into the tide of beasts, they disappeared, they all screamed frantically.

Su Yi, they despise them. These people just wanted to kill them. They are not fools, so they can save them.

It's ridiculous to say what it feels like to die.

In the rear, there was a scream and roar, and soon there was no sound.

Su Yi, they opened the way with metal balls, very safe, they did not pass the animal tide dangerously.

However, when they continued for a while, they encountered many amazing animal tides, passing through mountains and forests.

"I heard that Ten Thousand Golden Stars, there will be a wave of beasts every ten thousand years. I didn't expect that we would meet this time!"

Tong Hill's way, his face, and the color of fear, this time, if there is no metal ball, they are also dangerous, most of them are fierce.

They picked up the metal ball, crossed the animal tide, and then entered the forest.

roar! roar! .

They heard the roar of wild animals soon after entering the forest. At the same time, there was a sword, and the knife was shining.

Obviously, someone is fighting the beast.

The next moment, they saw a group of people rushing to the side, followed by a bunch of wild animals.

"It's him!"

Su Yi, their faces are moving.

One of them is a bald man from Yuanluo Temple.

There is another person, an old man who was once in the wind.

At this time, they were very embarrassed and were chased by a group of wild animals.

"This is them, this is one of the few!"

Yuan Luodian's bald head also saw Su Yi, his eyes were full of cold light.

Then, the bald head of Yuan Luo Temple rushed directly to Su Yi.

The others followed the bald man to Su Yi.

Obviously, I want La Lumin to start them.

"This is really looking for death!"

Su Yi sneered.

"We took them to the Beast!"

Su Yi gave Xie Nianqing their voices, and Xie Nianqing saw that they were very smart and understood what Su Yi was doing.

They turned and ran, toward the group of beasts.

Bald and the others chased them, and followed Su Yi behind them. They just passed a group of wild animals, so they were not far away, and they soon saw a large group of wild animals.

Su Yi directly put the metal ball into the storage ring.

Hey! ! Hey!!

Those wild animals, when they saw Su Yi, they rushed to Su Yi.

"not good!"

"damn it!"

Bald and others were shocked.

Instead, Su Yi turned and rushed to the bald man, bringing a large group of wild animals.

"Damn, **** you!" "A bunch of lunatics!"

Bald and the others groaned. They thought Lu Ming could not hide them, and they would drag them to death.

"You, get out, get out!"

The bald head roared.

"You didn't want to chase us just now? Call us and do it now, right?"

Su Yi sneered and continued to chase them to find the bald man.

The bald head and others showed the color of despair. There is a large group of wild animals behind them. There are more wild animals ahead, and there are dense flying wild animals in the sky.

There is no way to go.

At this moment, Su Yi suddenly stopped, and then the metal ball in his hand appeared again.

Taking out the metal ball, those wild animals automatically bypassed Su Yi, and then rushed towards the bald man.

"Let's enjoy it!"

Su Yi ridiculed the voice, and then took a few people, Xie Nianqing, rushed into the group of wild animals, safe and sound.


The bald man, the old man of Fengyuntang, let out an angry, hysterical roar.

They are wronged, unwilling, and afraid of death.

They understand that they were crushed by Su Yi.

They want to rush to Suyi, but countless wild animals have drowned them. ..

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