Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 281: burst

Su Yi sat quietly in his body for a year, suddenly full of strong attraction, the temperament between heaven and earth, frantically gathered towards his body, and then rushed into his body.

Then, Su Yi waved his hand, a bunch of gods appeared, bursting continuously, and turned into a rich and incomparable spirit, which was absorbed by Su Yi.

The power and ruling power of the Su Yi world began to soar and quickly became wealthy.

A few days later, Su Yi's body swelled up, plummeted a bit, and then slowly hid.


Su Yi opened his eyes, two bright lights flashed in his eyes.

"Four Star Emperor!"

Su Yi showed a slight smile.

After the Wanjinxing experience, I came back for a year, and Su Yi broke through again.

Of course, this is because Su Yi's cultivation is still very low. In heaven, the cultivation environment in the wilderness and universe is better than that in heaven, and he has made such a rapid breakthrough.

If it is in heaven, it is absolutely impossible to break through in such a short period of time.

Of course, if you reach a virtual state in the future, it will not be so easy to break through.

To reach a virtual state, every breakthrough is difficult, unless it is the arrogance of heaven, plus some rare treasures of heaven and earth.

In order to reach the four-star emperor, Su Yi's strength undoubtedly increased.

Now, if he triggers dual combat power and kills the existence of virtual reality, it is easy, even if it is virtual reality, he can participate in the competition.

Su Yi stood up and stretched out, his body suddenly made a thick bang.

"Hey, this guy..."

Su Yi blinked and saw the metal ball squatting softly on the ground, his listless appearance almost turned into a ball of liquid. "This guy, don't eat, is that true?"

Su Yi guessed it, and then he held a metal beast in his hand.

Before, Su Yi left dozens of scattered beasts in his hands.

When Su Yi's metal beast core appeared, the metal ball immediately rebounded. It is like jelly, very shocking. It has a big mouth and a pair of eyes on it. His eyes just lit up, staring at the metal beast core in Su Yi's hand.


Smash the metal ball directly, open your mouth, swallow the wild core, and chew it.

For a while, the metal ball was eaten by the metal ball, and he looked at Su Yi with his eyes.

Su Yi took a few, but was also eaten by the metal ball three or two.

"This is not the way to go, how can so many metal beasts eat it!"

Su Yi frowned.

"The metal beast core is actually a refined material. I don't know other metal refined materials. This guy can't eat it!"

Thinking of this, Su Yi's hand has a piece of refined material with a variety of different glosses, all of which have different properties.


When Su Yi just took it out, he was swallowed by a metal ball, and he ate it with relish.

"This is really delicious. This guy has a good mouth. So, soldier, can't you eat it?"

Su Yi began to think and pulled out a great soldier.

The metal ball stretched out two tentacles, grabbed the great emperor, smashed it three or two times, then slid his body down, and then shook his head. It seems that the soldiers are not enough, and the taste is not enough.

Su Yi was speechless. The next moment, Su Yi was holding a bow and arrow in his hand.

This is a fallen star bow, a broken heavenly soldier. When Su Yixiu was still weak, he gave Su Yi a lot of help.

The metal ball caught the past and hit it three or two times.

In this way, in the eyes of the metal ball, only a little satisfaction is shown.

"A few more!"

Su Yi also took out some heavenly soldiers, including the Great Wilderness.

In the same year as the ancestors of the aliens, the wilderness was destroyed. For the current Su Yi, the weapons of the Heavenly Dao Dynasty were useless. With a wave of hands, they can crush the heavenly soldiers.

The metal ball came and refused. He swallowed a few soldiers from the sky one by one and swallowed them. On the metal body, there was a kind of light, and then he looked at Su Yi.

"This guy, his appetite is too big!"

Then he gritted his teeth and took out two weapons, a sword and an axe, all of which are cultural relics, but they are all first-class cultural relics.

They are the spoils that Su Yi seized from the enemy.

In the Battle of Ten Thousand Golden Stars, Su Yi and each of them have harvested some cultural relics, but the highest but third-order cultural relics, the above-mentioned fourth-order cultural relics, have not been obtained.

When I saw two first-class artifacts, the metal ball illuminates my eyes and seizes the hard work.

"Su Yi, this person is Xiaoyao Zongshao, Situ Xiao's master, he has the duality of virtual reality!"

Tong Hill gave a speech to Su Yi.

Xiaoyao Sect is also a force almost as powerful as Yuan Luodian.

"Do you want to challenge me?"

Su Yi looked at Situ Xiao.

"Yes, do you dare? If you dare not, I won't be embarrassed!"

Stig smiled and smiled.

"To be honest, I am not interested in you, because of your cultivation, I can suppress it!"

Su Yi screamed.

Steed laughed and jumped straight up, the folding fan that had been shaking stopped, and there was a cold murder in his eyes.

Lu Ming, actually said that changing hands can suppress him?

This is a big joke. He can clearly feel that Su Yi is just a virtual reality. This is a virtual reality and he dares to be so arrogant.

"But if you dare to gamble with me, I can beat you!"

Su Yi paused and continued.

"Gambling? How to gamble?"

Situ smiled.

"For 20,000 caissons, we took out 20,000 caissons. Who won and took away the other 2,000 caissons, how about?"

Su Yi Dao

"Twenty thousand crystals!"

Situ's face changed slightly.

20,000 yuan, not a small amount.

"Why, don't you dare to gamble? Then forget it!"

Su Yi looked contemptuous, and turned around.

"I bet it is 20,000!"

Situ smiled.

He didn't think he would lose at all, so he just agreed.

"Okay, then go to the battle station!"

Su Yi Dao

Immediately, Su Yi, Tong Hill, Kang Long, and Situ Xiao went to the nearby battle platform.

"Let's go, let's go!"

"The young man is just a revival of the virtual world. He dares to challenge heaven and the arrogant twin gods. This is very interesting!"

The people nearby followed Su Yi and followed them.

Soon, they came to a nearby battle platform.

Around the battle platform is overcrowded.

"Take out 20,000 caissons, I need to find a middleman, and you will lose the debt!"..

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