Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 278: Different

Therefore, the power of all sizes is amazing. For example, Zheng Tianjun and Yuan Luodian did not have 1,800 men.

However, among so many forces in the riots, the most powerful force is undoubtedly Yunfeng Pavilion.

Because Yunfeng Pavilion has a **** sitting in the town.

There are so many powers in the riots of the galaxy, only Yunfeng Pavilion has a god, and it is undoubtedly the first power.

Yunfeng City, where Yunfeng Pavilion is located, is the busiest place in the Riot River. Here, you can buy many things you want to buy. "Yes, I just went to Yunfeng City to buy some medicinal herbs, ready to hit the kingdom, we can go together!"

The child cares.

"This is good!"

Su Yi nodded.

He also wanted to sell a weapon when he went to Yunfeng City.

During this period of time, Su Yi had been using the white sword to give him an artifact sword, but after a long time, Su Yi still felt that a rifle was more suitable.

Although the use of weapons is easy to use in martial arts wars, Su Yi just started to use long spears shortly after starting to practice, and he still feels that rifles are easy to use.

Moreover, Bai Jian's artifact was only a Tier 3 artifact, or a low-level artifact, Su Yi wanted to buy a higher-level gun.

He just asked Zhengtianjun that he did not find a suitable person.

Immediately, the two set foot on Zhengtianjun's transmission array and rushed to Yunfeng City.

These stars are far away from Yunfeng Star where Yunfeng City is located. This is very far away. If you want to cross the innocent starry sky, even if you hold the transmission array, you cannot reach it all at once.

Moreover, the long star sky transmission requires a short time even if the transmission array is required. After three days of continuous transmission, they finally came to Yunfeng City.

"Majestic city!"

On the streets of Yunfeng City, Su Yi sighed.

When I came to the world of Hong Kong, Su Yi felt that the kingdom of heaven was too small.

The area of ​​the dark star is equal to the sum of tens of thousands of heavens.

The area of ​​the star is several times that of the dark star.

However, the Yunfeng Star where Yunfeng City is located is at least several times larger than the Zhengxing Star.

Tianjie Yuanjie's evil spirits and Yunfeng Star are like dust.

The area of ​​Yunfeng City is estimated to be worth the sum of hundreds of heavenly kingdoms. You can imagine how big it is.

Yunfeng City is prosperous and not ordinary, and riots of all sizes in the Milky Way can come here.

The riots in the Milky Way are very chaotic and can be seen everywhere, but Yunfeng City is special.

Yunfeng Pavilion has regulations. Yunfeng City is doing business and is not allowed to kill. If you want to kill, on a specific battle platform, whoever opposes will be chased by Yunfeng Pavilion.

Therefore, Yunfeng City is very safe. Only in this way can it attract countless people to come to do business, buy and sell treasures, or sell treasures.

If it is not safe, you can kill at any time, who dares to come?

Therefore, the two are more at ease and walk around casually.

Two days later, the two arrived at the largest city in Yunfeng City.

There are people and the sea, shops and forests, and various shops.

Refined materials, all kinds of gods, cultural relics, god-given things, everything.

There are even selling gods.

Su Yi went in and took a look. The price was too high.

Even the lowest level of unique skills is not what Su Yi can buy now, at least thousands of nerves have started.

In the Shendan store, Tong Hill bought the Shendan she needed. Her accumulation is enough. After going back, she can hit virtual reality. Then they came to an artifact shop.

"Guests, do I need anything?"

A beautiful little girl greeted her immediately.

"Hello, I need to buy a spear-shaped artifact!"

Su Yi smiled.

"Cannon-type artifact? What level is needed, I can recommend it for you!"

Young woman smiling.

"The fifth-order cultural relics are on it!"

Su Yi Dao

"Ok, please follow me!"

The young woman walked to a room with Su Yi, which was full of rifle artifacts.

"This is a Tier 5 artifact of Hurricane, worth three thousand gods!"

"This is a Tier 6 artifact gun, the price of seven thousand nerves!"


The woman introduced it to Su Yi one by one.

"Good price!"

Su Yi sighed.

There are about three thousand gods in the fifth-order artifact.

The artifact of the product corresponds to the virtual god. Generally, people in the virtual world use cultural relics, true gods and cultural relics...

Wait, king, use the best artifact.

You must know that in Ten Thousand Golden Stars, you can kill the metal beast core, the beast core of a five-fold beast of a virtual god, and the price is 80 yuan.

The Tier 5 artifact is a spear, but it has three thousand crystals.

Of course, when refining an artifact and using refining materials, there can only be one type, which requires the cooperation of multiple materials and the cost of refinement.

In the end, Su Yi chose a six-level artifact-level rifle, a meteor gun, and spent seven thousand gods.

"This **** crystal is not enough!"

Su Yi sighed.

Before he broke through the four-star emperor, he used about 5,000 crystals, and now it costs 7,000.

Of 40,000 pieces in Shenjing, only 28,000 pieces.

"Girl, are you here, do you have any magical items for sale?"

Su Yi asked, the meteor gun collapsed.

"Naturally, what level of artifact fragments does my son need? Different levels of artifact fragments have different prices!"

Young woman on the road.

"Under the artifact level of the artifact, what level can be reached!"

Su Yi Dao

Then, under the introduction of the young woman, Su Yi bought a large number of artifact fragments.

This is a city in Yunfeng. There are many cultural relics here. It can be said that it is like a mountain.

And the price is very cheap, not to mention that it is better than the artifact, even if it is cheaper than the material of the refiner.

Su Yi gritted his teeth and spent 10,000 yuan in silence. He bought a lot of refined materials of different grades, enough to make the ball eat for a while.

Luming's body crystal shrank, leaving only 18,000 pieces.

"I want to find a way to earn crystals!"

Su Yiwei

18,000 caissons are not enough for him. As he grows and improves, when he breaks through, he will need more nerves.

Both of them should buy it, buy it, walk out of the store, and plan to return to the transfer array.

"It's this kid too..."

Suddenly, a sharp, resentful voice sounded.

Su Yi turned to look at it, and couldn't help but sneer in his mouth. Coincidentally, I met an acquaintance.

In the back, there are two young people, one of them is actually Yuan Luodian, Kang Long's young master.

At this time, Kang Long was staring at Su Yi with a resentful look.

In the beginning, he was taken away by Su Yi, and then he was handed over to the people of Zheng Tianjun as hostages for exchange. ..

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