In the era of Rocks, he was in the same pirate group with white beard Edward Newgate, golden lion Shiji, Charlotte Lingling and other big pirates who are now famous in the sea.

It can be said that Kaido has the qualifications, reputation and strength not inferior to those of Whitebeard, Shiji and other big pirates.

This is definitely an incomparably terrifying powerhouse.

"I heard that you fought my nephew not long ago, and it was a draw."

"So, with this menacing gesture, do you want to attack me too?"


Jiang Liu held the scepter in his hand and spoke lightly.

The moment the words came out, the golden scepter also slammed down towards the deck.


The dull voice spread throughout the sea, and a powerful and domineering aura suddenly radiated out, colliding fiercely with Kaido's aura.


On the surface of the sea, there were circles of ripples and white water splashes.

"What a terrifying overbearing aura!"

"This aura is not inferior to that of Captain Kaido!"

"As expected of the man who defeated Whitebeard, his strength is also terrifying!"

Under the impact of this momentum, the pirates on the Kaido Pirates' ship also changed their colors one after another, trembling with fear.

They saw cracks on the walls of the ship, cracked and shattered, and the sea around the ship was rapidly shaking and making ripples.

With mental oppression affecting reality, the aura of the opponent can be called terrifying.

Except for the red-haired Shanks, this is the first time they have discovered a man who has cultivated such a terrifying domineering look.

"Nephew, is that Fire Fist Ace?"

"Hahahaha, it's just a newborn calf, a brat!"

"I gave him a few tricks, and I'm not interested in fighting him."

"Compared to him, I am more interested in your head!"


Kaido sharpened his eyes and roared loudly.

"White Beard's head was supposed to be taken by me, but you got it first!"

"What a bastard!"

His roar was like thunder, shaking the sky.

Dark clouds gathered from all directions, and the interlaced lightning began to flicker, and the sky above this sea area changed drastically in an instant.

"Blind self-confidence will only ruin your life."

"I heard that you are known as the strongest monster in sea, land and air duels."

"All this time, I have never fought with you."

"Come on, I've been interested in you for a long time, Kaido!"

Jiang Liu also shouted loudly.

The momentum on his body was like wolf smoke, and the fighting spirit rushed out, rushing to the sky.


"Happy, I like a straightforward guy like you!"

"Let's fight!"

Kaido also roared with laughter.

His body shook, lightning surrounded his body, his neck suddenly elongated, and he soared towards the sky, countless scales appeared on his entire body.

The head becomes a dragon's head, the neck becomes a dragon's body, the limbs become a dragon's claws, and the legs and feet become a dragon's tail.

Within a few breaths, thunder and lightning flashed, and Kaido turned into a huge, mighty, and domineering dragon, soaring into the clouds, looking down from high above.


The thunder shook, and the giant dragon opened its mouth and let out a roar, which made the void tremble, and a more terrifying majesty permeated the air.

"Go, are you kidding?!"

Cavendish was trembling all over, and when he looked at Reiju and the others next to him, his expressions didn't improve for long.

Such a huge and terrifying creature is truly unheard of and unseen. It is like a mythical dragon coming to the world.

"Kai, Kaido is actually a dragon!!"

Cavendish roared tremblingly, his heart was shocked.

"A magnificent creature."

Doflamingo also sighed softly.

This is why he has always been afraid of the Four Emperors and Kaido. He thought that after becoming a numberer, after Jiang Liu strengthened, he would no longer be afraid of the opponent.

But looking at Kaido's appearance at this moment, he hesitated.

"The Four Emperors of the New World."

Aokiji looked up at Kaido among the clouds with a solemn expression.

"I'm afraid he is the only one who can fight with him?"

Muttering, Qingzhi looked at Jiang Liu again.

In the presence, the only ones who could keep calm were the other party and the blind swordsman with the knife on his waist.

After all, the other party is invisible.

The Four Emperors Kaido showed a shocking figure, which also shocked everyone on the Proverb.

"The fruit of the animal department, is it a tyrannosaurus of the phantom beast?"

"This body and appearance are indeed shocking."

"Strength, majesty, and beyond Blackbeard Marshall Teach."

Jiang Liu smiled softly, his eyes narrowed slightly, fixed on the giant dragon among the clouds.

Suddenly, the black beard who was shackled by shackles trembled slightly, and opened his eyes. When he saw Kaido in the sky and the countless pirate ships surrounding it, his eyes shrank, and then he laughed again.

"Thief ha ha ha ha!"

"I didn't expect to see such a big battle when I was dying!"

"It's not a loss, it's really not a loss!"

But at this moment, no one cared about his yelling, and everyone's attention was only on the two of them.

In the next second, the fighting spirit rose into the sky, piercing through the dark clouds above the head, and clearing out a blank space.

At the same time, Jiang Liu's body is surrounded by invisible vigor, reflecting him as if the **** of war is alive, domineering and powerful.

"Jiang Liu's momentum is not inferior to that of Captain Kaido!"

"A frightening battle is about to happen!"

"What's going to happen next? I'm trembling with nervousness."

In the Kaido Pirates fleet, trembling voices could be heard from time to time.


Kaido in the high-altitude black cloud, the dragon's mouth grew, and the hot flame quickly became larger, turning into a hot pillar of fire, piercing down, heading straight for the golden ship floating on the sea.

"Dragon Breath!"

A deep, majestic voice shook the void.

Above the proverbs of the ark, Jiang Liu's right hand also suddenly stepped out, pointing his five fingers at the sky, and spit out five words lightly.

"The Roar of the Fire Dragon!"


The same hot flame turned into a fire dragon with a length of hundreds of kilometers, roaring and rushing to the sky.

This scene shook everyone's heart and opened their mouths to roar.

"The battle has begun!!"

Chapter 275

Another sea area in the opposite direction from this place.

The lively celebration sounds are resounding continuously, echoing on the sea surface, scattered pirate ships are densely packed, and the edge cannot be seen.

You can see the top of their mast, the hanging skull flag, engraved with the shape of a white crescent beard, it is the Whitebeard Pirates.

A tie with Kaido, of course, is something to celebrate.

On the Moby Dick, Ace was surrounded by Marco, Joz, Vista and others, clinking glasses constantly.

From Uncle Jiang Liu's departure until today, Ace's strength has continued to grow, and he has integrated all the power he has acquired, and finally displayed it.

And this also means that the Whitebeard Pirates will gain temporary peace next time. The originally chaotic situation was stabilized by this battle.

The situation of the four emperors above the sea will also remain unchanged, entering a wonderful balance.

"Hahahaha, drink, Ace!"

"Today you must drink, never get drunk!"

"A tie with Kaido, Ace, you will soon become the new Four Emperors!"

"Father will be very happy when he hears the news!"

Listening to the surrounding words, Ace held a bowl of wine in his hand and laughed.

"Come, drink. He will definitely hear what Dad said."

After speaking, he raised his head and poured a bowl of wine into his mouth.

Then, there was a burst of laughter.

After an unknown amount of time, a figure with a tense expression suddenly squeezed away the crowd and came to Ace.

"Captain Ace, big news!"

Seeing that all the cadres in front of them were blushing, the crew took a deep breath and shouted.


Ace turned his head, puzzled.

"What's wrong?"

"Big news, our people just got the news that Kaido's fleet encountered Jiang Liu's boat on the way to retreat!"

"Right now, the two sides are having conflicts, and a big war is about to break out!"

The words of the pirate crew members woke up the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates who were so excited, and Ace's pupils constricted, and he woke up instantly.

"Jiang Liu you mentioned is the king of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, my uncle, Portgas D Ace?"

Ace asked loudly.

"Yes, I'm sure it's him. That golden ship is Jiang Liu's Ark Motto! It's definitely not wrong!"

The crew also affirmed loudly.

The atmosphere on the Moby Dick became quiet.

Marko, Joz and the others even had their eyes flickering, and they began to think. They are of course familiar with Jiang Liu, and they even cooperated with him when he was on the top of the war.

Originally they thought that their father was dead, but they didn't expect that he was still alive and living in seclusion on a small island.

Then, the previous gap is also eliminated. What is even more grateful is that the other party's teaching to Ace has greatly increased his strength, thus maintaining the stability of the Whitebeard Pirates.


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