"Kingdom mobile unit general, Fujitora's life."

The blind swordsman Fujitora smiled and said.

"I'm Cavendish."

Cavendish's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Academy of Science Reiju, Yuji, Iji, Niji."

The four children of the Vinsmoke family said seriously.

"Then, in the future, please give me more advice!"

The introduction of the two parties was very formal and simple.

"They're all powerful guys."

"It will not be weaker than the top strength of the Navy Headquarters."

Aokiji's eyes flickered, and he sighed softly.

Today's Jiang Liu has gathered a terrifying force that cannot be ignored.

Chapter 273 Kaido

Compared with the power displayed by Jiang Liu during the Dingshang War, the current opponent is obviously stronger in terms of strength and power.

But even so, Aokiji knew very well that relying on this alone was not enough.

No one knows how much background the world government has in its eight hundred years. What's more, in just one naval system, there are countless strong ones.

A large-scale war is not just a contest of high-end forces, but also the bottom of the countless weak forces.

There is no doubt that Dressrosa's accumulation is still not enough.

The Ark Proverbs was heading towards Germa 66, and several people on board were chatting with each other. Lying on the deck was Marshall Teach, whose whole body was charred and locked with sea stone shackles.

Reiju was worried that this guy would die, but Jiang Liu stopped him with a word.

"His vitality is as tenacious as a cockroach."

"What's more, even if he dies, it won't have the slightest impact on Mr. Jia Zhi's research."

"We are more curious about the blood factors in his body."

Then, Reiju and the others gave up on saving this guy.

After a while, the golden proverb sailed into a piece of sea.

The sea breeze blew in, and the waves collided with the hull of the ship, stirring up large white splashes.

Suddenly, dense black spots appeared on the sea level ahead.

"Blue, blue, blue."

At this moment, the phone bug in Jiang Liu's arms rang.

"Say it."

Jiang Liu connected and said aloud.

It is the information from Rob Lucci, and there is a high probability that the battle between Ace and Kaido has come to an end.

The sea area where they are located is still some distance away from Ace and others.

"The battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Kaido Pirates is over."

After a pause, Lu Qi's deep voice came again.

"Ace and Kaido are tied."

"The two sides have already begun to evacuate, and I believe that a short period of peace will be ushered in soon."

"In addition, the evacuation direction of the Kaido Pirates overlaps with the sea area you are in."

Hearing such words, Jiang Liu raised his head slightly, and looked at the countless black spots that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I've seen them!"

Lu Qi was stunned, and then understood: "The Kaido Pirates are almost out in force. Is it too late to divert at this moment?"

Jiang Liu grinned and looked forward: "No need."

"I just want to see how much power Kaido has under his hands."

"Just take it as a test!"

After a slight pause, a light flashed in his eyes.

"Of course, if he can be solved directly, that would be the best situation."

Lu Qi was silent, and then said in a deep voice: "You must pay attention to safety."

"rest assured!"

Jiang Liudao.

After the phone bug hung up, he raised his head, looked at the sea ahead, and smiled.

"It seems that we have some things to do next!"

Holding the binoculars in her hand, Reiju said in a dignified tone, "It's the Kaido Pirates."

"There are hundreds of battleships."

"Their battle with the Whitebeard Pirates is over, and they will appear here."

Brother Doflaming narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "I didn't expect to meet them here."

"And it's still a large force."

Aokiji said softly.

This can be said to be quite an unexpected situation. No one would have imagined that in a blink of an eye, they would see the most powerful pirate group in the world on the vast sea.

The sea breeze became more urgent, and the black spots on the sea ahead became clearer, turning into pirate ships with hideous skull flags.


The sky-shattering shout came from the sea, and the momentum was extraordinary.

The pitch-black cannons, which could also be seen clearly, were pushed out of the fort and pointed their muzzles at them.

All of a sudden, a chilly, tense, and oppressive atmosphere pervaded the surface of the sea.

In this vast sea, being aimed at by countless giant cannons, the feeling can make people's scalp numb and their hands and feet go weak.

But fortunately, everyone on board is not an ordinary person. Although the atmosphere is tense, they can still hold on.

Time passed, and the distance between the two sides got closer.

Soon, Jiang Liu and others saw that the Kaido Pirates' fleet, the ships on both sides began to speed up, wrapping towards them.

"Your Majesty, we are surrounded!"

Cavendish trembled.

"I see."

Jiang Liu nodded, his gaze slightly sharp.

"This look reminds me of the Ait Vol sea battle that happened when Roger, the Pirate King, faced General Shiji!"

"Our current position is the Roger Pirates, and the Kaido Pirates are General Shiji."

"Surrounded to death!"

Cavendish said loudly.

He was nervous, even trembling.

The opponent is Kaido, the famous Four Emperors in the world, and the warships appearing on the sea at this moment are even denser.

Being watched by so many cannons, plus countless new world powerhouses, this feeling will definitely not be so good.

"If Skee hears it, you're going to be beaten, Cavendish."

Jiang Liu laughed.

"Now is not the time for joking, Your Majesty."

Cavendish trembled.

He pulled out the long knife at his waist, his eyes fixed on the front.

"The monster standing on the huge ship at the front is Kaido."

"A bounty of 4,611,100,000 Baileys is offered!"

Taking a deep breath, Cavendish continued.

"Those three are the three kanbans, that is, the three disasters!"

"Called the Fire Calamity, the Jhin with a bounty of 1.39 billion Baileys!"

"Quinn, known as the Plague, has a bounty of 1.32 billion Baileys!"

"Known as a drought, Jack with a bounty of one billion Baileys!"

"Behind that is the real fighter of the Kaido Pirates, Fei Liupo!"

"They are all famous guys in the world, and their strength should not be underestimated."

Listening to the intelligence information he said, Fujitora smiled slightly: "You know them very well, Cavendish."

"That's the Kaido Pirates, one of the four emperors of the New World."

"It is not inferior to the Whitebeard Pirates in the slightest, and can easily destroy any medium-sized country in the world."

Taking a deep breath, Cavendish said again.

"I was also recruited by them back then, and I escaped with great difficulty."

Fujitora was startled, and nodded: "I see."

In a blink of an eye, the fleet of the Kaido Pirates has completely surrounded Jiang Liu and others' Ark Proverbs, and there is no longer any gap to escape.


A unique laughter suddenly came from the sea in front of them, and then they saw that the huge figure in the front row picked up the mace on the deck.

"What a coincidence!"

"I just had a big battle with that boy from the Whitebeard Pirates, and in a blink of an eye, I met the famous Jiang Liu!"

Accompanied by the sound, a great majesty suddenly pervaded the entire sea.

Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, spoke at this moment, with a majestic momentum and a terrifying sense of oppression, crushed by mighty power.

For a moment, the words of the ark began to tremble slightly.

"I heard that you defeated the old man with the white beard!"

"Beautiful job!"


"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Chapter 274

The deep, majestic, and domineering voice echoed above the sea, and it also made everyone on the Proverbs dignified and serious.

When that figure stood up slowly, came to the front, and looked at them for a moment, everyone could feel a heavy and majestic coercion covering them.

Kaido the Four Emperors.

In this world, there are various legends about him. Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world, and Kaido is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air.

It can be said that the difference between the strongest is very slight, and they are not much different. What's more, Kaido today is at his strongest and at his peak, different from Whitebeard in his old age.

People in the world often say that if you want to talk about heads-up, it should be Kaido!

This is not a question sentence, but an affirmative statement sentence, which is indisputable and cannot be questioned, stating a fact to everyone.

It also proves from another aspect that Kaido is powerful and terrifying.

He is a crazy creature and an unkillable monster. He has been caught by the navy several times, but he has no choice but to escape successfully.

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