Ace glanced around and took a deep breath.

"Forgive me, I may have to be willful for a while!"

Putting the wine bowl in his hand on the deck, he raised his head and looked at the quiet cadres and crew members in front of him.

"Now my uncle is facing the siege of the Kaido fleet."

"I have to help him."

"When I come back, let's celebrate again!"

His words echoed on the Moby Dick, making many people look puzzled, but it quickly turned into understanding.

"Go, Ace, we'll go with you!"

"Yes, we will go with you too. We are a family, and you are our brother, and even more so, our captain. How can the captain take risks alone!"

"Let's go together, we just had that battle, but we haven't had the most fun yet!"

"Hahahaha, that's right, fight Kaido again!"

"Our Whitebeard Pirates are not afraid of anyone!"

One after another shouted, Ace was slightly taken aback, and his face showed a touch of emotion.

"Thank you everyone!"

"Then, without further ado, let's set off right away!"

In the next second, on the Moby Dick, the command came out quickly.

"The celebration is suspended, the banquet is postponed!"

"Let's fight the Kaido Pirates for the second round!"

The mighty fleet immediately turned around and headed forward.

"There is only one boat in Jiangliu, and there are only a dozen people on it."

"As for Kaido's fleet, there are more than 100 fleets, and all the elites are here. With such a scale, even Jiangliu may be in danger."

Listening to the words in his ear, Ace looked solemn.

In this endless sea, surrounded by more than a hundred warships, the degree of danger is unimaginable, especially being targeted by pirates like Kaido.

"Don't worry, Ace, if it's Jiang Liu, he will be fine."

"That guy is a strong man who killed all directions in the top battle!"

Marco and others were comforting.

Ace nodded, a look of concern in his eyes.

the other side.


Two pillars of red fire started from the golden ship and spread to the sky, in the dragon's mouth of the black cloud.

The pillars of fire collided, the flames fluctuated, and a clear red line was drawn between the sky and the earth, as if everything in front of it was divided into two halves.

At high altitude, the temperature skyrocketed in an instant.

"Jiang Liu, you can use flames!"

"This man, how much power has he not shown!"

"It's so strong that it can resist Captain Kaido's dragon's breath with ease."

In Kaido's fleet, countless pirates were shocked as they watched the continuous bombardment of the pillar of fire in the sky.

The great war has begun.

After a long while, the dragon's breath from Kaido's mouth stopped, and his dragon eyes froze, showing a solemn look.

This dragon's breath, an attack that could easily incinerate a mountain, was easily blocked by Jiang Liu.

"As expected of the man who defeated the old man with the white beard."

"Then, try my blow again!"

Kaido roared and opened his mouth again.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

The hurricane emerged, surrounded its dragon head, and grew bigger and bigger, turning into countless wind blades in the blink of an eye, rolling up.

"It's too much, Kaido."

"Since the attack has been made, then it's my turn to attack!"

On the Proverbs, Jiang Liu's legs were slightly bent, and the golden boat under his feet sank slightly.

In the next second, his body rose into the sky like a cannonball, shooting directly into the high-altitude clouds.

"call out!"

The ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air came out, and the river flow was getting faster and faster. After a breath, the sonic boom sounded when it broke through the speed of sound, and a circle of ripples bloomed behind it.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Four times in a row, his figure has reached high above the sky, in front of Kaido.

Seeing the other party's sudden arrival, Kaido's pupils contracted, and a look of shock appeared on Long's face.

"This blow, you just hold it back in your mouth!"

Jiang Liu roared, clenched his right fist, and swung it violently.


This punch hit Kaido's dragon's head hard, causing him to startle, his eyes widened, and he had no time to react.

The upcoming wind blade attack also dissipated suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, with a bang, Kaido's huge dragon body was knocked down from the sky, and fell towards the fleet below.

Chapter 276 Interesting

"woo woo woo woo!"

The huge dragon's body fell down, and the wind whizzed in the compressed air.

The pirates on the Kaido fleet on the sea stared wide-eyed at the huge falling dragon body, opened their mouths wide, and showed horror on their faces.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Captain Kaido has fallen!"

"Quick, get out of the way!"

Then, amidst their terrified expressions, Kaido's huge dragon body crashed down.


More than a dozen pirate ships that got close were directly smashed, the mast was broken, the canvas was broken, and the pirates on it were also blown out, falling into the sea like dumplings.

This scene shocked countless people, especially the eyes of Jhin and the others on the huge ship in the front showed seriousness.

"With just one blow, Captain Kaido was knocked down from the sky!"

"How terrifying is this man's physical strength and physical skills?"

"The strongest man in the world?"

Muttering, Jack had a look of awe in his eyes.


At this moment, Kaido, who fell onto the ship with his dragon body lying across a dozen pirate ships, let out a deep murmur.

After shaking the dizzy dragon's head, he slowly raised the dragon's body and opened his eyes.

"Jiang Liu!!"

A low growl came out, followed by a roar, the dragon's body leaned high into the sky, and opened its mouth suddenly.


The dragon's breath spewed out and went straight to the river in the sky.

Afterwards, its huge dragon body stepped on the void with four dragon claws, meandering forward, heading straight for the river.

Jiang Liu, who was in the air, flashed his figure, and the scorching dragon's breath rushed past him, hitting the black cloud above his head, burning a hollow area, and thunder and lightning flashed.

In the next second, Kaido's huge dragon body appeared in front of his eyes.

"Jiang Liu, let's fight hard!"

"Let me see what you are capable of defeating that white-bearded old man!"

Kaido roared loudly, and a sharp light shone on the dragon's claws, and he grabbed Jiang Liu.

The latter grinned, spread the five fingers of his right hand, and grabbed the dragon claw without dodging or avoiding it.


In the next second, the air vibrated, the dragon's claws collided with the palm, and invisible ripples spread out.

Jiang Liu's body shook, and he stepped back a bit, but soon stabilized, standing in the void, with a smile on his face.

What is even more shocking is that Kaido's huge body also stopped, and was forcibly stopped by Jiang Liu with pure physical strength.

"It's not inferior to the physical strength of the old man with white beard!"


Kaido narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

He felt the strength of the other party's claws grabbing him, majestic and powerful, almost unlimited, as if he was grasping on a mountain and could not be pushed down.

Immediately afterwards, he felt the dragon's body tremble, and then he saw that Jiang Liu was holding the dragon's claw with one hand, trying to throw him away.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm Kaido!"

Kaido growled, his eyes breathing fire.

The animal fruit is famous for its strength, endurance, and resilience. I also have a unique racial talent, which is even more powerful when paired with the animal fruit ability.

The other party wants to compete head-on with him in strength, isn't this a dream?

However, the next second.

Kaido felt his dragon body tremble, bending and tilting uncontrollably.

"How can it be?!"

His eyes widened, shocked.

In that body as small as an ant, an incomparably huge force unexpectedly emerged.

The dragon's body twisted, and Kaido was about to roll towards the opponent, and the dragon's mouth opened at this moment, and a hot flame was born.

He wanted to use the breath of the dragon to burn this whimsical guy to death.


Like a magma-like dragon's breath, it spewed out and bombarded towards the river.

Facing this powerful attack, Jiang Liu immediately withdrew his hand, let go of the opponent's dragon claw, and raised his right hand.

"Dark Cave Road!"

After uttering three words, his right hand trembled, and a strong dark breath spewed out, rolling towards Kaido's dragon breath.

Visible to the naked eye, when the scorching dragon's breath touched the dragon's breath, it was swallowed up and became without any destructive power.


Kaido's eyes widened.

This is the third fruit ability? !

Of course he has read the information about Jiang Liu, and he knows it very well.

The opponent is a person with the ability to recover fruit, with a strong recovery ability, no matter how huge the injury is, it can heal quickly.

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