Brother Doflaming walked over, glanced at the scorched black beard on the ground, and laughed softly.

"This time, he is facing me in my prime!"

Jiang Liu laughed.


Doflamingo nodded.

Jiang Liu at the top had experienced too many battles, and the physical strength and energy consumed were even more difficult to calculate. When facing Marshall Teach, he was already close to the limit.

"His Majesty."

Reiju and the others also came over, looking at the black beard on the ground, their eyes lit up.

"Catch him, he still has some energy, he shouldn't die."

"Take him back, just in time to carry out Mr. Gage's research."

"For us, he is an excellent research material."

Jiang Liu laughed.


Reijiu and the others acted immediately, putting the Hailou stone shackles on Blackbeard's hands and feet.

"The ambitious guy who does all kinds of evil has finally come to an end!"

Fujitora sighed softly.

If it weren't for the existence of the river, it is conceivable that in the near future, Marshall Teach will surely become the new emperor on the sea.

"time to go!"

Jiang Liudao.

After a while, everyone boarded the ark.

After glancing at the black-bearded ship that was quietly burning in flames not far ahead, Jiang Liu looked down at the familiar figure not far away.

"The sea is vast, have you figured out where to go? Kuzan!"

There was a smile in the words, as if two old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time were reminiscing about the old days.

Qingzhi was stunned for a moment, looked up at the river lying on the side of the boat, frowned after thinking, and replied: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"Long time no see, come to the boat for a while!"

Jiang Liu laughed loudly.

Qingzhi nodded: "It's not impossible."

So, he took his own bicycle and boarded the golden boat.

"In one year, you have formed a force that the world cannot ignore."

"The change is unbelievable."

Aokiji looked at Doflamingo, Fujitora and the others in front of him, and sighed softly.

His heart is complicated. Compared with Jiang Liu, the navy seems to be fading away, and there is not much change. Even after a powerful figure like Sakaski came to power, a lot will change, which will intensify the internal contradictions.

"Now is the time for the kingdom to develop."

Jiang Liu smiled lightly, he looked at the other party, especially the missing leg.

"It was a fierce battle."

Qingzhi smiled, and also lay on the edge of the boat, standing beside Jiang Liu: "Yes, I lost."

"It seems that you have a new understanding of justice in your heart."

"It's changed a lot, Kuzan."

Jiang Liu sighed softly.

The former Qingzhi would not communicate with him so harmoniously.

"A lot of things have happened this year. You have changed, and so have I."

Aokiji whispered.

"Want to see my justice? Kuzan!"

Jiang Liu suddenly smiled.

Qingzhi heard the words, but was silent for a long while before opening his mouth to speak.

"This may be a completely different journey."

Chapter 272

"Hoo hoo!"

The sea breeze blows overhead, and the aftermath of the war not long ago has not completely dissipated.

Staring at the ripples spreading layer by layer on the sea ahead, Aokiji's eyes showed a touch of complexity and emotion.

With the passage of time, the previously established concepts and everything will change, develop, and become an unpredictable future.

When he was the top three generals a year ago, he would never have imagined that he and Jiang Liu would stand together so calmly and chat with each other.

Not to mention the ending of myself, now living without a fixed place and homeless.

But under such an environment, Aokiji became more and more clear about the justice in his heart, and became more and more determined that it was right for him to walk out of the navy.

"I've been wondering, what is the meaning of the new world?"

Jiang Liu's voice came softly.

The two were not far apart, and they were both lying gently on the edge of the boat, looking towards the sea ahead.

"New World is the pirate's name for the second half of the Great Channel, and it also means that coming here is equivalent to coming to a brand new world that belongs to them."

Aokiji sighed.

This is the world of pirates, and it is also a world of freedom. Whether it is the navy or the world government, the control over this world is the smallest.

The emperor of the four pirates ruled a large area.

"No, in my opinion, this place should be a whole new world different from the world."

"He doesn't belong to pirates, but should belong to thousands of ordinary, kind civilians."

"It is a truly free and fair world!"

Jiang Liu said with a light smile.

"In Dressrosa, you can weaken the influence of the nobles and give the common people freedom and power. You have done a good job."

"There, it's like a paradise."

Aokiji said.

He didn't think that the freedom and equality Jiang Liu talked about could be truly realized. Human nature is like this, even if it is like this for a while, but in the long run, everything will change.

It is conceivable that the new world created by the twenty kings also had a beautiful period. But in the past eight hundred years, no matter what, it will experience decline and enter decay.

But it cannot be said that Jiang Liu is wrong. The world does need innovation, and it needs a group of brave men who dare to walk in front of the world. Heroes, to correct, correct everything, and make the world a better place again.

"You know what? Kuzan."

"If you want to build a more advanced, freer, and equal world, one thing is the most important."

Jiang Liu suddenly said with a smile.


Aokiji questioned.

"The human mind, and the kingdoms, the institutions of the world."

"Only an ideological system that takes into account the interests of the majority of the people and unites them is correct."

"In today's world government, the interests of the Tianlong people and nobles are above the common people. This is a kind of corruption, and it is bound to perish."

Jiang Liu sighed softly.

Aokiji was startled slightly, his eyes became serious.

No one has ever discussed these things with him. As a naval admiral, he spends more time and tasks in fighting than thinking about these politics.

"Who are the most numerous people in this world? Those helpless, kind, poor civilians."

"As long as their interests are not reconciled, the so-called revolution and the so-called injustice will always happen."

"We need a more appropriate and correct political system."

"Then, build a huge empire covering the whole world, unify the interests of all people, and give civilians, all ethnic groups, real power."

"In the end, only by constantly improving and adjusting can we usher in a real utopia."

Jiang Liu's words were flat and without force, but they made Aokiji feel deafening.

This is a very acute question, and it requires the thinking and practice of countless people to ensure its correctness.

Even, it is necessary to overthrow the inertial thinking that existed in people's minds in the past.

Unlike the outside world, which destroys the human body, this is a persistent and more dangerous battle of cognition and thought.

"Jiang Liu, you are really amazing."

After a long time, Aokiji sighed and said.

Such a thing, not everyone can think of. Stronger than Roger and Lockes, they are just mere pirates.

Even today's revolutionary Long, his actions are still flawed, but only Jiang Liu makes him feel that it is really the right way.

What this man did was great and risky. It is more noble and awe-inspiring than being the One Piece, the overlord of the sea.

"Kuzan, let's take a good look together and change the world."

"I need your strength."

Jiang Liu said with a smile.

Aokiji remained silent. After a while, he looked down at the sea in front of him, then looked up at the blue sky, felt the wind in the air, and the corner of his mouth curved.

"Then try it."

"To do something amazing."

"I just hope that in your ideal country, there will be no Tianlong people in the future."

Hearing this, Jiang Liu burst out laughing.

Ark Proverbs moved forward slowly, drawing an obvious trace on the sea.

Fujitora and the others clearly realized that their Majesty was in a bad mood at the moment. It wasn't because of the capture of Blackbeard Marshall Teach, but because the former Admiral Aokiji chose to join them.

This is indeed an accident, and something worthy of surprise.

Everyone knows that the addition of Aokiji is of great significance, and will make Dressrosa's power and strength grow again.

As the admiral of the navy, Aokiji is not only powerful, but also has a regular command of the army and experience in leading troops, which plays a considerable role in improving the strength of the Kingdom's army.

They knew very well that leading an army and serving as a general was completely different from being a pirate captain.

As strong as the Golden Lion Shiji, Crocodile, Enilo and others, they have been changing and learning recently, and have already removed the gangster spirit they used to have.

However, in many aspects of quality, there is still a big gap with the admiral of the navy.

No way, this is the difference caused by resources and environment.

But the addition of Qingzhi will undoubtedly improve this point soon.

Next, everyone on board introduced each other and got to know each other.

"Code name Qingzhi, you can also call me Kuzan."

Aokiji said with a light smile, looking at Doflamingo.

During the Battle of the Top, they had been entangled and fought for a period of time, and they had a very clear understanding of each other's strength.

"Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom, Doflamingo."

Doflamingo laughed lowly.

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