In the blink of an eye, a fireball hundreds of meters in size has emerged and slowly rotated.

Then, the flame compressed, collapsed, changed from red to white, and then from white to gold, turning into a huge sun.

"This is?!"

Feeling the high temperature coming from his nostrils, Marshall Teach was shocked.

He is familiar with this move, but its power is absolutely unparalleled, and it is not comparable to the blow issued by Ace.

"Dark Cave Road!"

The darkness was like fireworks, covering his whole body in an instant, and it soared upward again, forming a barrier-like membrane, covering the sky.

"Emperor Yan!"

With a cold voice, the golden sun in Jiang Liu's right hand suddenly burst into dazzling light.

Slowly waving his right hand, he threw the sun in his hand towards Marshall Teach.


There was a scream, and Marshall Teach's whole body twisted and flickered.

The golden sun seemed to be able to burn everything. The so-called darkness was covered by light in an instant, and then hit the ground.

Marshall Teach was swallowed up and disappeared. A dazzling light burst out, like a sun exploding at this moment.

Everything was covered by the golden light, and everything could not be seen clearly.

Emperor Yan's light enveloped everything.

at the same time.


Lightning staggered across the sky, making a dull roar.

On the sea below, two figures are colliding, and the terrifying momentum, even the sea, is suppressed at this moment.


"Captain Kaido!"

On the surrounding sea, on the battleship with the skeleton flag flying, the battle was going on, and countless pirates stared at the two figures in the field at this moment and yelled.

The battle has been going on for a while, and the situation on both sides is very tense. And the most surprising thing is Ace.

He was actually on par with Kaido, the Four Emperors, in the battle.

Such strength shocked everyone. The Kaido Pirates were surprised and nervous, while the Whitebeard Pirates were surprised, excited, and their morale was greatly shaken.

"They are all fighting desperately. Their terrifying aura has already silenced the sea and the sky!"

"Ace, you can do it, go ahead and become the new Four Emperors!"

Marco looked at the battle ahead with hot and bright eyes.

In the next second, the dark sky suddenly became brighter. Everyone looked intently and saw a bright, golden sun rising slowly, appearing in the palm of Ace's raised right hand, spinning.

"You're such a domineering kid. I didn't expect a guy like you to appear after the old man with the white beard died."

Kaido shouted in a deep voice.

From the beginning of this battle to the present, the opponent's strength has indeed exceeded his expectations, and it is unbelievably strong.

From the fruit ability at the beginning, the collision of elements, to the overlord's color, the armed color's domineering fight, the opponent unexpectedly showed a strength that is not inferior to him.

"Come on, Kaido."

"Final blow."

Holding the golden sun high in his hand, Ace shouted.

"Okay, let's fight the last blow with you kid."

"If you can continue, I will admit that you have the ability to inherit the mantle of the old man with white beard."

Kaido clenched the mace with his right hand, and rushed out with a domineering look.

"Zi la la!"

Lightning entangled on the mace's iron rod, its majestic body and majestic aura raised the aura of this moment to the extreme.

In the next second, the eyes of both of them shot out a dazzling light, and their figures suddenly flashed, and they rushed towards each other.

"Emperor Yan!"

"Bao Lei Gossip!"

The sky brightened suddenly, flames, lightning, and terrifying shocks spread out at this moment. Countless pirates closed their eyes tightly, not daring to look directly.

But even if you close your eyes, you can still feel the brightness and burning sensation in front of you.

"Whirring whirring!"

The sky was howling with violent winds, and the thunderclouds were swept away by the aftermath of the collision at this moment, and became empty.

When everything calmed down, a large white mist rose above the sea surface, and golden flames turned into countless shooting stars, falling down, presenting an incomparably beautiful scene.

Everyone was stunned. Under this grand scene, who is the winner?

After a long time.

"The Kaido Pirates!"

The low, domineering words suddenly sounded.

A huge body also appeared, it was Beast Kaido.

"It's Captain Kaido!"

The Kaido Pirates exclaimed in surprise.

"All retreat!"

Kaido's voice sounded again, making many people puzzled.

Could it be that their captain didn't win.

In the next second, they saw another figure appear.

Exactly, Ace the Fire Fist, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"It was a fun battle, Kaido!"

"Then, let's fight again next time!"

Ace's voice spread throughout the sea, shaking the hearts of countless people.

This battle was actually a draw!

And this also means that Ace has the power of the Four Emperors.

Chapter 271 Come and see my justice

The black clouds covering the sky have dissipated because of the terrifying collision just now.

The sun shone down, and the rippling sea surface looked extremely bright, and the white mist was transpiring, filling the sea area with white mist.

"That kid, he even beat Captain Kaido!"

"How is it possible? Doesn't this mean that he also has the strength of the Four Emperors?"

"After the old man's death, the Whitebeard Pirates came out with Fire Fist Ace!"

"It's really shocking. If Whitebeard doesn't die, plus him, who else is their opponent in this sea?"

The Kaido Pirates were shocked at the moment, and many people stared at the man who was burning with flames, and their hearts were agitated.

They still remembered that the other party was the trigger for the war a year ago, it was Whitebeard who gave his life, and Jiang Liu sentenced the young boy who had just been rescued by the navy.

But today, they have been able to draw with their captain, Kaido, the Four Emperors and Beasts.

The battlefields of the two sides are separating, and the Kaido Pirates fleet turned their bows and began to evacuate.

The Whitebeard Pirates did not pursue them either. The goal of this battle had been achieved. They maintained the dignity of the Four Emperors, and Ace became the new Four Emperors!

"Hahahaha, the enemy has retreated!"

"Ace, well done!"

"We are still the Whitebeard Pirates, the one who stood up to the subversion of the world!"

"No one can take away the glory that belongs to Whitebeard!"

One after another voices came from the Whitebeard Pirates. Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates felt excited at this moment.

When Ace returned to the Moby Dick, he was greeted by hugs and welcomes from Marco, Diamond Jozzy, Foil Vista and others.

"Banquet, banquet, banquet!"

"Celebrate the victory of the Whitebeard Pirates, and celebrate Ace's current strength!"


Bursts of laughter came from the fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates, echoing across the entire sea.

There are quite a few forces hiding in the dark to watch this battle. Seeing that the fleets of both sides are evacuating at this moment, they also dispersed one after another.

"This is great news!"

"The fuse of the battle on the top, the remnants of Roger, the Pirate King, has come to this point so quickly."

"He has become the new Four Emperors!"

Whether it is the navy, pirates, or the world government, everyone is shocked at this moment.

Above the sea, a new Four Emperors will usher in.

They thought that after Whitebeard Edward Newgate left, Blackbeard Marshall Teach, who had seized power, would take the throne of the new emperor.

But unexpectedly, Ace stood up.

He fought against Kaido and sealed the new emperor.

On the other side, on a deserted island.

The flames and light slowly converged, and everything appeared again.

In front of Jiang Liu, Marshall Titch was wrapped in flames, and he kept retreating, and finally sat down on the ground.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The flames all over his body, even with the power of the dark fruit, could not be extinguished. Instead, his skin at this moment had been burned to ashes.

An ordinary person would definitely not be able to survive such an injury.

"It's over, Tikki!"

Jiang Liu stepped forward, kicked him down, stepped on his chest with his right foot, looked down at him and said calmly.

"Yes, **** it!"

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

"How could I lose to you like this!"

Marshall Teach gritted his teeth and growled.

But in the end, he tilted his head and passed out.

The burning pain that was burning all over his body was not something he could easily bear. After doubling, it was enough to overwhelm his will.

Seeing Marshall Teach unconscious, Jiang Liu glanced around.

"Others, the battle is over!"

He smiled lightly, not surprised.

Doflamingo's opponent was Van Oka, who was already lying on the ground, with a big blood hole in his chest, which was obviously pierced by a sharp thread, and he was already dead.

Lafitte, Poison Q and others have also fallen.

It can be said that after this battle, the Blackbeard Pirates were completely annihilated, and all of them were buried on this unnamed island.

"Eh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

"I didn't expect it to end so quickly!"

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