"Four emperors!"

"As long as one is defeated, whether it is power, financial resources, or territory, they will all advance by leaps and bounds."

"Just like a snowball, you will grow stronger and stronger, and the kingdom will become an empire."

"When the new world is unified, you will have the opportunity to attack the world government and subvert the hope of this world!"

Tezzolo gritted his teeth and said.

Defeat a Four Emperors!

This is different from the war in which Whitebeard came out in full force and went to Marlin Vandor to throw himself into the net. In the ocean of the New World, the status and power of any Four Emperors are deeply rooted.

To start a war against them, one must not only have strong individual strength, but also have a powerful fleet and army.


After a while, Jiang Liu only replied two words, then turned and left.

Tezolo stood there for a long while, wondering if His Majesty would take his opinion.

Of course he knew very well that the man with the white beard who had defeated Pluto one after another would not be a soft-hearted guy.

But whether he has the courage to attack the Four Emperors is unknown.

According to objective facts, Dressrosa is indeed incapable of annexing a Four Emperors at present.

The reason is very simple, there may be many strong people, but there are too few people who can use them. To defeat the Four Queens, do you have so many talents to dispatch, suppress, and manage the opponent's territory?

How long will it take to digest the acquired territory?

Chapter 259 One Year With Vinsmoke

Time passed slowly, and Dressrosa was quietly developing.

The investment of a large amount of money has made the scene in the sea area of ​​Dressrosa more prosperous and lively. Merchant ships shuttle between the islands almost every day.

"If you can get the technology of the sea train in the capital of seven waters."

"The connection between islands will be closer and more convenient."

Jiang Liu said thoughtfully.

But this belongs to shipbuilding technology, and Dressrosa's shipbuilding technology is actually not developed.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed since the top war.

"There is news from the navy that Sakaski has initially stabilized the internal situation of the navy, and the new naval headquarters is under rapid construction."

"In addition, Admiral Aokiji has left the navy and is suspected of defecting. His whereabouts are currently unknown."

"The former general Zefa, there is the latest news. It seems that he was attacked by pirates, and almost all the trainee navy on a ship was wiped out."

"And what is surprising is that the pirate who attacked and severely damaged General Zefa's ship has become the new Shichibukai."

"Whether this veteran general will have new changes in the future is still unknown."

In the splendid and magnificent palace, Jiang Liu sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, and Freya in front of him was reading the recent intelligence summary.

"Ms. Zefa?"

Jiang Liu narrowed his eyes.

His feelings for Zefa are naturally very deep. Hearing such news now, he sighed softly in his heart, but he also knew very well what his teacher's choice would be next.

"Tell Lu Qi to closely follow my teacher's trail, and when you find out, go to invite me immediately."

Freya was startled: "Yes!"

Then, she continued with her work.

"As for the pirates, the latest news from the intelligence department shows that Blackbeard's power seems to have grown stronger."

"They are hunting down devil fruit capable users. They seem to have the ability to plunder fruits. They are already notorious in the new world."

Hearing this, Jiang Liu's eyes narrowed: "This group of guys will not let them develop any longer!"

"Find out the distribution of their forces, and I will knock out their territory in one fell swoop."

Freya was stunned, and opened her mouth wide: "Is it so sudden? Are you going to attack the Blackbeards?"


"Marshall Teach, the top war made him run away, this time, never give him another chance!"

Jiang Liu said coldly.

Only this guy, he wanted to kill the most.

Dressrosa's development and operation have become more and more stable and inertial, and there are not many things that he needs to worry about.

This freed him up to do more things.

"In addition, Doflamingo also sent a message that you can start meeting with the Vinsmoke family."

Freya blinked and continued.

She is aware of the plan to develop the Vinsmoke family, and she knows that this matter started three months ago.

Now, finally, progress has been made.


Jiang Liu murmured.

"Arrange immediately, this legion, the family must also be brought into the palm."

"And as soon as possible!"

Seeing that it has been a year since the battle on the top. The development of Dressrosa has also gradually grown, and the number of warships today has reached hundreds.

The strength of the elite soldiers even reached 20,000! The total force should exceed 200,000.

Compared with the navy, it is naturally not enough. But this force is already capable of destroying a country-level force with ease.

"Information came from the intelligence department that the insider has been mixed with a higher status and approached Kaido."

"I'm lurking now and would like to ask for your opinion."

Jiang Liu's eyes flickered slightly: "Continue to lurk."


Freya nodded.

Who is this mysterious insider, and what rank is she now, she naturally doesn't know.

Afterwards, Freya withdrew and went to arrange things.

In the afternoon of the same day, Doflamingo sent a call bug.

"Oh, oh, oh, everything is going well, Your Majesty."

"Because of the journey, we will meet their patriarch, Mr. Vinsmoke Gage, in the New World six days later."

Jiang Liu nodded: "I'm looking forward to it."

"Then, see you in half a month, thanks for your hard work, Dover."

Then, the phone bug hangs up.

Jiang Liu fell into deep thought.

The Vinsmoke family undoubtedly has a strong military force. They are known as the murderous family, and their combat effectiveness is outstanding. Similarly, they also have world-class technology, which he has always wanted to cooperate with or earn under his command.

Now, finally have this opportunity.

On the other side, the Vinsmoke family.

"Then, Mr. Gaji, our Majesty, will meet with you in person in six days to discuss the friendly cooperation between the two parties."

"Believe me, compared to your original choice, the Bigum Pirates, we Dressrosa, have stronger power and a more reliable foundation of trust."

Doflamingo said with a smile.

Now, he is a diplomat of the kingdom, and sitting opposite him is the patriarch of the Vinsmoke family, Gage.

"Meeting a man who defeated Whitebeard, even for me, the pressure is great!"

Vinsmoke Gage said in a deep voice.

"This is the sincerity of our majesty, you know, the person who can make our majesty come and meet in person."

"In this world, few have such qualifications!"

Doflamingo laughed, paused, and said again.

"It can be seen from this that he attaches great importance to your family."

"Compared to crazy women like Bigum, our Majesty is your best choice."

Wensmoke Gage heard the words, but he didn't say much, but said: "Mr. Dover, let's rest first."

"I need to make some preparations. After all, what is coming is the most powerful man in the world, Mr. Jiang Liu."

"I was apprehensive and stressed."

Doflamingo nodded, smiled and said, "Please."

After the other party left, the smile on Doflamingo's face disappeared.

When he found the other party, this family already had other goals and wanted to cooperate with the Bigum Pirates.

Until today, this insistence has just been loosened.

"Eh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

"People who are targeted by Uncle Jiang Liu have no chance of escaping!"

"After all, who can understand people's hearts better than him?"

"Who can give more to others than him?"

He is very confident that when Jiang Liu comes, the world-famous patriarch of the family, Mr. Vinsmoke Gage, will definitely bow his head and surrender.

When Gaji left in a hurry, he quickly summoned his sons and daughters.

"The king of Dressrosa, the man who caused a great war, has his eyes on us."

"This is not good news!"

"It's been three months. If you drag it on, I'm afraid the other party will get angry. At that time, it will only be more troublesome."

"Compared to the Bigum Pirates, although Dressrosa is less powerful, their high-end combat power is stronger."

"It's really hard to choose!"

Gage said with a headache.

Chapter 260 The Strongest Sense of Oppression in the World

The Vinsmoke family has never encountered such a difficult situation.

Facing the two most powerful forces in the world at the same time, and each other has thrown an olive branch to him.

Originally, Gage tended to be the Bigumamu Pirates.

Ten Thousand Kingdoms includes more than 30 islands, and Bigum's forces are even more powerful, as if it is the largest kingdom in the new world.

Whether it is the navy or the world government, they are extremely afraid of it.

And such a huge force is able to provide Gaji with the greatest help, allowing him to realize his dream.

But at this moment, Dressrosa approached him.

Of course, he had heard of this kingdom that had begun to rise in the past year. Its king even made a great reputation in the battle on the top, defeating the strong man with white beard.

In terms of strength, I am afraid that he will not be inferior to Bi Gumamu, one of the Four Emperors, and even his current momentum is even more superior.

In this way, things will be troublesome.

Choosing one side will inevitably turn against the other side, and even cause a direct conflict, which will put the whole family in crisis.

"Bigum's power is greater, and it has created a huge country like Wan Guo."

"But Jiang Liu's strength is even stronger. Although the sphere of influence under his command is only five or six islands, there are many strong men under his command, and his individual force may be even higher."

Vinsmoke Reiju said in a deep voice.

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