"Especially those famous aphorisms that you wrote down in the Academy of Sciences, knocking on my heart every day, and let me understand the true meaning of science!"

Jiang Liu was stunned, and said with a smile, "Really?"

"Yes, maybe Pang Ran doesn't know, but for a researcher like me, those short sentences seem to light up a lamp for me, and let me understand that science is for such a purpose."

"In the past, my vision was too narrow. Mingwu and I realized that His Majesty values ​​the Academy of Sciences."

"It's just that I have failed His Majesty's expectations. Up to now, I am alone in the Academy of Sciences, and many researches can only be carried out slowly."

Speaking of this, tears appeared in Caesar's eyes.

"It's precisely for this reason that I came to you on this trip."

"As you said, I do attach great importance to the Academy of Sciences, so I come to ask you, there are still famous scientific research institutions and scientists in this world."

Jiang Liu felt very funny about Caesar's words, and said that this guy was just trying to ask him for someone.

"the scientist?"

Caesar blinked and frowned.

"As the world knows, the world government has the largest and most professional scientific research personnel. Vegapunk's scientific team can be said to be the top in the world."

Jiang Liu shook his head: "For now, I'm afraid I won't be able to get him here."

Vegapunk has a deep imprint of the world government on his body, so there is naturally no way. Moreover, the mystery of the other party is also very exaggerated.

"Then, I advise Your Majesty to target the Vinsmoke family."

Caesar said.


Jiang Liu was stunned.

"Yes, Vinsmoke used to be the royal family of the North Sea. Their family is powerful, and they rely on the high technology born based on the research of blood factors."

"The famous Germa 66 Legion is also a product of technology."

"In terms of scientific research capabilities, their professionalism is second to none in the world."

Caesar nodded and said.

Jiang Liu narrowed his eyes. Naturally, he had noticed this army before, but because of the opponent's strong combat ability, he did not expect that this family's scientific research ability was also outstanding.

Thinking about it now, being able to produce battle suits that improve combat power and have special abilities is indeed not bad.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on them."

Jiang Liu got up.

He had already got the answer and was about to leave.

"Your Majesty, go slowly."

Caesar hurriedly bid farewell.

"By the way, you can also study other directions in the near future, such as how ships made of steel travel on the sea."

"How the phone bug became popular among civilians, etc."

After Jiang Liu walked a few steps, he said again.

Caesar opened his mouth: "Huh?"

When he was about to respond, the other party had already left.

Jiang Liu, who returned to the palace, frowned.

He suddenly felt that there were still a lot of things to deal with, and these things couldn't be solved with just relying on strong force.

"We have to eat food one bite at a time, and we have to walk step by step on the road."

"The kingdom rises, such things are undoubtedly very interesting!"

Soon, Jiang Liu cheered up.

From the admiral of the navy to the king of the new world, this kind of identity change is undoubtedly very reversed, but it is very energetic.

What is life for? Isn't it just those miscellaneous desires and sense of accomplishment?

Time passed slowly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

With Tezolo joining, Dressrosa's business is developing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and various industries are also increasing their investment.

"Dock No. 2 must be built as soon as possible. If the port of Dressrosa cannot be built, other islands will be replaced."

"The number of soldiers is increasing, and the warships can't keep up. How can our army fight the world?"

"The army is also very important. After the attack is down, the matter is ours."

"Minister Tezolo, the Research Department also needs a sum of funds."

"Your Majesty, our intelligence department radiates to the whole world, and the funds are not very sufficient."

At the meeting, there was a mess of voices, Jiang Liu sat in the first place, tapping his right finger on the table, feeling a headache.

Good guy, this group of guys who were originally pirates, villains, and dark forces are now very established.

At the conference table, they asked for money politely.

So now, the pressure is on Tezolo's side.

He turned his head to look at the other party, but Tezolo looked leisurely, even drinking coffee.

"Your Majesty, I need to say something important."

"Our people, not long ago, have been on the line of Wano Country."

"And there, it is connected with an important figure in the new world."

Hearing this, Jiang Liu's eyes froze immediately.

Chapter 258 The Fastest Way

Wano country.

Jiang Liu naturally knows who is a big shot among them.

Kaido, one of the four emperors, is known as the strongest in the sea, land and air, and it is even more popular in the world. If you are talking about heads-up, Kaido is the best.

In a sense, Kaido at this time is no less inferior than Whitebeard, and even more outstanding in some aspects.

Kaido has been entrenched in Wano Country, the country of samurai, for decades, and there are countless territories in the sea, with a strong military force, and it is constantly absorbing new pirates every year.

As we all know, Wano Country has a long history of being closed and closed. It is difficult for people to get out of it, and it is also difficult for outsiders to enter.

It is really surprising that there are people in the hands of Rob Lucci who have already begun to infiltrate the Wano country.

"Is it Kaido?"

Jiang Liu said with a smile, and there was something more in his eyes.

He wants to complete the great cause of unifying the new world, the Four Emperors are the first enemies to bear the brunt, and a powerful enemy like Kaido is naturally among them.

It belongs to those who will conquer or kill sooner or later.


Rob Lucci nodded, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't say any more.

In this kingdom meeting, the purpose of telling such a secret is naturally to ask for more money. Prove to His Majesty that the role of their espionage department is huge.

"About the Vinsmoke family, whereabouts on the sea?"

"Is there any news about the movement of Blackbeard and his gang?"

Jiang Liu asked again.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, our people are closely tracking and monitoring."

"Similarly, people have been sent to mix in."

Rob Lucci said in a deep voice.

The duties of the espionage organization are espionage, infiltration, assassination and so on. The general of the Kingdom is in charge of the frontal battlefield, while their mission is to disrupt the rear.


Jiang Liu nodded and continued to listen to the people on the table.

As time passed, various departments within the kingdom began to improve and function. The most directly visible is the army and intelligence department.

The three armies are recruiting a large number of recruits and building military academies, and the number of troops is continuously increasing.

"We plan to build elementary and intermediate colleges on other islands under the kingdom. With the size of Dressrosa, it is temporarily unable to accommodate more students."

These are the words of officials of the Ministry of Education.

Building a college also means asking for money.

"The Scientific Research Department needs a sum of funds to recruit potential scientists. I can lead them. The funds are not much, but they play a vital role in the kingdom."

Caesar said nervously.

It was the first time for him to participate in such a meeting, and he never thought that he would be able to sit here.

All the officials at the table were introducing what they had done in the past few days, and they were also talking about their plans for the future, and then they asked for money.

"I can understand the rise of the kingdom. In the early stages of development, a lot of money is needed. There is no problem with that."

"However, what I want to say is that everyone here is an important official of the kingdom, and can be said to be the mainstay of this country."

"If something goes wrong, what you should think about is how to solve the problem, instead of just asking the state finance department for money."

"I looked at the palace treasury, it really shocked me."

"Empty and empty, I've never seen such a poor royal family."

Tezuolo said in an exclamation tone, and then looked at Jiang Liu.

"Of course, I'm not being rude to His Majesty, but just stating a fact."

After a pause, he looked at the various officials and departments in front of him.

"It is undoubtedly stupid to ask for without restraint without thinking about how to open source."

Jiang Liu watched with a smile, and blew on the tea on the table in front of him.

There are more departments. Although it is complicated, he is more relaxed and doesn't need to worry about these things anymore.

Then, at the conference table, a quarrel began.

Tezolo was fierce and violent, fighting all directions alone. In the end, just write a note and ask them to collect the money.

After the meeting ended, Tezolo followed behind Jiang Liu.

"Even if the kingdom includes me, the finances will still be difficult. After all, the islands in your hands now have more territories."

"As time goes on, there will definitely be more."

"There is still a gap between the four emperors of the new world in terms of background."

Jiang Liu smiled and nodded: "Is there any way to quickly make myself rich and powerful?"


"Although war is risky, based on your strength and the number of strong men in Dressrosa, our risk will be minimized."

"Launching a war against other forces, annexing and occupying their everything, this is the fastest way to grow!"

"In fact, all the heroes standing on the top of the world today have completed primitive accumulation through cruel wars."

Tezolo said in a low voice.

"Although it is cruel, it is the most effective method."

Jiang Liu's eyes flashed, and he suddenly stopped and turned around, staring into the other's eyes.

"You mean, you want me to launch a war against other forces? To grow myself quickly?"

Tezolo didn't evade: "Yes!"

"I can feel that although you are gentle on the surface, you are belligerent in your bones."

"If war can make you strong quickly and let the kingdom rise, you should not refuse."

Jiang Liu suddenly smiled: "So, who are we going to wage war on?"

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