"It's a real problem for my father."

"However, all we can do now is to wait for the change, and make a decision after seeing this Jiang Liu who is now famous all over the world."

Gage frowned, but said nothing more.

This is indeed the case. Both sides have their own advantages. It is undoubtedly the best choice to choose the one that is more helpful to you.

They have traveled to all nations and had contact with Bigunum. But this Jiang Liu was only heard of in the legend.

It is not clear what kind of person he is, domineering or barbaric, crazy or cruel.

"I'm inclined to work with Jiangliu's Dressrosa, father."

"That guy is the strongest man in the world, and even defeated Whitebeard!"

"The force under his command is small now, but he has only been in the new world for a short time. With our help, he will surely rise quickly."

"Perhaps in a few years, it will become a huge force not inferior to the Four Emperors Bigumamu."

"At that time, with Jiang Liu's strength, it will not be a problem to defeat Bi Gumamu."

Vinsmoke Edge said.

Jia Zhi was taken aback when he heard the words, but the words were not unreasonable.

After all, in this world, after all, the strong are respected, and the weak have no right to speak. With Jiang Liu's strength, if there are no accidents, his rise is only a matter of time.

"Yeah, I also think what Yiji said is right, following the strong is the right choice, father!"

Vinsmoke Nitch also agreed.

"Everything will be decided after seeing Jiangliu!"

"At present, we still don't know the purpose and intention of the other party."

"You'll know when you've seen it."

Gage frowned.

"Now, let's make preparations first! There are still six days left, and the new king of the new world must not be underestimated by then."

"Otherwise, even if we cooperate, we will not have a favorable position."

The four sons and daughters in front of them immediately turned pale, and straightened up: "Yes!"

In one's own territory, meeting with the other party is naturally a priority. Facing the strongest man in the world, the risk is also great.

They had seen Bigumamu before, she was a pretty crazy woman, but her strength was extremely strong.

Before seeing Jiang Liu, it is not ruled out that there will be unexpected scenes when meeting Bi Gumamu.

Time passed quickly, and six days passed in a blink of an eye.

This day is exactly the day when the two sides originally planned to meet.

Doflamingo was wearing sunglasses, with a faint smile on his face, standing at the port with the Vinsmoke family and others.

"My knowledge of Dressrosa is limited."

"However, judging from the reward orders issued by the world government, His Majesty Jiang Liu's current subordinates can also be said to be like a cloud of masters."

"Possesses great power."

"If he's a pirate, he's probably another emperor."

The waiting time is always long, Gage said with a smile.

"His Majesty is recruiting strong people from all over the world, or people with other expertise."

Doflamingo said with a faint smile, then said again after a pause.

"After all, we are not pirates."

"And Your Majesty is a person who feeds the world and has great ambitions."

Hearing this, Jia Zhi was taken aback, and became thoughtful.

Countries are naturally different from pirates, and he knows this very well. Pirates only need to have strong force, wealth, fame, and power can all be obtained through plunder.

But the country is different. While all these are needed, it is more important to care about the complexity of the domestic class and civilians.

A moment later, a golden light flickered on the sea level. Look carefully, there are several weird points.


"The leading ship is golden, and the left and right sides are medium-sized warships."

Holding up the binoculars, Reiju said immediately.

Immediately, everyone present became tense.

Doflamingo laughed, "Your Majesty is here."

Of course he knew who was sitting on the golden boat.

In fact, the proverbs of the ark have long been the royal warship of Jiangliu.

As the golden dots and black dots approached, everyone in the Vinsmoke family felt awe-inspiring.

It can already be clearly seen that it is a fleet dominated by golden flagships. The warships on both sides were full of unsmiling soldiers in military uniforms.

And on the bow of the golden ship, there are several people standing. The leader is a man in black tights, with a long knife on his waist, and a pair of eyes are scanning here.


Inexplicably, an invisible momentum spread.

Vinsmoke Gage's complexion changed, and his eyes were full of tension and solemnity.

Then in the next second, he saw large ripples appearing on the sea in front of him, and the air was filled with a powerful dull and domineering aura.

"It's domineering and domineering!"

"Through such a long distance, you can still feel such a terrifying arrogance!"

"What a horrible man!"

Gage was shocked.

The domineering aura emanating from the opponent can almost be said to cover the entire sea area in front of him, which is quite a terrifying range.

Even if some people have domineering aura, it is impossible to radiate the entire sea surface so casually.

"But it's okay, he looks like a normal human being."

"It's different from that crazy woman like Bigumamu, and that barbarian from Kaido."

Gage took a deep breath, his face dignified and serious.

He is very clear that this does not mean that the other party is easy to deal with.

It may also be more troublesome.

How could the strongest man in the world be Yi Yi?

Chapter 261 Overbearing

Wind-like, wave-like overlord-like aura, accompanied by ripples on the sea, swept towards the place where the Vinsmoke family was located.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and when the two sides could clearly see each other's faces, the domineering atmosphere in the air suddenly became more oppressive.


Jia Zhi's face was solemn, and he looked down at the wooden ground, and saw that everything under his feet was shaking.


On the wooden poles not far away, fine cracks appeared on the walls.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of "plop" was heard continuously, and standing on both sides, the loyal Germa warriors fell down as quickly as cutting wheat, and lost consciousness.

"What a domineering man."

Ichigo said in shock.

Even in the next second, the battle suit on his body was activated spontaneously like instinct, and began to transform.

"He was so young and handsome."

Reiju said in surprise.

The man in the black brocade suit on the bow, with broken hair fluttering in the wind, seemed to have no expression on his face, but his eyes were extremely sharp and bright.

Compared to other characters of the same level, it can be said that he is extremely handsome.

The demeanor displayed in front of him at this moment has an inexplicable domineering and unique personality charm.

"Is this the strongest man in the world, the king of Dressrosa?"

"If I judged only by appearance, I would choose to cooperate with him."

Reiju chuckled softly.

"Damn it, Reiju, this guy is too dangerous."

"I almost feel like I can't hold on anymore, how strong is his arrogance!"

Behind him, Yongzhi said tremblingly, with fine sweat on his forehead.

"This is a slap in the face, but I have to say that this demonstration is very effective."

"I'm already getting scared!"

Nichi also trembled.

The closer you are to here, the more you can feel the arrogance of the other party, how terrifying it is. It feels like a huge mountain is pressing on my heart.

When the golden boat docked, the handsome but domineering man stepped off the boat.


Footsteps sounded, and an invisible wind swept out, radiating towards their territory in the blink of an eye, spreading like ripples.

Jia Zhi's whole body was shocked, his pupils constricted, and he froze there.

The pressure, the terror, the majestic pressure invaded, making him tremble slightly.


The clear sound of footsteps rang in his ears, and Jia Zhi's body trembled. This foot seemed to step on his heart, making him tremble all over.

Not to mention anything else, this domineering aura alone is already hard to resist.

Finally, when the other party came to him and raised his head to look at him, a smile appeared on his face.

"Are you Vinsmoke Gage?"

A faint voice came out, and the domineering air permeating between the heaven and the earth also dissipated at this moment.


As if suddenly inhaling air again while being suffocated, Gaji woke up from the pressure and took a deep breath.

"Your Majesty, I am the Patriarch of Vinsmoke, Gage."

And his children, at this time, are staggering, as if they can't stand steadily.

"Please come with me, the banquet for you, fine wine, has already been prepared."

Gage said quickly.

"Then I'm honored to entertain you."

Jiang Liu nodded.

At this moment, Jia Zhi saw another blind swordsman with a square face and a knife on his waist stepping down from behind the other party.

Then there was a handsome man who also carried a sword.

"It seems to be a former supernova, Cavendish?"

A thought flashed in his mind, but Jia Zhi no longer paid attention to it, but walked ahead to lead the way.

As for the elite soldiers lying on both sides, he didn't care at all at the moment.

Every top powerhouse in the world has his own pride and strange hobbies. But without exception, these guys are not soft-hearted people.

Compared with Bigumamu and Beast Kaido, the one in front of him even looks normal, but he just released his domineering.

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