Doflamingo could hear his uncle's desire, and although he didn't understand, he still made a suggestion.

"Caesar, he should know more about this."

Jiang Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and responded with a smile.

On the other side, Tezolo, who had just arrived in Dressrosa, was walking around the streets of the kingdom under the leadership of Crocodile.

In fact, he had also been to this country in the early years, and even had some business contacts with Doflamingo.

It's just that what he saw and heard on the street today has subverted his previous impressions, and he feels that his worldview has been impacted.

"As far as I know, there used to be no schools in this kingdom?"

"Moreover, it was built with a lot of money to build a school with such a huge area."

Tezolo said in a daze.

Right now, in front of him is a huge school. The architectural style of the school is European style. The gate is grand and solemn. There are several statues standing with books in their hands and reading with their heads down, giving people a solemn momentum.

Two rows of large characters are engraved on the plaques on both sides.

"study hard, improve every day!"

This made Tezuolo stunned. His gaze swept to the walls on both sides. They were all painted with trees, flowers and plants, and some simple but profound words were printed.

"Learning changes destiny, knowledge changes destiny."

"A bird spreads its wings first if it wants to fly high, and learns early if it wants to become a talent."

"Kendo should start from a baby."

"No matter what race, everyone is equal, and you and I have equal rights to study."

"Live and learn."


There are many such words, and the street where the school stands is full of them, which is very eye-catching for everyone to see.

"It was requested by His Majesty. He said that education is related to the future of a country."

Crocodile laughed.

Looking at this brand new school at this moment, he was also a little surprised. He had never been here before, and he didn't expect it to be so prosperous and prosperous.

"Dressrosa School of Equality."

Reading the name of the academy on the plaque in the middle, Tezolo's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Can anyone study here?"

"Yes, the academy is open to all civilians, even."

"Other races."

Crocodile Road.

"What about the tuition? It must be very expensive."

Tezzolo asked again.

"According to His Majesty, primary education is compulsory and free."

Crocodile shook his head.

Tezolo was shocked, his pupils contracted, and after a long while, he uttered three words with a complex expression.

"So brave!"

Yes, it is unbelievable that most of these schools, even free colleges, have no restrictions on race, class, or class.

At least, neither the world government nor any kingdom dare to do this. Most schools are still monopolized in the hands of nobles.

"Want to go in and have a look?"

Crocodile asked with a smile.

He is also very curious about what is in the academy today.


Tezzolo nodded without refusing.

At this moment, his heart is complicated. If he had attended such a school, what would he have been like? At the very least, you wouldn't know such a group of **** who would abandon themselves and run away when they were in danger, right?

It wasn't until he gained power that he had the qualifications to come into contact with writing and learn some simple knowledge.

Many civilian children may not know a word until they grow up.

After entering the campus, Crocodile and Tezzolo saw teenagers and children playing in the campus.

I even saw a group of people playing hide-and-seek with the little people.

"If the world hears about this school, countless people will flock to it."

"This is even more amazing than when Roger started the age of great voyages!"

Tezolo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

There is no limit to race, just this point, it will break the secular concept, so many people of other races will flock to it.

"Why do you think I would abandon everything and choose to follow that man? Tezolo."

Crocodile took out a cigar from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and lit it.

"That man, let me see a bright future!"

Tezolo also looked complicated, looking at everything beautiful on campus.

Green plants, animals, children playing, and harmonious scenes are like a paradise.

At this moment, a small figure walked over.

"What, is there something wrong?"

Tezzolo bowed his head and smiled.

It was a timid but courageous little girl with twin ponytails. She was wearing coarse clothes. Obviously her family environment was not good and she was a child of common people.

"Uncle, teacher, no smoking on campus!"

"It's not good for us!"

"It will also affect your health!"

The little girl summoned up her courage and said in a childish voice.

Crocodile was taken aback for a moment, and opened his mouth wide, looking a little stunned.

Tezuolo was also taken aback, and then burst out laughing.

He found this scene very interesting.

Afterwards, Crocodile snuffed out the cigar, lowered his head and grinned, and patted the little **** the head.

"Feel sorry!"

Then, the two turned and left.

Chapter 257 Kingdom Council

The two left quickly, leaving the little girl standing there blankly, looking at the lollipop in her hand.

The candy was handed to her by the golden man. After hesitating for a while, the little girl licked it, and her eyes lit up immediately.

"Why are you here? Didn't the teacher tell you not to run around?"

At this moment, there was a figure behind him.

"He smokes."

The little girl quickly hid the lollipop, and pointed to the two leaving figures in front of her.

The teacher raised his head, and when he saw the figure in front of him, he was shocked.

On that big cloak, there are two words "people" engraved on it!

And the person who has such a cloak, she also knows very well, is a member of the army. Soon, the teacher recognized the identity of the other party.

"That's General Crocodile!"

The little girl nodded ignorantly and smiled.

"Teacher, he is fine, put out the cigarette and listen to the teacher."

The teacher smiled helplessly: "Don't talk nonsense, the general is a great person."

"He keeps our people of Dressrosa safe."

"Then I will become a general in the future!"

The little girl said firmly.

At this time, the two figures in front had gone far away, and the conversation between the teacher and the student could not be heard.

"From the rumors, you are not such a friendly guy."

Tezzolo laughed.

"There are always differences in rumors. I have always been kind."

Crocodile said lightly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Tezzolo laughed again.

"Welcome Tezolo, I believe you will fall in love with this place."

After walking out of the campus, Crocodile smiled.

"I'm already in love with it!"

Tezolo said with emotion on his face.

At the same time, Jiang Liu and Doflamingo had arrived at a European-style courtyard marked Dressrosa Academy of Sciences.

"According to your request, the Academy of Sciences has been built, and Caesar lives here."

Doflamingo said.

Jiang Liu nodded and stepped into it.

Similarly, there are many strange sculptures erected in this Academy of Sciences, and many strange words are printed on the walls.

"The sole purpose of science is to alleviate the hardships of human existence."

"Where knowledge does not exist, ignorance pretends to be science."

"The mission of science is to benefit society, not individuals."


Doflamingo can naturally understand these words. He is a Celestial Dragon who once lived in Mariejoia and received an excellent education.

But it's just a feeling of ignorance, and I don't understand the feeling.

When the two came to Caesar's office, the scientist was sitting in a chair, burying his head in his notebook and recording something.

"Your Majesty, Dover."

Seeing the two of them, Caesar sat up quickly with a smile on his face.

During these days, he lived very comfortably. He didn't have to worry about food, lodging and safety. He could even conduct his own research and earn a lot of money.

The only pity is that he has no manpower available. The assistants recruited can only do odd jobs, but know nothing about science.

After all, there are really too few people majoring in science in this world.

"Sit down, Caesar, it looks like you've been in pretty good shape recently."

Jiang Liu smiled and sat on the sofa.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving me this opportunity. Everything here is better than the World Government."

"I almost thought I was living in heaven!"

Caesar said quickly.

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