"Make them truly yours!"

Ace's eyes were complicated, looking at the relatives in front of him, he suddenly bent down, and solemnly thanked: "Thank you, uncle!"


Jiang Liu waved his hand and said with a smile.

"By the way, that old man."


Ace's pupils contracted, and then he let out a long breath, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I knew it!"

The question that I had been wondering for a long time finally got the answer at this moment. Joyful in his heart, Ace turned around suddenly, turned his back on everyone in Jiangliu, and walked towards the door.

"I'm leaving, uncle!"

"Everything you say, I will do!"

"One Piece, will also be mine!"

A sonorous and confident voice came.

The corner of Jiang Liu's mouth curled up, and he laughed: "Then I will wait for your good news!"

Soon, Ace disappeared.

Even though night had fallen at this moment, this was not a problem at all for the excited Fire Fist youth. He could no longer restrain himself, and returned to the Moby Dick urgently.

The night passed quickly, and when the sun rose on the second day, the Golden City boiled.

Many people noticed that this giant ship, which had been parked in the middle of the sea and hadn't moved for a long time, began to vibrate at this moment, and a large number of ships sailed away from the port.

"Yo, everyone!"

Accompanied by the deafening DJ and the sound of music, Tezolo snapped his fingers and stepped on the stairs step by step to reach the highest point.

"Sorry, I have to announce something here!"

"Our entertainment city, due to internal changes, may be temporarily closed for a while!"

"So, please start from this moment, get out of here!"

"In order to express my apology, I will sing for everyone in the future!"

Tezzolo held the microphone in his left hand, snapped his fingers with his right hand, and the fountain not far in front suddenly slammed and sprayed golden water.

In the golden inner bay, countless tall pillars rose up, and golden flowers bloomed everywhere.

But at this moment, of course, no one pays attention to these, but they are all anxious to leave the port and leave this huge golden ship.

People with good news have already learned a big piece of news from special channels. The owner of the Golden City has decided to join Dressrosa.

"Run, this guy is going to Dressrosa."

"That place is Jiang Liu's territory!"

"The kingdom of the terrible man who waged war on top and defeated the white bearded man."

"I heard that he has already started to attack the islands around the kingdom."

"It would be too dangerous for us to go there!"

"Yes, no one knows what measures the world government, the navy, will take there next!"

There were bursts of shouts from the ships leaving everywhere, and many people were very panicked.

Hearing that the strongest man in the world, Dressrosa, they were all terrified, even in awe.

At this moment, Tezolo's singing came over, and along with the falling gold powder, the entire Golden City seemed to be raining golden.

In the golden inner bay, the scene was chaotic, but Tezolo seemed to be completely unaffected. He closed his eyes and started his performance with a immersed expression.

Behind him, Karina was singing with a smile on her face, echoing. She also didn't know why Lord Tezolo was so interested in it today.

"He's very immersed in it."

"The richest man in the world will have such a scene."

"Don't say it, Tezzolo still sings very well!"

"There was a strong emotion in his singing."

Jiang Liu and others stood in the auditorium and watched Tezolo's performance.

Kalifa, Fujitora, Cavendish and others said.

"Why, young man, are you still not leaving?"

Fujitora asked softly.

He heard strong emotions from Tezolo's singing, and he is listening carefully, which will help him to better understand this colleague in the future.

"I suddenly feel that being a pirate is meaningless!"

Cavendish grinned, looking forward to the figure with his back to them.

"I decided to hang out with Boss Jiangliu!"

"I just don't know, the boss will not take me in!"

Fujitora and Kalifa were taken aback for a moment, then asked.

"Where are your companions?"

Cavendish turned around and looked behind him. These emotional companions stared at the companions in front of him and grinned: "They are all the same as me!"

At this time, Jiang Liu raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and responded with a smile.

"Then, welcome, Cavendish, and your partners!"

Cavendish, who received the response, became even more excited, and quickly bent down: "Thank you, boss!"

Jiang Liu let go of his clenched fist, opened his five fingers, and retracted them again to express his welcome.

Cavendish turned around, high-fived each other with his partners, and celebrated.

After a short time together, he was deeply conquered by the domineering man in front of him. That gentle attitude, even in the face of a weak person like him, the amiability that can be treated equally, as well as the lofty ideals and ambitions, are hitting Cavendish's heart.

How can such a man not be revered and want to be followed?

The huge golden boat, amidst the loud, passionate, and melodious singing, slowly sailed towards the distance, and ships on both sides kept leaving anxiously.

From this day on, a new kingdom is slowly rising, and has embarked on a brand new path that belongs to him.

At the same time, Holy Land, Mary Gioia.

Five dignified and unsmiling faces appeared on the big screen. Zhan Guo had a serious expression and also said nothing.

"Then, the new Admiral of the Navy is Akainu Sakaski!"

"In the next few days, I hope you can complete the work handover as soon as possible."

"We are here to thank you, throughout your life, for your service and dedication to the Navy and justice."

An old, deep voice came out, echoing in the empty hall.

Zhan Guo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he nodded after a long silence: "I will!"

More than half a year has passed since the top war. The world situation has changed dramatically. The rise of Blackbeard, Jiang Liu and others has put the navy and the world government under tremendous pressure.

Not long ago, the battle for the admiral of the navy also ended.

Aokiji Kuzan, who was hoped by Garp in the Warring States Period, was defeated, and Akainu Sakaski, who won the victory, became the new general marshal.

This fact undoubtedly makes many people unacceptable, but they have to accept it.

"Next, you can take a long vacation, Warring States, congratulations!"

The old voice came again.

Zhan Guo was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Yes, I can finally rest!"

The screen turned off, and the hall became quiet.

"I hope that kid Kuzan won't be overwhelmed!"

After a long time, Sengoku sighed.

The battle for marshal is very cruel. His competitors for that term were Jiang Liu, Karp and others.

In the end, Karp gave up, Jiang flowed into the city, and he won.

But in this generation, it was a fierce and tragic battle, and Kuzan even lost a leg.

This is a heavy price! It also made him a loser.

Such a result, as well as a series of recent events, may even cause Aokiji's heart to change drastically.

Inside the navy, it is very likely that there will be a shock.

In the animal world, beasts compete, the winner becomes king, while the loser retreats.

From the perspective of the Warring States Period, the battle of marshals is like wild beasts.

Chapter 252 Do You Want To Leave?

Mary Joa.

Brilliant, gorgeous castles, clean streets, neat green plants, and meticulously trimmed.

This is an exquisite palace that can be called art, and it is also the most luxurious and noble place in the world.


On the side of the castle street, under the tall maple tree, came a soft sigh.

There stood a lonely, lonely figure, quietly staring at everything in this palace.

It can be seen that there are a lot of white bandages wrapped around his body, his right leg is empty, and he is leaning on a cane.

This figure is Aokiji who failed in the Marshal's battle. The sinking and collapse of Marin Fando made most of the navy have to choose another office in a short period of time.

And some high-ranking officers of the navy stayed in Marie Gioia for the time being, such as Sengoku, Sakaski, Kuzan, Polusalino and others with the highest positions.

But this period of time was not so good for Aokiji.

Mariejoya is located on the Red Earth Continent, the highest point in the world, but the air here is not thin, and you can smell the fragrance everywhere. It can also be said that it is the most beautiful place to live.

However, in a short period of time, Aokiji saw an evil tragedy that he had never seen in his life.

At this moment, he was standing under the maple tree, staring quietly into the distance.

A Tianlong man wearing a bubble on his head is walking slowly, and under him is a pretty girl about fifteen or sixteen years old.

It is almost the habit of Tianlong people to treat humans as slaves and mounts. There is no one to blame, and no one will stop such behavior.

"What exactly is justice?"

"Navy, what kind of justice is it upholding?"

Kuzan murmured.

These days, he has seen a lot of injustice and a lot of bloodshed. In this glorious castle, civilians are like slaves and livestock, being wantonly killed by Tianlong people.

Shooting, drawing knives, and lashing whips on the street are commonplace here.

But the navy, which is supposed to uphold justice, can only turn a blind eye to all this and can't do anything.

Turning his eyes, Kuzan saw a group of people passing by again, and the leader was also Tianlongren.

"Hahahaha, the quality of the girls bought in this batch looks pretty good!"

"Yes, the whole body has been checked. You should be able to play for a long time this time, my lord."

When the conversation came, Kuzan's eyes sank.

Behind a Celestial Dragon, more than a dozen trembling girls with tears in their eyes followed tremblingly, and guards with cold faces stood on both sides.

Obviously, these girls were bought by the Celestial Dragons to satisfy their perverted and crazy cravings.

Soon, Tianlongren passed by Kuzan with the items he bought. When he saw him, he was slightly startled, but soon showed a disgusted expression.

"Marie Gioia, how could there be such a deformed and ugly guy."

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