The guard next to him quickly explained: "He is the general of the navy, he is the one who protects you, sir, don't worry about it!"

"I see, but such a guy can also protect me?"

"His legs are broken."

The Tianlong man said in distaste, showing doubting eyes.

But soon, the Tianlong man turned his head, ignored him, and walked anxiously towards his castle.

Obviously, an admiral is far more attractive to him than an admiral.

After the group of people left, Kuzan woke up from his dazed expression, and then showed a self-deprecating smile.

"The people who protect them?"

"Also despised."

Kuzan shook his head, and when he looked at the street again, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a cold haze.


"It's really accurate!"

His eyes turned, but after a while, he saw a group of people riding pirates with the mark of Tianlong people on their faces.

This street is very quiet, but sometimes Tianlong people will pass by, and it is the only way for Tianlong people to contact the outside world.

The only thing in common is that no one pays attention to his existence.

"Even the general of the navy is just an existence that can be ignored in the eyes of these guys!"

Kuzan murmured.

He suddenly fell into silence, and the beliefs and thoughts he had insisted on in his heart collapsed at this moment.

Perhaps, what Jiang Liu said is right, the so-called justice of the navy is nothing but hypocrisy.

So what's the future?

It can be imagined that for him who failed to compete for the position of marshal, his future path will definitely not be so good, there are only two paths.

One is to continue to stay in the navy, being made things difficult by the rising Sakalski, and his identity and status fall into the fringes.

The other is to leave the navy.

"Do you want to leave?"

Kuzan asked softly.

Looking at the quiet street in front of him, the blowing maple leaves, and the swaying grass, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

It seems that there is nothing to hesitate!

Since you can't realize your ambitions and ideals here, then change to another place.

Jiang Liu could defect from the navy without hesitation and pursue his own ideals, so why couldn't he?

Time passed slowly, and several days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, there was an extra document on the desk of the Warring States Period. After reading it, his eyes suddenly shrank, and he was silent for a long time.

"Kuzan, did you leave too?"


A long sigh resounded in the empty office, and the hair between the temples of the Warring States period was inexplicably a little white.

The road of life is different for everyone, and there are countless forks in the road. Some people will choose a different road to face the future.

Internal changes among navies are quietly going on and happening.

At the same time, the New World Sea is also facing an unprecedented situation.

The follow-up impact of the top battle is being produced, and even after more than half a year has passed, this inertial impact has not been slowed down.

The Whitebeard Pirates, who have lost their leader, have undoubtedly become the coveted target of many parties in this sea.

"Marco, the people of Saro Island were attacked by the people of Bigumamu!"

"Brothers from the third team were ambushed by Kaido's battleship yesterday in the Moro Sea area."

"Damn it, these guys are attacking us, they can't hold back anymore!"

"what to do?"

On the Moby Dick, anxious and angry roars sounded, echoing on the sea.

Marco's eyes were serious and he frowned.

He is not a qualified leader, nor does he have the talent to take the lead. He is more suitable to be an elder brother, the eldest son of the old man.

Facing the current situation, Marco is already battered, and has a deep sense of helplessness and powerlessness.

Tired, really tired.

There are news of ambushes and attacks everywhere. Nuoda's white beard pirates occupy a lot of territory in this sea, and they feel like they are surrounded by enemies.

what to do?

He didn't know how to deal with it, and he didn't have the courage of his father to start a war brazenly and fight with his back.


An anxious roar came from the side.

Marco raised his head, moved his mouth, let out a long sigh, and asked in a deep voice.

"Ace hasn't come back yet?"

Chapter 253 You Will Inherit

Compared with himself, Ace, as the captain of the second team, has a smarter mind and a strategic vision. This is why Dad has always pinned his hopes on him.

At this critical moment, Marco naturally thought of Ace.

"It should be here soon! Calculated according to the voyage, the time is about the same!"

Joz said.

These guys have been pirates since they were very young. At the critical moment of survival of the Whitebeard Pirates, they couldn't think of a way.

At this moment, a red spot of light suddenly lit up on the distant sea, behind which was a steaming white mist, floating into the air.

"You look there?"

A pirate shouted, pointing to the sea level.

Everyone looked up, and when they saw the scene in front of them, their expressions changed.

"It's Ace!"

"Great, he's back!"

Cheers sounded, and the pirates on the Moby Dick were all excited and excited. At this critical time, people always need hope.

And everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates pinned their hopes on Ace.

First, its special status and status. The son of Pirate King Roger and Jiang Liu's nephew, just relying on this, there will be countless men following him.

Moreover, it is very possible to win over Jiang Liu's group of powerful people.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The flames on the sea vibrated, and there was a thunderous sound, and then a large amount of steam vaporized by the flames came overwhelmingly.

"Such momentum!"

"Has Ace's strength increased again?"

Marco blinked, shocked.

The burning flame was extremely fast, and it was already in front of them in the blink of an eye, allowing everyone to see clearly.

They thought that Ace was riding his own flame ship, but until now, they realized that there was nothing under the other party's feet.

It completely relies on the kinetic energy generated by the flame burning, and the potential energy is converted to run on the sea, and this is also the origin of the large amount of mist.


The sea surface was scorched by scorching flames, creating a chasm, and the mist flew away to both sides.

In the white mist, Ace looked up and looked at the familiar face with a smile on his face. Compared with when he left, at this moment, he is confident, domineering, and full of a unique aura.

The slightly raised chin, the broken hair fluttering in the wind on the forehead, and the calmness, as if he has the confidence to deal with anything he encounters.

At this moment, Ace seemed to have undergone a transformation, and his aura changed drastically, completely different from before.

"He seems different!"

"This aura is truly extraordinary!"

"He came out of the previous depression and loss, and got a transformation."

"This is great!"

"Hahahaha, this is the son of Pirate King Roger!"

There was a sudden sound on the Moby Dick.

For some reason, the tense atmosphere suddenly disappeared the moment he saw Ace.

Marko showed a happy expression on his face. Looking at Ace who was coming here at a high speed, he suddenly understood what natural leadership is.

He could clearly feel that Ace was different. From the inside out, he was reborn, as if he was a different person.

A moment later, Ace, who came to the front of the Moby Dick, jumped high, and then landed on the deck, in the middle of everyone.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Stretching out his fingers and helping the cowboy hat on his head, Ace smiled.

"Sorry for disappointing you earlier."

"But starting today, I will work hard to make our home better."

Such words made Marco, Joz and others startled for a moment, and then grinned.

"Hahahaha, Ace, you are really different!"

"It's right that you are like this. You have always refused to admit defeat and have the character to strive to be the number one!"

"Great, it's good to be back!"

The cadres on the ship shouted in unison, and they all surrounded Ace.

"I made you worry."

Ace grinned.

In the crowd, he made eye contact with Marco, paused for a moment, then became firm, nodded, and spoke in a deep voice.


"I agree with what you said before!"

"I will be the captain of this ship and lead my brothers and sisters to a better place."

"All the glory of Dad before, everything, will continue!"

Marco was taken aback: "Are you ready? Ace!"

The others were also very surprised. You must know that before, Ace's depression, loss, and depression were all in his eyes, and he didn't show any interest in being the captain of the Pirates.

But in fact, after Dad left, he was the only captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.


"Even if there is no father, I will face the world. We are still a powerful Four Emperors!"

Ace snorted.

"Nothing will change, everything continues!"

During the words, the aura on his body suddenly changed, a domineering, surging aura radiated out, shaking on the Moby Dick, making everyone stunned.

"This is?!"

"Overlord color domineering!"

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