Everything is crumbling, everything is disappearing.

The next second, he opened his eyes.

The familiar bedroom, the golden sunlight, everything seems very quiet.

Tezolo sat up slowly, leaning against the pillow silently.

Tezolo jerked as the new sunlight fell on his face, and began to dress.

She was covered in gold from the inside to the outside, and on her ten fingers, there were nine rings, each of which was quite a lot. When facing the mirror, Tezolo suddenly smiled and snapped his fingers.


"I will!"

"The ideal of youth, everything you expect, I will work hard to complete!"

"It's not too late, is it?"

Afterwards, he opened the door, looked at Stella, Tanaka and the others waiting outside the door, with a smile on his face, and took a step forward.

"Away! Gentlemen."

"Starting today, we have business to do!"

Karina and the others were stunned, and after looking at each other, they were all surprised. They keenly discovered that their boss seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation.

At the same time, Jiang Liu crossed his legs and sat by the all-glass window where the golden sunlight streamed in, with a smile on his face.

There was a newspaper on his lap.

On the top of it, a line of text is marked in red color.

"Dressrosa, Rise of the Kingdom."

"Jiang Liu's declaration."

"The three islands belong to the World Government, and they fell into the hands of Jiang Liu."

"Strong strength, unstoppable, Jiang Liu may surpass the four emperors and become the emperor of the sea!"

The battle of Crocodile and others also ended today.


Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Tezuolo, who was all golden, stood at the door with a smile on his face, calm and without any embarrassment.

"It's time for dinner!"


Chapter 250 The New Four Emperors

Tezolo was conquered.

Not only because of that battle, which was completely suppressed and defeated from beginning to end.

It is also because of the dream that he has never forgotten in the depths of his heart in the past few decades, from his youth to now when he became famous.

Tianlong people, why are they born taller than them? Why can you buy everything?

Why, he could take away the girl he once loved in his heart.

In the splendid and gorgeous restaurant, the waiters coming and going kept serving all kinds of delicacies, Jiang Liu and others, Tezuolo, gathered around a table.

The atmosphere seemed quiet, but peaceful, without the tense and strong sense of fighting before.

There was the clanging of knives and forks and spoons hitting tableware, and there was no other sound, and everyone was engrossed in eating hard.

There was a pile of dishes in front of Ace, and then he fell headfirst on the table with a bang, snoring, blowing bubbles from his nostrils.


Tezolo raised his head in astonishment and looked at Ace with doubts.

"Don't worry, it's his habit."

Jiang Liu laughed.

Cavendish ate in silence, looking at Ace next to him, a little speechless. Over the past few days, there have been many incidents where the guy next to him fell asleep while eating.

This made him often wonder whether the famous Fire Fist Ace had high blood sugar due to eating too much.


Tezzolo nodded, then looked at the newspaper beside him.

The pile of newspapers was a bit thick. It seemed that a lot of things had happened during this period of coma. And the top one is the latest one, and the description is about the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

"Have you already acted?"

"It is easy to take down the islands and kingdoms under the rule of the world government."

Tezolo's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't show any other expressions on his face.

There is no doubt that the strength of the new boss, as well as the combat power of his subordinates, are extraordinary.

Perhaps, the other party can really establish a terrifying force that can stand up to the world government, thereby subverting this sea and the world.

"Let's go after eating!"

Jiang Liu wiped his mouth and said suddenly.

Tezuolo was startled, then nodded: "Okay!"

Of course he understood the meaning of this sentence. Now that he has surrendered, from this moment on, he is the opponent's person, and he will naturally follow the opponent back to Dressrosa to play his role.

"The purpose is to build, build a powerful kingdom?"

"In history, there once seemed to be a huge empire that covered the whole world."

"So, restoration or creation?"

Tezolo murmured in his heart.

But no matter what it is, the courage and goal of the new boss are magnificent and even shocking.

At this moment, Ace shook his head and raised his head blankly.

"Aren't you finished yet? I've already woken up!"

Jiang Liu turned his head and looked at him with a faint smile: "You too."


Ace said blankly.

"After this meal, you can leave."

Jiang Liudao.

Ace shuddered and immediately came to his senses: "Can I leave now?"

"Yes, I only have one request for you!"

Jiang Liu said lightly.

"Uncle, tell me."

Excitement and a smile appeared on Ace's face.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Although the trip to the Golden City seemed like a soy sauce for him, being able to leave was the best news.

"Reorganize the Whitebeard Pirates and become the new Four Emperors!"

Jiang Liu stared at Ace with slightly condensed eyes, and said in a deep voice.

Such words not only stunned Ace, but also shocked everyone present.

Four emperors!

Such words are not just words. He represents the most powerful and most powerful pirate on the sea.

It is not possible to be ambitious, but it needs a tyrannical force and the courage to pierce the sky.

In the eyes of everyone, the current Ace may have unlimited potential and a great reputation.

He is the son of the Pirate King Roger, and has an excellent pirate blood, but in terms of strength, he is still not good enough.

"Can I?"

Ace said in a daze.

Leading the Whitebeard Pirates and regaining stability in the Four Emperors, such a thing is too big. He is not a character like Luffy, and he thinks that he can do it with hard work.

Having met a man like Dad, he naturally worried about whether he could become a mountain.

"Of course you can."

"It must be done!"

Jiang Liu said calmly.

Then, his right hand slowly raised and patted Ace on the shoulder.

"You are the son of that man, you were born to stand above everyone and become the king!"

"What Whitebeard hasn't done, you will do."

"Be king, Ace!"

At the same time, an inexplicable force also swept out at this moment, covering Ace's body, making him tremble all over, and his pupils contracted, revealing an incredible expression.

"This power!"

He widened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him.

"This is a gift from uncle to you before parting!"

Jiang Liu laughed.

The sound of the system also sounded at this moment, echoing in his mind.

"It is found that the target overlord color is awakened, it can be amplified, it has been amplified, it can be evolved, and the evolution has been completed, the awakened overlord color is entangled."

"It is found that the target's armed color is awakened, it can be amplified, it has been amplified, it can be evolved, and the evolution has been completed, and the high-level armed color is awakened."

"It is found that the target's knowledge-color is awakened, it can be amplified, it has been amplified, it can be evolved, and the evolution has been completed, awakening high-level knowledge-color domineering."

"Find the target burning fruit, it can be amplified, it has been amplified, it can be evolved, and the evolution has been completed, the target awakens the skill."

"Fire Elemental Control, Fire Escape, Fire Dragon's Roar, Sun's Breath, etc!"

When the system sound stopped, Jiang Liu's right hand also left the opponent's shoulder, and Ace stood there in a daze, his eyes closed.

He felt a powerful, abundant, completely unimaginable force, and even had many incomprehensible skills in his mind.

The understanding and control of flames seem to have been sublimated at this moment.

"Is this the frightening power that frightens the world?"

"It can make people gain more powerful strength, far surpassing before!"

Ace's heart was shocked and complicated.

The powerful power made him excited and excited, but when he thought of his uncle's strength, he was afraid that it would be unfathomable and unimaginable.

How powerful is the opponent? This may be the question of everyone in the world.

Suddenly, Ace opened his eyes, and like a conditioned reflex, a majestic arrogance rushed out of his body.


In the entire restaurant, the air was shaken, and the dining table on the table was shattered and shattered into pieces, and a gust of wind blew.

Thick, domineering majesty spread out, and the waiter who was waiting at the side fell down in an instant.

Cavendish tensed and suffocated, his eyes shocked.

Tezolo looked up sharply, staring at Ace, his pupils constricted.

"Overlord color!"

Chapter 251 Admiral of the Navy

After a while, this domineering aura dissipated into nothingness after Jiang Liu clapped his hands.

"The gift I gave you still needs more training, Ace!"

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