At this moment, looking at the scene in front of him, Ace's pupils suddenly shrank.

"This is?!"

The overwhelming scarlet flames, covering the surrounding sea of ​​flames, suddenly began to gather quickly, gathering towards the river standing in the center.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

The surge of flames even caused a gust of hot wind to blow in the void, forming a huge whirlwind of flames that revolved around the river.

Then, it turned into a rapidly rotating pillar of fire.

At this time, Tezuolo also supported the ground and stood up again, his body shaking a little. The scorching flames seriously affected the control and display of his fruit ability, and he even felt a sense of suffocation.

He seemed very uncomfortable when his ability was restrained.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

The hot wind was blowing, and Jiang Liu's right hand was slowly raised, placed on top of his head, and then stretched out his index finger.

Everyone soon saw that a large area of ​​flames was rapidly gathering, circling towards that finger, and within a few short breaths, a huge fireball gathered above its head.

"What is this move?!"

Ace widened his eyes.

He is very familiar with such a fireball.

"The last move, Tezolo!"

"You don't have many chances."

In the sky above Jiangliu's finger, the flames were spinning rapidly, and the fireball was expanding rapidly, becoming bigger and bigger, like a red sun rising into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, after a pause, the fireball began to compress again, becoming twice as small as before, while the brightness of the light and the temperature of the flame suddenly increased.

"Use any tricks!"

"Jiang Liu, I won't fall down so easily!"

Tezzolo yelled.

At this moment in the battle, although the time is not long, he is very clear that his ability is restrained, and the strength is also far behind the opponent, so he can't help the opponent at all.

The next second, his feet stepped on the ground suddenly, and after a shock, he began to run wildly, and the gold on his body also began to gather into missile heads.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The sound of footsteps made the whole ship tremble, and Tezolo came to Jiang Liu almost instantly.

"Gold God's Punishment!"

The golden missile head, which is integrated with the domineering armed color, let out an angry roar and poured towards the river.

At this moment, the fireball on Jiang Liu's head and fingertips shrunk again, becoming smaller in size, and the color of the flame turned golden.

Shining, dazzling, like a sun hanging in the void, shaking so that everyone present could not open their eyes.

"This is?"

Tezolo was taken aback and closed his eyes.

"Emperor Yan!"

The next moment, an unimaginably high-temperature flame exploded with dazzling light, and the incomparable golden flame rushed towards him in an instant.


Everything is burning, everything is evaporating, the golden flame seems to be able to burn everything in the world without leaving a trace of ashes.

"Whirring whirring!"

The hot wind swept across and blew across the sky above the Golden City. At this moment, everyone felt the temperature in the air rising in an instant.

After a long time, the golden light dissipated, and the flames also dissipated, and everything in the field was revealed.

"Master Tezolo!"

Not far away, Tanaka, Karina and others exclaimed.

Ace and the others also opened their eyes and looked into the field.

Jiang Liu stood there calmly, all the flames had dissipated, and directly in front of him was a scorched figure kneeling on the ground.

"Golden Emperor, defeated!"

"This look!?"

"Still alive?"

Chapter 249 Tezolo's Dream

The scorched, smoking body, with its head down, knelt down not far in front of the river.

This appearance really makes people doubt whether they are still alive.

And the terrifying high temperature emitted by the river just now is even more astonishing. It can almost incinerate everything, and even vaporize the surrounding sea water, releasing a large amount of mist.

"The key to burning fruit is temperature?"

Ace stood there in a daze, as if something in his heart had been broken, and he had a new understanding of the fruit ability.

"As long as the temperature is high enough, everything can be incinerated and all enemies can be defeated!"

"This is the key to me becoming stronger?"

The indifference was quick, and he denied it again.

A person's strength, whether he can stand on the top of the world, is definitely not just about mastering the fruit ability.

For example, Dad, his uncle Jiang Liu, apart from fruit ability, they are all incredibly powerful in other aspects.

"You shouldn't give up on your childhood dreams!"


"The girl who remains in my heart shouldn't just be forgotten like this."

"Actually, you are a delicate, kind-hearted young man with dreams and ideals, aren't you?"

Jiang Liu stepped forward, came to the scorched black Tezuolo, and said softly.

"You, do you really want to kill the Celestial Dragon?"


Suddenly, the scorched Tezuolo made a sound, and the voice popped out from the gap between his teeth, and the hatred and unwillingness behind it could be heard.

The heart-wrenching failure merged with the once painful scenes at this moment, and the golden emperor Tezolo, who is high above and holds 20% of the world's wealth, broke his defense at this moment.

The opponent has great power, but also has terrible ambitions. Then, when faced with the departure of his beloved woman, the dream of destroying all Tianlong people may really come true.

Moreover, he has no other choice at the moment.

Such a powerful man easily defeated him, which made him feel awe and fear in his heart.

"This is the path that must be taken to change the world."

Jiang Liu said softly.

"Come and join me to see what kind of future this world will have."


He held out his right hand.

Tezolo was silent, and after a long time, a hand with scorched skin tremblingly lifted up, and then held him.

"You are welcome to join."

Jiang Liu laughed.


In the next second, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded. Tezolo, who had been burned by the flames, fell in front of him and finally couldn't hold on anymore.

"Is this what you mean by sincerity? My dear uncle!"

Ace came over and said tut tut.

"Strong strength is the best sincerity in this world that guarantees everything, isn't it?"

Jiang Liu smiled faintly.

He bent down slowly and put his right hand on Tezolo's shoulder.


Immediately afterwards, an invisible force swept out and vibrated out, and Tezolo's scorched skin began to recover, returning to its original state.

But Jiang Liu did not change his coma state.

Some things can be more relieved in the deep sleep of ignorance.

"Your Majesty's ability to tame a man like Tezolo has done a good deed for the world, and it has laid a solid foundation for the rise of our kingdom!"

Fujitora sighed.

The man known as the Golden Emperor did not only rely on the ability of the golden fruit to possess such wealth, but he himself had excellent business skills.

And Dressrosa is currently lacking such talents.

If a country wants to develop, it needs not only strong strength, but also a strong economic foundation, which is related to the living standards of ordinary people.

This also shows Jiang Liu's attitude towards civilians.

When Karina and the others came here and lifted Tezolo up, Jiang Liu and the others also turned and left.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Gulan Tezzolo had a long dream, a dream full of gold everywhere.

He saw the woman again who made him look forward to and yearn for.

The two held hands and ran on the grassland covered with golden grass. Behind them was a bunch of golden animals, following them joyfully and jumping.

There, there is no Tianlongren, nothing, he lives with the girl he likes, and has offspring.

Everything is sweet and happy.

But one day, the child was circling around them, and the girl was lying on his lap, and suddenly called his name.



Tezuolo froze for a moment, looking at the woman in his arms tenderly.

"You should wake up!"

The woman said softly.


Tezolo's complexion changed.

"There are no Draconians here, no darkness, nothing evil."

"However, there are still outside."

The woman said softly.

"The world needs you, Tezolo."

"Use your strength to help others as much as you can. There are more people who need you more than me."

Tezuolo was in a hurry, he said loudly: "Where are the children? We still have children!"

The woman shook her head, bit her lower lip, and revealed the cruel reality: "Tezolo, we have no children."

"Even without me."

Tezolo was dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, everything in front of him began to shatter, the circling child vanished into nothingness, and the talking woman turned into a cloud of smoke.


Tezolo roared.

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