It was completely different from the color of the flame he emitted. The other party's flame was golden, and the temperature might be unimaginably high.

In an instant, the gold was melted into liquid.

Even, the fruit ability on his body, driven by the Qi machine, spontaneously burned out flames, covering his whole body.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Jiang Liu took a step, and the flames shot up into the sky, breaking the ceiling directly above his head, revealing a clear sky.

At the same time, everything around him started to burn.

"It's amazing!"

Fujitora murmured, and took a few steps back.

The temperature of the flames made him a little unbearable, so he could only distance himself from Jiang Liu. Kalifa and Cavendish retreated quickly.

Ace, on the other hand, stood there blankly, looking at the flames on Jiang Liu's body, and fell into deep thought.

"Is it the temperature?"

"With a stronger burning force, even all the oxygen in the air and even other gases are burned, so that the flame has a higher temperature."

"More powerful destructive power!"

It is precisely because of this that the space around Jiangliu feels suffocated, and the oxygen content in the air is rapidly decreasing.

"It will be much better if you do it, Tezolo!"

"Let me use my strength to completely conquer you and let you understand."

"The so-called expelling the Tianlongren and overthrowing the Tianlongren are not just talking!"

A faint laugh came out, and Jiang Liu stepped forward.

After one step, his figure disappeared.


The flame boiled again, turned into a pillar of fire and soared into the sky. Tezolo was punched flying, pierced through more than a dozen buildings, and landed on a clearing.

"Damn it!"

Getting up from the ground, Tezolo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were shocked and fearful.

What the other party used turned out to be just enough to restrain him. Flame restrains metal and can melt his gold in an instant.

Under such circumstances, he couldn't use 100% of his strength, or even 10% of it.


There was another shock, and Tezolo looked up, and saw the river surrounded by flames, slowly rising into the air, floating in the void, looking down at him.

"Use all your strength, Tezolo!"

"Otherwise, you won't have any chance next time!"

When Jiang Liu's voice came, Tezolo's eyes sharpened.

But he didn't hesitate, his right hand suddenly slapped the ground in front of him.

"Golden Bomb!"


The gold on the ground cracked, turned into a shock shell, and went towards the river in an instant.

But Jiang Liu, who was in the air, just waved his big hand, and the flames turned into beams, hitting the cannonball, intercepting it in the void in front of it, and exploding.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Liu pointed again.


With a bang, the flaming cannonball like a golden bomb roared out, rushing towards Tezolo at an extremely fast speed.

The latter's pupils contracted, and he quickly avoided it. There was a bang, and the flames burst into flames.

His face trembled, and Tezolo felt the tremendous pressure from the world's number one powerhouse, because the opponent was suspended in the void, and as he waved his big hand, pieces of flames roared towards him.


Moreover, in the void, they also turned into huge flame dragons, roaring, screaming, and rushing towards him.

The giant dragons formed by these flames seem to have life.

Tezolo kept dodging, and the sound of flames exploding behind him continued. With just a few breaths, this open space with a radius of several kilometers turned into a sea of ​​flames.


"Completely suppressed!"

Facing the opponent's flame, his devil fruit ability completely lost its effect.

After completely dodging this round of flame attacks, Tezolo turned around sharply and let out a loud roar.

"Golden Splash!"

Then, on the ground in front of it, the golden fountain rose up, and a large amount of gold powder was sprayed out, floating in the air.

"As long as this gold powder is inhaled by him."

"I can win!"

Tezolo said in his heart.

But in the next second, his face changed

Because, as the river falls on the ground, step forward. Circles of flames also radiated out like ripples, and the gold powder floating in the air was melted into liquid and dripped down.

"Burning fruit, completely restrain his golden fruit!"

Ace blinked.

"Any other tricks? Tezolo!"

Jiang Liu smiled faintly.


Taking a deep breath, Tezolo said coldly.

At this time, Karina, Tanaka and the others also ran to chase after them. After seeing this scene, their expressions changed.

"Master Tezolo!"

Fighting against the strongest man in the world is too risky.


All of a sudden, the whole ship vibrated, and the gold everywhere in all directions trembled at this moment, gathered up, and quickly gathered towards Tezolo.

The gold was like a fluid, wrapped around his body, turning into a layer of solid gold armor, and expanding at a rapid rate, becoming huge.

After just a few breaths, a golden light flashed, and a huge and majestic giant appeared in front of everyone.

"How do you conquer me like this?"


Tezolo looked down, with a huge body, he possessed infinite self-confidence.

This is his strongest state, and he also has the most powerful power!

Looking up, Jiang Liu just grinned.

"You don't seem to have seen it before, the world's top power!"


"Then let you see it!"

Tezuolo sneered, only when the other party was talking hard, a dazzling light flickered in his eyes, and then he suddenly glared at Jiang Liu and yelled.

"Golden Divine Fire!"

Chapter 248 The Golden Flame Emperor

The huge golden giant stood upright, standing in front of everyone, towering like a mountain, looking down, his eyes sparkled.


At this moment, laser beams like cannonballs burst out, heading straight for the river.

Undoubtedly, the awakening of the golden fruit is Tezolo's biggest hole card, and also his strongest move, and it is also the means by which he thinks he can defeat the opponent.

Jiang Liu raised his head and saw the laser light that swept the void into ripples and broke through the speed of sound in an instant, the corner of his mouth suddenly opened.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Flames blazed up, and red faucets emerged, with golden spots all over the body.

His mouth opened slowly, and suddenly spewed out towards the sky.

"Long Yan sings!"

Four words spit out from his mouth, and the four red dragons roared, and the flames condensed out of the dragon's body, winding its body, and rushing towards the sky.


Almost instantly, there was an explosion, and the laser light was blocked.


The red dragon roared, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and the hundreds of meters long fire dragon body wandered around a few times before reaching Tezolo's side.

The high temperature drained the oxygen in this space in an instant, and then with a bang, it hit Tezolo's huge golden body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Tezolo's angry roar sounded, his huge body stepped back, every step made the ground tremble violently, making a bang bang sound.

But soon, he stabilized his figure, staring at the river on the ground with his eyes.

"This trick is useless to me!"

he growled.

I saw that the gold that had just been melted on his body turned into armor in an instant, covering his body and returning to its original state.

Immediately afterwards, his footsteps moved, the ground shook, and his huge body was already in front of Jiang Liu, his right hand suddenly moved, and his fist was clenched.

"Gold industry fire!"

Domineering and gold blended, condensed on the fist, turned into an incomparably powerful force, and then swung down suddenly.

On the ground, around Jiang Liu's body, flames rolled, turning into a sea of ​​flames, and all solidified objects were burned into liquid and ashes.

He slowly raised his head, looked at the golden fist that crushed the air with immense power, and drove down the huge air pressure, then suddenly opened his mouth and took a sharp breath.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head and spit out.

"Extinguish the mighty fire!"

In an instant, the air exploded, and a large piece of flame spewed out from his mouth, sweeping through the void in front of him within a few breaths, and also enveloping Tezolo who swung his fist down.


In the endless sea of ​​flames, there was a shocking sound, and the flame fluctuated. After two breaths, a huge figure flew out backwards, and sat down on the ground with one buttocks. fall.

"Damn it!"

"It's so hot!"

Even if the whole body is wrapped in gold, the heat transmitted by the temperature cannot be isolated, which made Tezolo roar.

"What kind of moves are these?"

"Can the flame still be used like this?"

Ace, who was standing behind, was shocked.

The spewing flames, the sea of ​​flames, were much stronger than the power he was releasing now.

He suddenly felt that in this battle, Jiang Liu personally fought to teach him something.

But these moves seem to be easy to learn, but he still can't understand the tricks.

For example, why is the opponent's flame temperature so much stronger than his own?

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