Jiang Liu smiled: "Alright then!"

His eyes turned to the execution platform again, and the straw hat boy Luffy had already come to Ace's side, and this scene also made Sengoku who was standing beside him look so gloomy that he could drip water.

"Ace! I'll get you out right away!"

Luffy laughed and said.

He didn't expect it to be so smooth, and he got close to Ace. As long as he unlocked the other party's shackles, he would be able to rescue his brother.


The sadness in Ace's heart was relieved a little by the arrival of his younger brother, and he cried out.

"Damn it, how do I solve this?"

Luffy said quickly, but anxiously.

Zhan Guo's face was trembling, he really wanted to punch these two guys to death, but he hesitated at this moment considering the background behind each other.

It's okay to execute Ace, this is a certainty, but Luffy. Karp's attitude is already obvious.

If something happens to the Straw Hat Boy, I'm afraid it's this brother, so there's nothing to do.

But at this moment, a jailer standing beside him suddenly reached out and handed Luffy a key.

"Here is the key."

Luffy raised his head blankly, but he took the key with almost no time to hesitate and think.

Ace was also stunned. He glanced at the jailer, then saw the key, and couldn't help being startled.

The key is made of candles?

Without any hesitation or doubt, Luffy immediately inserted the key into the shackles, and then turned it abruptly.


There was a clear sound of the shackles being opened, and it was the same sound that completely awakened the Warring States.


He had no time to think about why there was a traitor among the jailers who handed over the key at this critical moment, and his whole body suddenly shone with golden light.

"You are too unscrupulous!"

"Straw Hat, Luffy!"

Zhan Guo roared, the golden light shone, and his figure swelled up rapidly. Within a few breaths, he was already like a huge golden Buddha, with his right hand clenched into a fist.

His legs jumped up high, and he punched down suddenly.

Lu Fei's face changed, he took a big breath, and his body inflated rapidly like a balloon.


There was a deafening sound, and the execution platform collapsed directly, and Lu Fei and others also fell from the execution platform following this punch.

Immediately after the next second.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Thick white smoke rose from below, followed by a flame, which rapidly enlarged, swelled, and agitated in an instant.

"Luffy, you guys are still so worrying!"


In the flames and white mist, two loud voices came out.


Marco and the others were shocked, and they were all happy.

Chapter 192 What kind of world is this?

Marlin Vanduo Middle.

Exciting scenes are being staged, from the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates to the moment when the strongest man in the world stands there forever, losing his breath.

Fire Fist Ace was finally rescued, and this scene excited the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

"Great! Ace was rescued!"

"Quick, everyone **** Ace and his brother to retreat!"

"Our mission has been accomplished, everyone is ready to retreat!"

Joy flashed across Marko's eyes, but when he saw the figure standing on the ice, his face became serious again.

Although Ace was rescued, Dad stayed here forever. Moreover, he is still not sure where the outcome of this war will go.

His eyes shifted slightly, and Marco stared at the figure surrounded by the navy.

No one knows whether that man will continue to shoot.

Then, Marco looked elsewhere.

The three admirals stood in different positions on the battlefield with horns on their faces. He knew very well that up to this point in the battle, the three of them were still far from making a serious move, showing their true fighting power.

It was also at this moment that Jiang Liu grinned and scanned the entire battlefield.

Whitebeard's exit undoubtedly made the morale of the entire pirate group extremely low, and now everyone is just holding on. Ace's rescue also cheered them up, but the improvement in morale was still limited.

They all knew that when they were trapped in the enemy's camp, the contrast between the combat effectiveness of the two sides was so obvious.

Rescuing is one thing, how to escape is another.


Jiang Liu suddenly smiled.


Freya quickly replied, her tone was a little nervous, she already sensed a different atmosphere, Promi, Bagu and others around her all had serious expressions, and there was a faint murderous intent pervading.

"It's time for us to talk to the world!"

Jiang Liu said softly, stretching out his right hand.

Freya took a deep breath and immediately handed over a small phone bug.

This is an amplified phone bug that can amplify the sound and spread it to the entire Marin Fando.

At the same time, with the help of others, a projection phone bug was quietly placed in front of Jiang Liu.

This strange scene immediately attracted the attention of many people, causing them to turn their attention here.

"What is he going to do? Garp!"

Crane's face was gloomy, and he came behind Garp, and asked in a deep voice, his eyes were serious.

"I have no idea."

Cap said lightly.

His complexion is not very good at the moment, his cheeks are even a little bruised, and he was punched hard by his own grandson, which of course will not make him very happy.

At the same time, he was worried about Ace and Luffy who were rescued.

The situation seems to be getting better for his grandchildren, but it means that a more dangerous time has arrived. In Marin Vanduo, the fall of Whitebeard means that the navy is stronger.

"How could you not know?"

Lieutenant General He frowned.

"He wants to save Ace, but I don't know how he will do it."

At this point, Cap didn't want to hide anything anymore. Because in his heart, he has already faintly noticed that perhaps an even greater disaster is about to come.

"I have a very strong premonition!"

Lieutenant General He said in a deep voice.

In the square not far from here, next to the ruins of the execution platform, the entire body of the Warring States Period shone with golden light, and it had turned into a huge Buddha statue.

Warring States of Buddha!

As the admiral of the navy, although he has the title of wise general, his strength is not weak, and he can even be said to be strong. Otherwise, it is impossible to assume the position of the previous general.


"But don't go to the situation I think!"

Muttering, Zhan Guo's complexion became more and more dignified.

Deep down in his heart, he would rather face White Beard than Jiang Liu.

"Look there, what exactly is Jiang Liu going to do?"

In the Whitebeard camp, Diamond Qiaoz suddenly said loudly, pointing his finger at the place Jiang Liu was talking about.

Then, their eyes shrank together.

"This is?!"

"The team led by Jiang Liu is completely separated from the navy around him!"

"The hostility is quite obvious, what is going on?"

It can be clearly seen with the naked eye that the recruit group led by Jiang Liu suddenly moved at this moment, broke away from the navy team, and came not far from the pirate camp.

Equally shocked and puzzled was the Navy.

"Everyone be alert!"

"Don't act rashly. If the other party doesn't make a move, we must restrain ourselves!"

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

"How can General Jiang Liu's recruits have such great hostility towards us?"

"Who can tell me what's going on now!"

The faces of the sailors showed bewilderment and doubt, as well as a little nervousness.

Defeating Whitebeard, Jiang Liu of Hades Rayleigh, they really don't want to be enemies with each other. But at this moment, quietly, the strange aura pervading the sky above Marin Fando was telling a different situation.

"Colleagues, friends, and Navy brothers!"

"I am Jiang Liu!"

Suddenly, Jiang Liu spoke to the phone bug, his words were smiling, and his voice spread throughout Marin Vanduo and all over the world in an instant.

"It has been nearly thirty years since I came to this world!"

"I've been thinking, brooding."

"What kind of world is this?"

"The navy guards its own peace for the justice it follows in its heart, benevolence?"

"The pirates rushed to the sea for the enthusiasm, ambition, or dream in their hearts?"

"It seems that neither side has made any big mistakes, but just followed the choice of heart."

"But one day, I suddenly discovered that everyone was wrong!"

Having said that, Jiang Liu laughed out loud.


"Yes, a very unexpected answer. Whether it is the navy or the pirates, everyone is wrong!"

"Justice is an excuse for cover-up, groveling, stalking, all kinds of darkness, deeds, and murderous events."

"This is the hypocrisy of the Navy."

"The navy that maintains world peace, acts in accordance with justice, and protects civilians will do things for the Tianlong people."

"To destroy the capital of scholars, O'Hara, to massacre unarmed civilians."

"The benevolent people in power are sometimes more fearful and trembling than the ferocious pirates!"

Jiang Liu sighed softly, a complexion and memory appeared on his face.

"I still remember 20 years ago, on that sunny day, the peaceful O'Hara was covered by relentless artillery fire."

"Remember the old people, crying out in despair, and the young children, who were shot down by ruthless bullets."

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