The **** shock wave passed over Whitebeard, the ice surface of the inner bay, the Gate of Justice, and hit the distant sea, and then there was a rumbling sound.

The surface of the sea collapsed, sinking for hundreds of kilometers, and then rolled up again after a pause.

Then, the tsunami broke out.


The blood-colored electric current made a dense sound, Jiang Liu's feet fell on the ground, and he slowly raised his head, the blood mist on his body drifted with the wind, and his breath was calm.


Suddenly, a voice sounded, close at hand.

The gust of wind blew in, and the blood mist covering the front was blown away, revealing a tragic, huge body covered in blood.

It's Whitebeard!

"Very satisfied!"

"This battle!"

Whitebeard grinned and made a sound, but his jaw had long been skewed, and even the clothes on his body had disappeared, leaving only the broken strips between his legs.

Its huge body looks complete on the outside, but it is covered with blood, but its internal organs, muscles, and bones have already been broken, and all of them collapsed under the terrifying force.

"Tell the old man, your purpose?"

When the deep voice came, Jiang Liu raised his head and his eyes became serious.

The other party's condition seemed to be perfect, and the light in his eyes was also very bright. But he knew that White Beard's life was gone.


Taking a deep breath, Jiang Liu stared into the opponent's eyes.

"Beat you!"

"Rescue my nephew, Portgas D Ace!"


"Change the world!"

White Beard heard it and was stunned, then he laughed.

"Kulala la la la!"

"It's really the declaration of the second year!"

"However, it fits your style very well!"

As he spoke, his tone suddenly became emotional, and he sighed softly.

"do you know?"

"This old man is already very satisfied in his life. I am not interested in titles like One Piece, Four Emperors, Number One in the World, etc."

"All I care about is my family."

"My those."

His eyes scanned the front, and what he saw were familiar faces with tears streaming down their faces and crying bitterly.

"Lovely boys!"

In the end, White Beard's eyes stopped on Jiang Liu.

"Since you have such a purpose."

"Then, you must have made all the preparations."

"Next, Ace, I'll leave it to you!"

After a pause, White Beard's eyes were complicated.

"If possible, please take care of me, my sons!"

Jiang Liu's face was calm, and the blood mist on his body was fading away, revealing his upper body whose robe had been torn and dissipated.

Eight-pack abdominal muscles, well-proportioned lines, and a body without a trace of scars or blood.

This scene caused the pupils of countless people to shrink.

"Okay, what else do you want to say?"

Jiang Liu nodded.

He felt that the aura of the man in front of him was weakening, or in other words, disappearing.

"Is there anything you want to say?"

"Kula la la la!"

White Beard laughed loudly and looked forward with calm and calm eyes.

"What you said is actually quite right, Roger, Whitebeard, Garp, Lockes."

"There is no boat to carry us in this era"

"Old man, it has also been buried in the old era!"

The wind suddenly became stronger, and Whitebeard's words drifted over Marin Fando.

Zhan Guo's face was ugly, his eyes were extremely serious, and he stared at Jiang Liu.

He heard every word of this conversation clearly.

Whitebeard may have fallen, but soon, the entire Marin Fando will usher in a more powerful and terrifying opponent!

Turning his eyes suddenly, Sengoku stared at Ace.

Also at this moment, Luffy was galloping towards him, and Garp stood in front of him.

The corners of his eyes trembled violently, and Sengoku clenched his fists.

"one piece!"

"It really exists!!"

A melodious, high-spirited and smiling discourse suddenly spread over Marin Fanduo and spread to every corner of the world.

Zhan Guo's complexion changed suddenly, and he stared at the figure that seemed to have calmed down on the ice in the inner bay.

"A new era has come!"


Chapter 191 Ace

The low, calm voice spread and resounded throughout Marin Vanduo.

Everyone on the battlefield turned their heads to look at that figure at this moment.


Garp murmured with a complex expression.


Bagu, Promi and the others seemed to realize something, their eyes sharpened, and they clenched the weapons in their hands.


Marco and the others burst into tears. They could feel that the man they were familiar with had lost his breath.

"Are you finally going to tear off your disguise?"

Red Dog said coldly.

His eyes stared at the figure in the field, and the other party's trend became more and more obvious. As the breath of Whitebeard dissipated, it seemed that he no longer planned to hide.

The words just now and the imposing manner displayed at this moment all represent unusual meanings.

"Whirring whirring!"

The cold wind blows past, rolling the ice chips on the inner bay, dancing with the wind, and swirling one after another.

Jiang Liu raised his head, looked at the white beard standing opposite him, who seemed to be still alive, fell silent for a moment, and walked past him with strides.

The sound of the wind was whistling in the ears, and the white beard stood there quietly, motionless, like a mountain peak, motionless, even if the breath was cut off, it still did not fall down.

His jaw was broken, and the ribs, muscles, and organs in his body were almost all shattered. Blood dripped continuously along his body, and soon formed a pool of frozen blood.

After the battle with Jiang Liu, the injuries on his body were innumerable. The skin was covered in blood, and the inside had been completely shattered, leaving only one frame that seemed to be intact.

What supports his fight is not his old body with many hidden dangers, but his strong will and his belief in wanting to save his son and his family.

People will grow old eventually, but the old man with white beard is destined to be remembered and never forgotten by the world.

Everyone will remember that in this world, there is such an old man who gave up his life to fight for his family, and he did not hesitate to risk his own life, so as to pass on the torch of hope for the future and the new era.


On the execution platform, Ace cried bitterly.

Garp's face was heavy, and he got up slowly, walking towards Luffy who had rushed over.

In the blink of an eye, he stood firmly on the stone bridge built.

"Grandpa! Get out of the way!!"

Luffy yelled, with an angry expression on his face.

"I will never let you step here, Luffy!!"

Garp also roared in a deep voice, jumped with both feet, and rushed forward fiercely.

There was a roar, a growl, from both of them.

The departure of Whitebeard does not mean the end of this war. Ace is still not rescued, and the war is still going on.

In the port of Neiwan, the river flowed step by step, and the places passing by, whether it was pirates or navy, all got out of the way.

In the end, he came to Freya and the others.


Squinting his eyes slightly, Jiang Liu looked at the stone bridge and said lightly.

"Phone bug."

Promi nodded quickly, and handed the phone bug to his general.

Also at this time, there was a loud bang, and Garp fell from the stone bridge and fell heavily on the ground, sitting there cross-legged with a livid face.

"Ace, here I come!"

Luffy's roar spread throughout Marin Fand.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Liu grinned and dialed the phone.


When the low voice came, Jiang Liu's eyes flashed.

"Are you ready for the stage? Everyone!"

Jiang Liu grinned.

"We can't wait, but have you finished dealing with your private affairs?"

The playful voice made Jiang Liu's smile even bigger, and he looked up at the straw hat figure who had already run around the execution platform and rushed to Ace's side.

"It will be ready soon!"

"It must be very tiring to fight against a world-class powerhouse like Whitebeard, right? Are you in a good state now?"

The old voice made Jiang Liu smile.

"It consumes a lot!"

"So, next, I'm afraid I have to rely on your help."

"You don't need to talk about this kind of thing, you are the boss!"

"Let's get started!"

An impatient voice came.

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