"In the name of justice, doing Asura's work, such a navy made me wake up."

"Makes me sick too! Shame on me!"

After the words reached the back, they had become cold.

A hint of sarcasm and disdain appeared on Jiang Liu's face, appearing in front of everyone in the world.

Chapter 193 I Don't Like This World


The complexion of the Warring States has changed drastically.

These words gave him an extremely bad premonition. In his words, the questioning of the navy and the irony of justice are more piercing than any actions or words.

"Navy, is it justice, or some guy's order?"


"Let's be more direct!"

"The so-called navy, their justice is world conquest, the justice of the Tianlong people!"

"And what kind of people are the Tianlong people?"

Jiang Liu's words continued, and the disdain on his expression was undisguised in front of the whole world.

"The nobles of the world who are high above the world? The descendants of the twenty kings who created the world?"

"We might as well use moths to describe them, but it will be more accurate!"

Such words caused the complexions of countless people at the scene to change drastically. Some people's eyes were shocked, some pupils constricted, some people trembled all over, and the light in some people's eyes turned into frenzy.

Facing the face of the whole world, scolding the Tianlong people as moths, and the navy as the lackeys of the Tianlong people?

Maybe, Jiang Liu is the only one?

"What the **** is he going to do?"

Foil Vista said doubtfully.

"I don't know, but based on these words, even if he defeats Dad, Jiang Liu is still an admirable man."

"With such words, I'm afraid he won't be able to stay in the navy anymore? Then, wouldn't we lose a terrible enemy?"

"Look at him first, what exactly is he going to do?"

Among the Whitebeard Pirates, whispered discussions rang out.

At the same time, the whole world is boiling up.

Before that, there was a spectacular scene where Jiang Liu fought against White Beard and won in the end. Now, as a navy, but so openly disdain the navy, the world government, and the words of the Tianlong people.

Such a bizarre reversal undoubtedly subverted what many people originally thought, and also made them feel nervous and excited.

"He, is he going to convict the navy? Be a pirate?"

Someone shouted so loudly, which immediately aroused the approval of countless people.

Since one hates the navy, pirates are undoubtedly a good place to go.

"He's right, the navy is protecting the justice of the Tianlong people."

"The O'Hara incident, the actions of the Chambord Islands to protect those Tianlong people are vivid in my mind!"

"Maybe some of them, like General Jiang Liu, are safeguarding the interests of civilians, but they still cannot cover up their evil deeds!"

Someone also shouted excitedly.

In a town, among the crowd surrounding a huge screen, a black-haired woman shed tears silently in her eyes, but on her face, there was a contrasting smile and anticipation.

"Have you finally made it this far?"


"O'Hara, will always support you and stand behind you."

"Thank you very much, really appreciate everything you have done for O'Hara!"

In Marin Vandone, Jiang Liu's words continued, and the corner of his mouth in the picture was curved.

"Speaking of which, some people may think, do I not want to be a navy? Do I want to be a pirate?"

"Hehe, some of this idea is correct, and some are wrong!"

"Navy, I really don't want to do it!"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Marin Fando was completely boiling. Countless marines widened their eyes, their hearts were shocked, and they shouted excitedly.

Who is Rihu Jiangliu?

It can be said that since its appearance, it has been a symbol of the Navy. Although the entire Marin Vanduo had already started to spread rumors a month ago, it still couldn't conceal the great contribution of the other party to the navy, as well as its terrifying reputation and appeal in the navy.

"But I won't be a pirate either."

"Navy is hypocritical justice, what about pirates?"

"Some guys set sail with their dreams as their goal. They pursue the truth and go to the sea. They are magnanimous and worthy of respect."

"But some guys are also heinous villains."


With that said, Jiang Liu grinned facing the whole world and everyone in Marin Fando.

"What kind of world is this?"

"Humans, murlocs, fur tribes, long-necked tribes, giant tribes, small human tribes, etc., although they have different skins and appearances, they are all members of the whole world in essence, they are all human beings. "

"But discrimination, contempt, arrogance, hunting, but with the acquiescence of some people, are going on all the time!"

"It's so sad!"

"I don't like this world."

Jiang Liu's voice suddenly became heavy, sonorous and powerful, echoing in everyone's ears, and also in the entire Marin Fando, shocking everyone.

"So, I'm going to change it!"

"The high-ranking Tianlong people own the so-called world government of more than 300 countries in the world."

"I really want to see what you guys are like!"

"I will declare war with you here, in Marlin Vandor, at the end of this battle with Whitebeard!"

"I will overthrow you and rebuild a new world!"

Cold, powerful words spread out.

"Whirring whirring!"

A strong wind suddenly blew over Marin Fando, and it fell into silence. The whole world seemed to have been pressed the pause button at this moment, without any sound.

"What the **** is he talking about?"

"Go on, are you kidding? Such words!"

"I don't know why? These words stopped in my ears, even more real than Whitebeard's ONEPIECE, and it made my blood boil!"

"There's a wave of enthusiasm in my heart, let's do it with him, I can't restrain my eager thoughts at all!"

"What the **** is a man!"

shock! shock! shock! !

At this moment, the whole world is shocked by the river on the screen. This speech is not too long, but it stimulates everyone's hearts to beat violently, making people's blood boil.

To declare war on the world government and the Tianlong people, in front of the whole world, what kind of courage is this?


Mary Gioia, in the splendid and magnificent palace, an old laughter suddenly came out.

"Sure enough, as we expected, his ambition even surpasses Lockes!"

"Locus? His strength is far inferior to the former Lockes!"

"The so-called kings from generation to generation have all fallen, but the world government still exists!"

"Arrogant and ignorant child, he will soon know how ignorant and ridiculous his thoughts are!"

An old voice sounded, and within the palace, a chilling aura flew past like a gust of wind.

Marlin Vanduo Middle.


Qingzhi slowly let out a breath of white air, his face was solemn, and his eyes were complicatedly staring at the figure not far away.

"It's really a situation I don't want to face!"

Akainu's eyes were cold, and he let out a sneer: "It's just a traitor to the navy!"

"Your life will also come to an end today!"

A flash of light flashed on the yellow monkey's sunglasses, and he let out a soft sigh.

"Trouble, my heart is trembling with fear!"

In front of the ruins of the execution platform, Zhan Guo clenched his fists, his face was gloomy, and his anger reached the extreme, and he suddenly let out a loud roar.


"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Chapter 194

In Marin Vandor, dramatic plot developments are underway.

Codenamed Day Tiger, Jiang Liu, the former admiral of the navy, actually said such words in front of the whole world, which shocked everyone.

At the same time, their hearts were also touched.

"Warring States!"

"I know very well what I say at this moment, what it represents."

Jiang Liu responded to Warring States' loud question with a smile.

"Are you going to fight the navy here?"

Zhan Guo looked gloomy, clenched his fists, and shouted in a deep voice.

His eyes became sharper at the moment, and he had actually paid attention to all Jiang Liu's movements. The naval intelligence department, the world CP organization, will continuously collect relevant information every day.

At this moment, Warring States had expected it, but they didn't expect it to come so soon, and it was in the midst of this war.

It has to be said that the other party is really cunning and cunning. In the face of such a large-scale war, in front of the whole world, doing such a thing can indeed spread the influence to the limit.

In other words, Jiang Liu had planned long ago, and the moment before him was within his plan.

"Defeat Whitebeard, save Ace, and declare your position in front of the whole world."

"Is everything your plan?"

"It's really scary!"

Zhan Guo's eyes flickered, and he said silently in his heart.

"But it's a pity that I have already deduced the scene in front of me, and I have made complete preparations."

"Everything you think about will only lead to failure!"

With his eyes fixed on Jiang Liu, Zhan Guo spoke again.

"Have you really thought about it?"

"You won a battle with Whitebeard. Even if you don't have any injuries on the outside, the consumption will definitely not be small."

"And here, it's Marlin Vanduo!"

"The world's largest and most heavily defended giant fortress!"

"You may not be able to get out of here!"

As his cold, serious words spread out, a gust of wind suddenly swept through Marin Vandone. Many vice admirals looked cold and acted silently.

They are very clear about their identities and responsibilities, and even if their former friends suddenly become enemies, they will not hesitate to carry out their tasks.

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