Chapter 399 Secret

  Have a hard blow for Polusalino to ensure the closing of the world line.

   Two or three minutes later.

  Adrian descended from the sky, and walked briskly to the entrance of the knock-off bar located on the 12th peninsula.

  I haven't been here for a few days. As always, there is no customer in this remote little bar, and I don't know if Mrs. Xia Qi has other serious business hours.

  After all, I don’t know much about intelligence trading.

  Adrian pushed the door in.

  Behind the half-floating fence door, there is a scene of ten thousand year old bosses drinking and reading newspapers and throwing dog food to each other.


  Aini Lu looked at the door of the bar, got up in surprise, and still greeted loudly and enthusiastically.

  Although I was not able to witness the scene of the Tianlongren being publicly auctioned, it did not prevent Ainilu from doing what Adrian did, and felt proud.

   Adrian nodded towards the cheap apprentice, and then walked towards the bar.

   Sitting in front of the bar, Lei Li turned around and looked at Adrian as he approached. The complex and awe-inspiring expressions in his eyes intertwined and disappeared, and then he asked gently.

  "At this time, when I appear on the shampoo floor, are you afraid that people from the world government will come to trouble?"

   "Those people from CP0 are preparing to ambush in IWC Totland. They seem to believe that I will violate the agreement."

   Adrian also sat in front of the bar, added, and then reported his drink to Mrs. Xia Qi.

  "By the way, this news was obtained from the lieutenant admiral. A glass of pure water with ice, thank you."

  "When I came to the bar, I would order pure water?"

  The lady boss Xia Qi glanced at Adrian a little strangely, and mumbled a few words in a low voice.

   "It doesn't fit the crazy temperament of the great pirate who auctioned off the slaves of the dragons..."

   "Lieutenant Admiral?"

  Reilly coughed and asked.

   "You just went to trouble with the Navy again?"

   "Trouble? Thank you."

   Adrian took the ice water from Xia Qi and held it in his hand.

   "I personally returned Saint Musgarud to the navy. How can I call them trouble? Moreover, the cooperation between me and the brigadier general is quite tacit."

   "Quasi general? actually returned the Tianlongren back?"

  Reilly looked at Adrian in disbelief.

  Even Xia Qi and Ainilu couldn't help but cast surprised eyes.

   "...Senior Raleigh, don't you really think that I will throw Musgarud Saint to Charlotte Lingling that crazy lady?"

   Adrian asked rhetorically.

   "In that case, I would also worry that the world government will directly and unscrupulously announce BIGMOM as the first king, Qiwuhai!

   "After all, by that time, Charlotte Lingling will not only be the mother of Wan Guo, but also the mother of the Denonites, at least as a relative.

   "Well, in that case, it seems really interesting..."

  Reilly was a little dizzy by the picture described by Adrian, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

  Xia Qi supported her chin, and said lazily: "Actually, I thought you would kill that Draco directly."

"Do not make jokes."

   Adrian smiled and waved his hand.

   "In that case, it may cause unimaginable problems."

  Dragon people are alive and dead, but they are two completely different concepts.

  The former, there is still the least room for reversal.

  The latter, but it may directly cause someone outside of the specification to shoot!

  Yes, Adrian was jealous. He was never a Celestial or a world government.

  It is the **** Eim who sits on the [empty throne]!

  For now, all the masters that Adrian has been in contact with in the past, including the white beard who is not yet aging, trigger the challenge missions to all levels of difficulty.

  Only two items broke through S grade difficulty.

  The first item is the SS-level task [God’s Sleep] that needs to continuously harm the Tianlongren.

  By the way, during the persecution of the Saints of Musgarud, and with the widespread spread of the "Dragon Slaves" event, the progress bar of this task has been directly increased to 5%!

  And as time goes by, the progress bar is still rising.

  It should be that the spread of the event has become more and more widespread, and more and more people are aware of it.

  As for why it can be improved so much at one time, Adrian has also speculated.

   is not due to the degree of persecution of individual Tianlong people.

   But out of the "Dragon Human Race Slave" incident, the original aristocratic nobles of the world were directly pulled into the ground——

  No, just kicked into the mud pit!

  When the residents of the sea realized that "Oh, it turns out that the Denon people can also be slaves, or they can be goods placed on the shelves for bidding", the majesty of the Denon people that has been established for hundreds of years is also mostly injured.

  Of course, there are people on the world government who are aware of such a terrible situation.

  The problem is that at that time, Saint Musgarud was stepped on by Adrian, and no one was sure to rescue him. He could only pinch his nose and agree to the auction.

  As for the second item that breaks through the S-level difficulty.

   is directly up to the SSS level [Sora no Throne]!

  Character bonuses even with many identities, top players in the camp, etc.

  Have an SSS-level task difficulty that can be called the upper limit of the panel.

  It can be expected that Yim’s strength is definitely far beyond imagination!

  Adrian is just a poor, helpless and weak one-hundred-level extreme player.

  Who knows how exaggerated Yim’s strength has been?

  If Adrian really recklessly kills a Draco.

   At that time it touched Eam's nerves.

  A direct wave of mechanical descent...

  Even with the help of a panel plug-in, Adrian estimates that he might not be able to resist it.

  In short, at this stage, we still have to grow up.

  Well, although in terms of all the things that Adrian has done so far, it can almost be said that it is too high-profile...

   Regarding Adrian's statement, Raleigh agreed.

   "Well, as long as the Tianlongren are not dead, it will indeed not break the bottom line of the government and the navy."

  Reilly raised the flat flask in his hand and took a sip.

   "The last great pirate who wanted to destroy the Celestial Clan and become the'king of the world' has been sunk in the trench of the West Sea." (Note)

   "Well, Locks D. Gibbeck! I have heard that, it is indeed a very powerful character."

   Adrian nodded, drank the ice water in his hand, and asked some gossiping.

   "By the way, how many celestial dragons were killed in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods? There are no accurate numbers in O'Hara's classics."

  ‘Yes, Bai Youling’s past record includes saving O’Hara...’

  Reilly's eyes flashed a clear look.

  The weird expression of Xia Qi behind the bar also returned to normal.

   "But it's a pity, I don't know how many Celestials died that time."

  Reilly said.

"But what is certain is that after that incident, all the Celestials who originally lived in the Valley of the Gods moved to Marijoa. In the following ten years or so, the Celestials will occasionally run to other people. Where to go."

   Adrian took over, “After all, the Valley of Gods has been completely erased from the map! Even when I sailed in the Pan-Western Sea, I didn’t find the location of the Valley of Gods.”

   "In fact, the Valley of Gods has not been completely destroyed."

  Reilly smiled, casually telling a real secret of the sea.

   "Before the Valley of the Gods sank into the sea, Skee used his ability to separate a small core part of the Valley of the Gods from the island, and at the same time took away several crew members of the Rocks Pirates."

   "Really? Could it be..."

   Adrian is lost in thought.

  At this moment, Xia Qi suddenly interrupted.

  "Now discussing these old things, don’t you feel a bit nauseous?"

"Feel sorry!"

  The penniless old man, who was living on soft food, immediately raised his hands and surrendered, shutting up.

   "And you, white ghost!"

  Xia Qi pointed the conversation at Adrian.

  "When are you going to pay the 180 million Baileys you prepared?"

   "Huh? Isn't it only 170 million?"

  "These days, Ainilu eats, drinks, sleeps, and uses in the ripped-off bar. Isn't it all money?" The proprietress Xia Qi said with a bitter gesture.

  It seems that the old stories just told stabbed the little heart of this old woman...

   But that’s right. According to legend, this boss lady Xia Qi was born in the Rocks Pirates...

   Adrian came to realize instantly.

   "Well, 180 million is 180 million."

  The wealthy white ghost waved his hand. In the past few years, he has been fighting pirates on the great sea route without interruption, and the Pele and treasure he has harvested far exceed this number.

  What's more, there is still a very rich gold reserve on the sky island.

  Adrien will not be short of money if he lacks anything.

  With a wave of ripples, Rumi transferred enough money from the fortress of Jiancheng, a pile of gold and silver treasures, like a small mountain of gold, fell from the sky and fell into the hold-up bar.

  Xia Qi took a rough look. With years of experience, she can recognize the value of these wealth at a glance. It will never be less than 200 million Baileys!

  The proprietress of Ai Cai became docile again.

   "Handsome boy, do you want another glass of ice water?"

   "No, no more."

   Adrian shook his head and got up from the seat.

   "I came to the ripped-off bar this time, and it was only for Ainilu's business."

   gave another command to the poor Ainilu, telling him to learn from Rayleigh honestly, and strive to **** Bucky away from Shanks as soon as possible, even if only one head is snatched away.

  Adrian nodded slightly towards Lei Li and Xia Qi, and was about to leave directly.

"……and many more."

  Xia Qi struggled for a moment, and still said.

"Recently, a group of people on the Chambord Islands are looking for you. I can confirm that they are not from the world government. Although it is possible that you will not care too much about the behavior of the group, but it depends on the circumstances where you are so generous. , I'll let you know for free."

  Not from the world government?

  Adrian was slightly confused.

"they are?"

   "It should be... the revolutionary army."

    Thank you very much for the reward of 111 starting currency from "Cantianxiong"! !

     Thank you very much for the 1666 book coin reward of "I’m coming, baby"! !

     Thank you "LONELY15" for the 6000 starting currency reward! !

     Note: The Valley of Gods is located in the West Sea. This is an inference inherited from Shanks’ identity and origin of the Dragon.

     can not care too much.

     is just the author's personal inference and supplement to the information of the past era.



  (End of this chapter)

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