Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 398: "Complete"

  Chapter 398 "Complete"

  Chambord Islands, in front of the naval branch base.

  A group of naval soldiers looked stupidly for a while standing at the gate of the base, talking and having fun, and sometimes jokes and laughs, Lieutenant General Polusalino and the legendary Pirate White Ghost.

  They lowered their heads again, and looked at the guns that smelled of gunpowder in their hands, and the long knives that shone with cold light.

  After a while.

  The navy soldiers raised their heads one after another, looking at each other, unanimously doubting their identity.

  Although we soldiers who believe in justice, we are not very willing to take over the No.1 slave of Heaven from the hands of the Great Pirate White Ghost.

  But Lieutenant General Polusalino, you don’t want to be like a big pirate in such a disregard of your status, right?

  The navy soldiers wanted to force themselves to ignore the weird scene of the high-ranking navy and the legendary pirate Yan Yan.

  But the two voices of conversation that seemed to be nostalgic still passed the sea breeze to their ears incomparably clear.

   Listening to what Bai Youling said, the existence of these two rival camps seemed to have had friendship many years ago.

  Lieutenant General Polusalino even presented (?) a pair of sunglasses that seemed to be a token of friendship by Bai Youling?

   Just as the eyes of the navy soldiers gradually became strange.

   Polusalino talked about it for a long time, and finally brought the topic to Saint Musgarud.

   "This respected Tianlongren, is it really that simple to hand it over to me?"

  Adrian raised his eyebrows and said with a gun and a stick.

   "Why, does Polusalino really want to rescue the nobles of the world who you need to be respectful and kneel to meet?"

  If this ambiguous justice really wants to kill the dragons at this moment and rebel against the navy...

   Adrian absolutely raised his hands in agreement.

   Even if he is unwilling to accept his move, he raises his hands in favor.

  If it were not for not wanting to completely tear his face with the world government prematurely, Adrian would have slaughtered this stupid Draco.

  Even if you already know that this is the Dragonite who was shipwrecked and wandered on Murloc Island in the original book.

  But tell the truth.

  No matter which Draco arrived at the fisherman island, with their level of intelligence, seeing the princess Otohime who has a natural innate special knowledge, he should kneel or kneel, and he has no resistance at all.

  What's more, the fisherman island nowadays wants to leave the deep sea and go to land under the sun.

   Adrian really feels that there is no need for the intervention of the Tianlong people at all!

  If you don’t mind, he can even move all the residents of Murloc Island to the White Sea at an altitude of 10,000 meters through the Fortress of Rumi’s Fortress!

  The White Sea is also the sea, and many special marine creatures have survived.

  And compared to the islands on the ocean, the white sea above 10,000 meters is closer to the sun!

  Hear Adrian's sarcastic words.

  In the eyes under Polusalino's sunglasses, there was also a clear and extremely disgusting emotion.

  Even as the navy of the world government, as long as the justice in the heart still exists, it is impossible to have a good impression of the existence of the Tianlong people!

  What's more, Polusalino was stabbed by the world government in the early years because of the Saint Rozvard’s reasons!

   "Don't get me wrong~ Bai Youling."

   Polusalino said slowly.

   "But I, take it, and welcome the work of Saint Musgarud~

  "Of course, this is based on the situation where you really appeared on the Chambord Islands as promised.

  "As far as I know, many CP0 members are secretly waiting for you in Totland~"

  It seems that in the eyes of most members of the world government, pirates are still pirates.

  Even if there is a record of honest transactions, the credibility is still pitifully low...

   Such thoughts slowly surfaced in Adrian's heart. He glanced at Musgarud, who was still lying on the wooden trailer, and suddenly asked.

   "Porusalino, you said that the two of us are now going to Totlan together, taking the Draco as a certificate, how about joining the BIGMOM Pirates?"

  Rao is a yellow ape who likes to speak Sao and wears Sao clothes. He was also choked by Bai Youling's sudden thoughts and didn't know what to say.

   "Forget it, Bai Youling."

   Polusalino sternly said.

   "After you hand over the Tianlongren to the navy, you can leave! If you want to fight, I am willing to accompany you!"


   Adrian took a step forward.

   Polusalino looked away, "Do you still want to make trouble in the shampoo? White ghost."

   "It's not like this, but something I suddenly remembered."

   Adrian looked up and down Polusalino.

  One to say one.

  In the past few years, he seems to have pitted the beloved People’s Artist quite miserably.

  The main reason is that I was forced to become an abandoned son on the Chambord Islands, which caused mutual suspicion with the world government.

  If you really lose your position as a general in this way, the world line will definitely shift a lot...

  Adrian also wants to see with his own eyes the famous scene of three admirals coming on stage with Erlang's legs tilted up during the war at the top.

  Although...the only one who didn't have Erlang's leg up, was later broken.

  Although...Sakaski, the most arrogant red dog, has been interrupted for several years.

  But the only healthy old man Huang Yuan, can't just not get out of the scene!

   Adrian's mind floats.


  Have to find a way to bring epic enhancements to Polusalino!

  Go... Help him blow!

  ‘White Ghost doesn’t really want to fight directly here, right? ’

   Polusalino's heart suddenly had such a thought.

  At the same time, the pressure piled up in my heart also suddenly increased.

  The painful memories of being beaten up by Adrian in the past, or being beaten twice, somehow appeared in Polusalino's mind.

At this moment.


   Accompanied by a roar and dazzling light, Bai Youling's figure flew out directly.

   rang together, and the roar of Bai Youling's anger that couldn't be suppressed, reached the ears of every navy on the field incomparably clear.

   "What a lieutenant admiral! I kindly handed the Dragon Man to the navy. You didn't speak morality, so I took advantage of my unpreparedness and made a sneak attack!"


   Polusalino, who didn't do anything, looked at the suddenly acting white ghost with a blank expression, and instantly three question marks appeared on his forehead.


  Two amazingly powerful flying slashes with a length of tens of meters were chopped out by Adrian and flew to Polusalino's position accurately.

  Porusalino's pupils shrank slightly, facing the slash of the Great Swordsman level, he did not dare to care.

   Put your hands together, and the area where your palms are touching flashes with a dazzling light.

   "Sky Cong Yunjian!"

Porusalino opened his palm abruptly, and a slender lightsaber made up of light particles appeared out of thin air in his right hand. A ray of red light flashed in his eyes, and the sight and smell locked the slashing position with a sword. out.


  Two seemingly astonishing flying slashes were easily split apart by the Sky Cloud Sword in Polusalino's hand.

   A violent shock wave with no harm spread, causing the naval soldiers of the branch base to stagger and stand unsteadily.

   "What an exaggerated flying slash!"

   "Lieutenant General Polusalino... easily blocked the white ghost's attack!"

   "Lieutenant General Polusalino! So strong!"

  A group of rookie soldiers who could not understand at all cheered one after another.

   Polusalino’s mouth twitched frantically, and he didn’t understand what the White Ghost was doing. This kind of flashy slash could not even cut a warship, right?


Before the words fell, Adrian's figure was as fast as an illusory shadow, reflected on the mirror surface of the yellow sunglasses, the pale lightsaber in his hand mixed with high-level armed color and condensed spiritual pressure, like a magic sword descending World.

  Adrian waved the long sword in his hand and cut it down quickly.

  Porussalino's reaction speed was incredible. The Sky Cloud Sword, at an extremely tricky angle, came first and hit the white ghost's abdomen one step ahead of time.

  ‘Damn it! There is fraud! ’

  Porussalino's heart squatted, ready to be beaten madly.


  I saw the legendary big pirate flying backwards at several times the speed since.

   "This power! This speed! I recognize you!"

   Pretending to be smashed by Polusalino with a sword, Adrian, who has not even broken the defense of [Ba Lin Yi], maintained the posture of flying backwards, and at the same time did not forget the crazy praise.

  "On the navy side, among the opponents I have fought, no one is faster than you! I, Bai Youling, would like to call you the strongest!"

  "Yellow flash, I think you look like a general!"

  The legendary pirate who came to the front of the naval branch base in Chambord, with the slaves of the Tianlong human race, turned into a twinkling meteor, and was directly "struck" out of the sky by the lieutenant admiral.

  Before leaving, I even did not forget the power of this lieutenant admiral.

   "...just blow!"

  Porussalino was very speechless by Adrian's manipulation, and he couldn't figure out the routine of the white ghost at all.

  However, when the veteran fisherman looked at the rest of the navy soldiers, they were about to let them carry the Saint Musgarud into the branch base, waiting for the arrival of the world government.

  Unexpectedly, he saw a group of buling and buling dazzling eyes.

   "Lieutenant General Polusalino, there is..."

  "The strength of the general!!!"

   "Even the white ghost..."

   "Neither can defeat Lieutenant General Polusalino!!!"

  The unbelievable cheers of a group of naval soldiers are almost about to break through the sky.

  Fortunately, they did not exaggerate that Polusalino can directly defeat the White Ghost.

   Otherwise, Adrian will turn back on the spot if he is not sure, and show a wave of what is the strength of the 100-level limit!

   Perceiving the situation on Peninsula 66 from a distance, Adrian left a smile hidden deep in his fame and fame, and then flew towards Peninsula 12.

  "As a general, in my name, I will guarantee you!

   "Don't let down my ardent expectations and hard work, Principal Huang Yuan..."

  (End of this chapter)

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