Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 400: 【lights】

  Chapter 400【Lights】

  Get out of Xia Qi's ripped-off bar.

   A calm-looking Adrian walks on the streets of Peninsula No. 12.

  Due to the world government’s ban on slave trading and the secret war of the revolutionary army.

   is the first 30 serial peninsula of the Chambord Islands, a chaotic and illegal place, and it is even more noisy at this time.

  The slaves who flee face-to-face, look flustered, sweating profusely, and the shackles on their bodies will be completely unfastened in the future, and they don’t forget to turn their heads occasionally to see if there are chasing soldiers behind them;

  Three giggling pirates walking on the edge of the road, with a knife in one hand and a wine bottle in the other, pointing at the running slave, one of them is still imitating the slave's awkward posture;

  At the end of the road, the face of the slave trader in suits and leather shoes with a big belly flushed red, roaring and jumping at this side, but no one ignored him.

  The slaves who were imprisoned at the feet of the slave owner showed different faces. Perhaps they were ready to escape the riots later.

   Adrian walked like this for ten minutes.

  Pedestrians rarely noticed that the "culprit" and "legendary pirate" who caused the chaos in the Chambord at this moment are walking in front of them in such a generous manner.

   Adrian looked away from a pedestrian of various shapes and colors, and a chuckle hung from the corner of his mouth.

  I just flew directly from Peninsula No. 66 to Peninsula No. 12 by flying.

  Although it is fast and convenient, the pedestrians on the island can easily overlook the ghosts flying in the sky.

  The feeling of walking on the street at this time is completely different.

  Even though not using sight and hearing color.

  Only with Adrian's keen perception, he can also detect the prying eyes from the windows and dark corners of the street.

   Surprised, shocked, admired, sighed, mixed emotions in the eyes.

  Only does not contain the slightest negative feelings of hatred.

   "Is it really a revolutionary army?"

  Adrian glanced around, and there was a white fountain nearby that was slowly spouting crystal water. There were a few benches for rest around the fountain, and he walked over.

  About two or three minutes later.

  A man wearing a dark green cloak, with a serious face, walked over in strides, and sat directly beside Adrian.

   "Monkey D. Dorag."

   Adrian stared at the white fountain, motionless, and directly called out the full name of the person.

  "Since Nanhai Farewell, I haven't seen each other for several years."

  Because of his identity, Dorag pursed his lips, recalling the scene of being severely beaten by the person in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

   "That's it, that's right!"

   "Go ahead, son of a naval hero. You, and your revolutionary army, what can you do with me?"

   Adrian remained unchanged, still staring at the direction of the fountain, straight to the point.

  Hearing the words of White Ghost, Dorag's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

  The revolutionary army hasn’t done much action in recent years, and all actions are basically carried out in secret.

  The "Slavery Emancipation Movement" on the Chambord Islands is barely the first collective activity of the revolutionary army.

  Due to the key location of the Chambord Islands and the large number of slaves on the island, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the operation, Dorag, the leader of the revolutionary army, will come together.

  However, this does not mean that Bai Youling can easily tell his true identity!

  All the activities of the revolutionary army in the past have not had any contact with Bai Youling.

  It stands to reason that it is impossible for the other party to know his identity!


  Dorag was about to ask how Bai Youling learned about his relationship with the revolutionary army.

   At this moment, a heavy pressure like a towering mountain suddenly appeared in this square inch.

  The fountain not far away that kept gushing water was also directly compressed by this pressure.

   "Speak your thoughts directly, or plan to change the leader."

   Adrian's body is surrounded by pale spiritual pressure that is almost substantial.

  At the same time as the voice fell, the spiritual pressure also disappeared.


  The white fountain that was forcibly suppressed for a while, spewed a much stronger water column.

  Dorag's heart could not help but relax.

  ‘What a terrible strength! Is this the legendary pirate? Just the momentum is much stronger than I didn't know a few years ago! ’

  The leader of the revolutionary army was inexplicably shocked.

   "I want to invite you to join the revolutionary army!"

  No longer intending to worry about how Bai Youling knew his exact identity, Dorrag directly stated his intentions.

   "Why? Why?"

  Dorag took a deep breath, and was not directly rejected by Bai Youling, indicating that there was some talk!

  "The revolutionary army aims to overthrow the world government, end the brutal rule of the Tianlong people, and return the destiny of equality and freedom for the inhabitants of the sea!"

  Dorag talked about the purpose of the revolutionary army, and directly set out his best conditions.

   "If you join the revolutionary army, I am willing to immediately transfer the leadership position!"

"Ha ha……"

   Adrian chuckled. Although he had predicted this scene in advance, he still felt a little funny inexplicably.

  Dorag may have seen his previous struggles against the unreasonable policies of the world government, so he thought he was also a like-minded comrade, so he wanted to pull him into the revolutionary army.

  For this reason, he even directly gave up the position of the first leader of the revolutionary army.

  It’s such a big deal!


"Not interested in."

  Hearing the opponent's refusal, Dorag's expression didn't move at all.

  White Ghost’s refusal was completely expected, but Dorag didn’t want to simply abandon a top powerhouse who was most likely to be in line with the revolutionary army!

  As the leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag had a vague expectation in his heart.

  After the "Dragon Slave Incident" broke out, the number of revolutionary armies around the world will definitely show an explosive rise.

  Even, this kind of signs has already begun at this time!

  Under such circumstances, if it is possible to draw the white ghost who made this incident with his own hands into the revolutionary army.

   is definitely of extraordinary significance to the revolutionary army!

  Exaggerate a little bit.

  If Bai Youling really joins, he has made two major incidents to the Tianlongren.

  The status of this famous big pirate in the revolutionary army is probably not inferior to that of the hero Kapu in the navy!


   "If you want to continue talking about soliciting, then don't say it at all. Listening to it twice will always make people feel bored."

  Adrian interrupted Dorag.

   "In a sense, the ambitions, or goals, of the revolutionary army and I are indeed the same."

  The revolutionary army wants to overthrow the world government and the rule of the Denonites.

  Adrian wants to complete the ultimate missions of [God’s Sleep] and [Empty Throne].

  The two sides do have a certain basis for cooperation.


   Adrian really has no interest in the revolutionary army.

  Well, except for Belo Beatty.


to be honest.

  Adrian is just a good guy who is interested.

  Absolutely not to the point of trying to liberate the people of another world with all his might, or even regard it as a life's work.

  A trace of excitement flashed in Dorag's eyes when he heard Bai Youling's words.

  Unexpectedly, even Bai Youling himself admitted that he was indeed consistent with the purpose of the revolutionary army!

   Isn’t that...

   "But I still refuse."

   Adrian’s next sentence, like a basin of cold water, directly extinguished the heat in Dorag’s heart.


  Dorag asked unwillingly.

  Adrian wanted to have a long discussion.

  But then think again.

   "Why do I need to explain to you?"


  Dorag was silent for a while, completely giving up his plan to win over the white ghost, got up from the bench, and prepared to leave directly.

   Regardless of Bai Youling’s attitude towards the revolutionary army.

  As long as the other party is still standing on the road of fighting against the world government and attacking the Tianlong people, they can be walking side by side!

  Thinking this way, it doesn’t make much difference whether Bai Youling’s identity is a pirate or a revolutionary army.

  It’s just that Dorag still has a regretful feeling of missing the king.

  What a top-notch combat power, and it's a shining, peerless brand...

  If Bai Youling is really drawn into the revolutionary army, it will definitely be a crazy promotion for the revolutionary army!

"and many more!"

   Adrian suddenly spoke and stopped Dorage who wanted to leave.

   "There is one thing I need to ask about."

"what's up?"

   "Three days ago, at the Tianlongren auction, a revolutionary army also appeared."

   Adrian narrowed his eyes slightly, recalling the specific situation of the day.

   "That person called me ‘lamp’, what does that mean?"

  Dorag pondered for a moment, and finally chose to speak generously.

   "In the revolutionary army, you are called [the lights of history]."

  【Lighting】? ? ! !

  Adrian's eyelids twitched slightly.

  I still remember that about half an hour ago, he was still thinking about Eim.

  Em seems to have a special and extremely natural experience, or some other special means.

  Through that means, Eim will order the five old stars to eliminate those unique existences that are about to jump out of his grasp.

  These unique existences include "Straw Hat Luffy", "Black Beard Titch", "Neptune White Star" and other characters with inherent special missions.

  And Yim and the Five Old Stars, the code for these people, is [Denghuo]!

  Unexpectedly, only half an hour later.

  Adrian heard the same comment from Dorag.

  Look up at the sky.

   Adrian has a reward order for himself inexplicably, and he is being held in his hand by the "god" who lives deep in the holy land, Mary Joa, among the flowers of Pangu City.

  It seems that the next moment, a sharp sword will directly pierce the latest reward order, or directly insert it on the ground...

   "[The lights of history], what do you mean?"

   Adrian asked calmly.

   "Also, [Light], where did this term come from?"

   Seeing that Bai Youling seemed to be talkative, Dorag didn't plan to leave for a while, and said completely and carefully.

  "Although the world government announced that O'Hara and all historians were directly destroyed by the Order of Demons for studying taboo history.

  "But according to the intelligence information held by the Revolutionary Army, the truth was that you not only intervened in the O'Hara Demon Order incident, but more likely, transferred a large number of archaeologists.

   "At the very least, Ms. Nicole Orbija, who should have died, did not die!"

  Dorag took a sigh of relief and continued.

  "This is also the reason why the Revolutionary Army calls you [the light of history], because everyone agrees that you may have transferred a large number of archaeologists, and even have a very full understanding of ancient history.

  "The blank history of the past that the world government deliberately erased, in the inference of the revolutionary army, must be because it contains important information that can shake their rule.

  "Knowing the past is of great significance to the revolutionary army.

  "As for [lights]..."

  Dorag frowned slightly.

  "It seems that there is no special meaning and no special source. It is just that everyone thinks that you will be a beacon to illuminate the dark road ahead."

   "Nicole Orbija... Shanks..."

   Adrian grinded his teeth and immediately issued the order to see him off.

   "Okay, you can go now."


  (End of this chapter)

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