Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 397: Limit reward

  Chapter 397 Extreme Reward

  Chambord Islands, Peninsula 66.

  The generous Adrian, together with Fisher Tiger in a black cloak, walked on this serial number peninsula where a large number of navies and world government agencies are stationed.

  Fisher Tiger was dragging a wooden trailer behind.

  Sacred Musgarud, who was frightened and fainted, was placed in the trailer with his face down and his **** upside down, covered with a layer of white linen to cover it.

  If it weren’t deliberately checked, no one would have known that in this unremarkable little trailer, there was actually a dragon slave who showed a big face in front of the world two days ago!

  Fisher Tiger, who was transporting the Draco, had a completely different feeling in his heart from the self who "carried" the Draco a few days ago.

  Yes, excitement!

   "Bai-Lord Adrian, is it really okay for us to walk on Peninsula 66 like this?"

  Fisher Tiger scanned the surrounding official institutions, and he noticed something was wrong just after he opened his mouth. After a joke, he quickly changed his question.

  "It’s okay. Now the Chambordian Islands are in a mess. The slaves are constantly rioting. Didn't you notice that when we walked all the way, there were no navies in sight?"

  A ray of red light flashed in Adrian's eyes, and he saw the domineering color covering the entire Chambordian Islands, checking the island's every move, and at the same time said calmly.

  Although the world government has announced the decree prohibiting the slave trade in the Chambord Islands, it is hoped that these vested interests will really spend a lot of effort to combat the slave trade, it is better to go to daydream!

  But the official documents of the world government gave the slaves a very good reason to resist.

  Plus a few days ago, members of the Revolutionary Army who appeared inexplicably on the Chambord Islands.

  These people who are interested in liberating the world and overthrowing the rule of the world government will not let go of such a golden opportunity.

  The revolutionary army simply took this opportunity to keep active in the slave auction houses of all sizes on the island.

  Its famous name is the slave liberation movement!

  So at this moment, the situation in the Chambordian Islands is a mess.

  Especially the peninsulas No. 1 to No. 29, which have the highest serial numbers. There are a large number of illegal areas such as human trafficking shops and slave auctions. They are the main places for revolutionary army activities.

  Fisher Tiger silently followed Adrian behind him, consigning a wooden trailer.

  Not long after, the two arrived at the naval branch base stationed on Peninsula 66.

   Adrian glanced at Fisher Tiger, slightly released his aura, and shouted towards the naval branch base.

  "Navy! Come out to receive the goods!"

  Fisher Tiger was shocked when he heard it, and he secretly sighed in his heart, "It really is the style of Lord Bai Youling."


  A dazzling yellow light flashed in the air. The lieutenant admiral wearing a white suit and a cloak of justice appeared in the background of special sound effects.

   literally shines.

   "Yo! Rhubarb, it's you again!"

  Adrian raised his head with a smile, and greeted him very kindly.

  Porussalino, who had just landed on the ground, almost staggered and couldn't stand firmly.

   Boss Huang, with a sad expression, looked at the contented Bai Youling, and said in his characteristic wretched tone.

   "What a majestic big pirate~"

   A panic of footsteps came from inside the naval base, and the navy soldiers whose military appearance looked a little chaotic stepped out of the base gate.

  Although the personnel are a bit scattered, most of them are holding long swords and guns with nervous expressions on their faces.

  Adrian smiled unchanged, looked around, then looked at each other.

   "Lieutenant General Rhubarb, I thought your navy and the world government would deliberately set up an ambush here~"

  Adrian deliberately imitated the yin and yang tone of his Porusalino.

   "That's the result? Are you alone?"

   "Yeah, I was the only poor guy who was thrown here~"

  Poruzalino pushed his glasses, which reflected light inexplicably, covering his eyes.

   "To face a big pirate like you, I am also under a lot of pressure~"

  Fisher Tiger listened to the conversation between the two yin and yang people, and he was a little uncomfortable.

   Adrian glanced at him and greeted him. With a wave of ripples, the murloc adventurer who had not healed was directly admitted to the fortress of Jiancheng.

   Polusalino stood in place with a carefree expression, without saying a word.

   "Although I don't know why the world government trusts my transaction integrity so much."

   Adrian walked to the wooden trailer and lifted the white linen.

   "However, let's come and check the condition of the goods. Well, I can only guarantee that he is still alive and his limbs are healthy.

   "Uh, it can also be guaranteed that Charlotte Lingling, the mother-in-law, never got the genetic information of the Dragonite."

  There was a faint commotion among the navy soldiers.

   "Is this really a white ghost? It's not as arrogant as the rumors..."

   "Yes, it's not worse than us when it comes to sorrow."

   "Don't be careless! This big pirate, but defeated our Lord Marshal!"

   "And the one he brought back was the Dragonite! Which pirate would dare to offend the majesty of the Dragonite?"

   "Hehe! Isn't that the first slave of Tianzi-ah! Yeah, that's a Tianlongren! Bai Youling is too bad!"

  After the [Dragon Slave Incident] was widely spread, some silly words were also cleverly born with the spread of time.

  Among them, "the first slave in the word of heaven" is a nickname for the Saint Musgarud.

  Porussalino seemed to walk to Adrian's side unpreparedly, lowered his head, glanced at the Draco in the trailer, and glanced at the iconic special costume.


  Ambiguous justice, uttered an ambiguous tone.

   "How do I feel that you are not satisfied?"

   Adrian looked at Polusalino.


  Poruzalino pushed the lens again and said very innocently.

   "How could I be the kind of navy that hopes the pirates will kill the Denonians at all?"

   "It's hard to say... After all, your face is so fierce."

  Adrian took a close look at the head of the kindergarten and shook his head slowly.

   "I don't know why, I always wonder if you will leave on my front foot and kill Musgarud on the back foot!"

   "Can you still plant on the pirate by the way?" Polusalino smiled happily, "It's really a good idea~"

   "To be honest, Lieutenant General Polusalino, don't you really have this idea, do you?"

   Adrian said in surprise.

"Are you going to abandon the iron job of the navy profession and become a pirate? Seeing that you have recommended a pair of satisfactory yellow sunglasses to me, I can accept you without disgust." (See No. Chapter Fifty Seven)

   Polusalino tilted his mouth and raised his hands like surrender.

  "Spare me, Bai Youling, I still want to get a few more years of legal salary~"


  Navy Headquarters, Malin Vandor.

  In the spacious and bright central meeting room.

  The Marine Headquarters Marshal Kong sitting on the main seat, only three days later, his appearance looked like he was more than ten years old.

   "According to intelligence, Bai Youling has formally contacted Polusalino."

  Kong's voice sounded heavy and hoarse, like an ordinary old man of this age, without the healthy, powerful, and full-blooded appearance of the past.

   "...The Dragonites have also been taken to the front of the naval branch base on Peninsula 66."

  Lieutenant General Crane looked at Kong worriedly, feeling unspeakable in his heart.

   was directly back stabbed by the five old stars, and the dignified admiral was forcibly suppressed and bowed to the pirates to admit defeat.

  The restlessness of the naval soldiers at the bottom.

  The justice of the backbone navy officers is shaken.

  The disappointment of the high-ranking admirals was embarrassing.

   is all overwhelmed by this [the first admiral who bowed his head to a pirate in 800 years]!

  In just three days, Sora does not know how old he is.

  In addition to physical aging, there is more psychological fatigue.

   But even so, Sora still firmly holds the position of marshal.

  Even if his heart has already risen in his heart, I don’t know how many times to abdicate to let Xian think!

  The most important reason is that the current three monster lieutenants in the navy have not yet completely transformed into a general-level combat power.

  Accurately speaking, Sakarski can already be regarded as a general-level combat power.

  However, Kuzan wasted a lot of time in the long shake of justice, and now he is still a short distance away.

  As for Polusalino, who has been abandoned by the world government a long time ago, few people can see through his thoughts, and his strength is rarely revealed.

Lieutenant General Crane has no doubt that these three can grow into the top pillars of the Navy.

  But, at the very least, she can be sure, not now.

  Kong's gaze slowly swept across the many high-level generals in the conference room.

  Warring States and Karp, one went to the North Sea and the other to the East China Sea, but none of them returned.

  Zefa heard the news of the defeat of the Admiral of the Navy, but was limited by the recruit training mission and still could not return.

  At this time, the only familiar old face among the senior management is Ahe.

  "This is the bounty of the newly drafted White Ghost."

  Empty press the projection phone worm in front of you.

   "If nothing happens, if Bai Youling returns to the Celestial Dragon, this reward order should be sent to all parts of the world tomorrow."

  The phone worm with complex patterns hangs down one eye and looks at the photo of the reward order on the desktop in front of him, while the other eye releases a faint light to release the new reward order in the meeting room.

Lieutenant General   He pushed his glasses, looked at Bai Youling's personal reward on the big screen, and couldn't help sighing.

   "As a lone ranger, this bounty has reached its limit."

  The other senior navy officers in the conference room couldn't help but talk lowly.

   "With the strength of the white ghost, this bounty seems to be low, right?"

  "The vast majority of pirates are formed into large-scale pirate groups, and when rewarded, they will also consider the strength of their forces.

   "Kebai ghosts have always been lone rangers, and the bounty judgments of the two are completely different from the same level."

  "But I still feel that the bounty is not worthy of the white ghost..."

   "There is no room for increase...unless Bai Youling really kills the sky..."

   "Speak carefully!"

   Sitting on the main seat, Kong listened quietly to the conversation in the conference room.

  After the generals’ discussion atmosphere gradually faded, the admiral slowly spoke.

  "Do you have different opinions on this kind of reward amount?"




  Looking around for a week, he nodded slightly and said: "Let's do this, the meeting is over."

  The phone worm turns off the projection.

  A glance at Jinghong revealed the rewarding picture on the white curtain.

  【White Ghost】


  【Reward amount: 1.99 billion Baileys! 】

  【Bounty level: DEADORALIVE (regardless of life or death)】

    Thank you very much for the 484 starting currency reward of "DND Le"!

     Fourth more.



  (End of this chapter)

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