Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 391: Empty: I surrender!

   Chapter 391 Empty: I give up!

  The fighting situation is approaching white-hot. Under countless gazes of confusion, shock, and excitement, Bai Youling has fought hard for a long time with the admiral.

  This is still the inner beautification of the elite navy headquarters.

  Accurately speaking, under the multiple abilities of the white ghosts, their empty marshal was basically pressed to the ground by the opponent all the time!

  Even if Sora was still unscathed at this time, he did not even show the slightest sign of defeat.

  But only from the expressiveness of the scene.

  The strength of the Admiral of the Navy is far inferior to the White Ghost, and he is unable to resist at all. This can almost be regarded as a stone hammer!

  Morgans happily raised the camera phone worm in his hand and took pictures continuously, so tired that the poor phone worm was almost rolling his eyes and spitting.

  "Big news! This is the only big news!"

  Looking at Morgans’s expression at the moment, it seemed as if he was drowning in a waterfall of happiness.

  For a veteran who has devoted his life to journalism, the current scene really makes him extremely satisfied.

"Marshal of the Navy", "Great Pirate", "Dragon Man", "Slave", "Beat", "Man and Beast", "World Government Silence", "Almost Killed", "Reduced to Cannon Fodder", "Navy Choked", "The end is miserable", "The scene is tragic"...

  Just take out a few of the above words, and you can piece together a big news.

  The current event includes all the above words together!

  Morgance's claws are almost hard!

  The white Buddha and the black King Kong, you come and I fight into a ball, the armed color collides with the spiritual pressure, and the shock waves of amazing energy continue to explode.

   Adrian’s spiritual pressure exploded, and the power bonus to the white Buddha was very obvious.

  Highly solid spiritual pressure bombarded the body surface of Black Diamond again and again.

   With the help of the foreseeable future, Sora couldn't even completely block every aura shot.

  Care for this, but lose the other.

There will always be some Rei-Press light bullets that will penetrate Kona’s seemingly impervious fist defenses, and then bombard his body. The pale Rei-Press leaves a clear ray of light on his sturdy body. Scars.

  Although Bai Youling's strength had long been known from many high-level officials in the department, Kong's heart was inevitably heavy when confronted with the opponent for the first time.

  The white ghost is like a mixture of ‘Red Earl Lederfield’ and ‘Golden Lion History’.

  Swordsmanship-level basic strength of swordsmanship, foreseeing the future top-notch domineering, unparalleled ability to fly in the air, coupled with this pale energy that looks like an overlord, but can be released from the air...

  The strength of the white ghost has been unknowingly improved to this level!

  Even if it is empty, at this time, he has no expectations for the idea of ​​quickly defeating Bai Youling.

   is like the golden lion of the past, thinking about it and going, all between the other's thoughts.

   Mastered the air dominance of flying, that's so arrogant!

  What’s even more frightening is that Bai Youling has also grasped the color of foreseeing the future. If he finds something wrong, he can even leave the show ahead of time!

  This is still a hit——


  The missed Rembo light bomb hit Kong's body again, interrupting his cursing thoughts.

The   black fur version of'Super Race 4'rolled towards the surface of Peninsula No. 1, and crashed onto the green grass with a bang, printing a deep humanoid silhouette on the ground.

  Kong climbed up from the pothole, stepped on the moon step again, and flew towards the sky.

  Seeing that the admiral is still okay, Adrian can't help but complain.

  Obviously, after pressing the opponent for so long, Sora was still fierce and fierce, and there was no sign of weakness.

  In order to resist the spiritual pressure, a lot of armed color had to be consumed, but the follow-up reserves were still bottomless.

  Is this the power of the sea’s top physique monster?

   Adrian couldn't help grinding his teeth.

   Continuously releasing the spiritual pressure, it is also very expensive for him, and it can be estimated that it will last three to five days.

  And after playing for so long, at most it just stayed evenly matched.

  Although the performance of the scene is very good, but it is impossible to further expand the combat advantage.

   "These top powerhouses are really, one by one... They are still the cutest and cutest!"

  Adri's heart is divided into two uses, while spitting out the empty space, he also does not forget to manipulate the white Buddha to launch shelling against it.

  When encountering such a reckless man who is purely melee combat, he also fired his cannon heartily and heartily.

  Time is passing slowly.

The    panel indicates that the challenge task has reached the maximum time limit of half an hour.

   Adrian's expression remained unchanged, and he continued firing.

  About half an hour later.

   "Empty, [one hour] time has come."

   Adrian stopped the boundless bombardment of Rei, and slowly spoke.

   deliberately emphasized the three words'one hour'.

   "White Ghost, this is your current limit strength."

  'Chaosai Si' answered with a calm expression, pretending not to hear the extraneous meaning of the sentence.

   "But how long can you maintain such an explosive state?"

   "I don't know, but it shouldn't be a big problem until you are exhausted."

   Adrian said.

  Using spiritual pressure without intermittent, it is really expensive for him.

  But today’s empty space is not the man who could compete with Red Earl decades ago to exhaustion.

  The admiral who is over eighty years old, in the fierce battle, the peak period of strength can not last long!

  If you continue to fight with real swords and guns, let’s say nothing else, this eighty-year-old brawny will die alive, Adrian still has a lot of certainty!

  ‘The strength gap is indeed still there, but the opponent is no longer the peak. ’

  Adrian shook his head slightly.

  ‘Now I want to beat these top players head-on. The difficulty factor is still too high. Most of the time, I can only fight for a tie. However, I'm only level 81, and there is still a lot of room for growth, so I don't panic at all! ’

   "Empty, stop here."

  Adrian fell from the sky and landed not far in front of Kong.

   "Let me say first, we are a tie.

"Now it is your turn."

  The voice fell, and Sora's calm expression instantly changed and fell into a state of silence.

  Morgans added fuel to the fire and flew to the side, shouting very loudly.

   "Hurry up! Journalists pay great attention to timeliness!"


  The Admiral of the Navy glanced at the albatross expressionlessly. The expression in his eyes that did not contain the slightest temperature made the old bird tremble a few times.

  The bird's claws that were originally hard and hot also collapsed instantly.

  Morgans coughed slightly, and quickly hid behind his own Jin's thigh, and at the same time, he did not forget to stick out the camera phone worm in his hand, ready to record this unique treasured picture.

"I surrender!"

   After all, Sora didn't have the slightest nostalgia. Without a word, he turned and walked towards the navy camp and left directly.

  The orders of the world government and the five old stars still firmly suppressed the admiral of the order within the camp!

   Seeing this, Adrian couldn't help but laugh twice and looked back at Morgans.

  "Have you taken the picture?"

  Moorgans replied excitedly: "Guaranteed to be foolproof!"

   "Very good, remember that after the news is published, let the news bird throw a few more copies to naval bases around the world."

   Adrian's smile remained unchanged.

   "Let these navies who believe in justice see what it means to be a ‘political backstab’!"

  Morgans nodded frantically.

   "Of course no problem! Like this kind of sensational big news, I want to spread it to every corner of the sea for free!"

    Thank you very much "Book Friends 20200815235107318" for the reward of 166 starting currency! !

     It’s true, everyone, I ran to watch Crow’s "I Loaded a Love Game", and watched it again for another afternoon.

So lovely!

     I wish I could be as thin and nice as a crow.



  (End of this chapter)

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