Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 390: Monkey Fruit·Eudemons·King Kong Form!

  Chapter 390 Monkey Fruit·Eudemons·King Kong Form!

  In the blink of an eye.

  Kong's body shape soared to several times its original size, and easily burst the purple-red short-sleeved shirt on his body.

  It is the black trousers under her body and the cloak of justice behind her. Under the control of the harmonious will of the world, they grow together with the growth of her body.

Not only that.

The violent face of the Admiral of the Navy instantly turned into a wrinkled black monkey face. His mouth was slightly raised, revealing a pair of sharp and yellowed beast teeth. The exposed skin was also suddenly covered with a layer. Thick and tough dark brown mane.

  The appearance of this time and space is very much like a pretty boy on Skull Island who is outside the wall of multiple dimensions!

  This former navy marshal who has never shown his strength in the original work is surprisingly an animal-type fruit-powered person!

   Close at hand, Adrian narrowed his eyes slightly, keeping his sword-swinging posture unchanged, silently looking at Kong's appearance.

  At the same time, he launched the [rational analysis] ability.

   A mysterious feeling flooded Adrian's heart, instantly recognizing the type of devil fruit ability used by the admiral.

  Animal series, monkey fruit, fantasy beast species, and King Kong form!

  ‘The name is Kongu (Kongu), and the fruit ability is the phantom beast species King Kong (KingKong), how should I put it? Unexpectedly, unexpectedly again...’

   Adrian murmured silently in his heart.

  ‘But if you count the form of the Eudemons and King Kong in the sky, the number of all known Eudemons is equivalent to the amount of natural coefficients. Is this a rarer ability than the natural type? ’

  Exerting the real abilities of the Golden Congo, Sora's monster power has increased a lot again.

   With a terrifying roar, King Kong waved his left arm and flew the white ghost directly out like a bug.

   After making this counterattack, King Kong didn't immediately pounced and added the results. Instead, he stood in place and kept beating his chest and roaring.

  Adrian stabilized his figure again, looking at King Kong over there, his brows were raised slightly.

  "This battle IQ...The special effect of the monster species·King Kong, is it to reduce intelligence, and then increase strength, resistance, and dual resistance?"

   tried to use [Rational Analysis] to analyze the DRC’s actual expertise.

   "In the animalized state, increase a certain amount of intelligence, be able to skillfully use tools, and communicate with primates..."

   Adrian was speechless for a moment.

   "Although this is very King Kong, it is not a monster at all!

  "This is an animal fruit that is completely suitable for monkeys, right?!"

  On the other side, Sora also knew exactly what his mental state was when he was completely animalized.

  Animal type demon fruit abilities, even phantom beast species, after developing their abilities to a certain depth, they will face the backlash of consciousness from the side of beastization.

  As a marshal of the navy headquarters, knowing many hidden emptiness, he naturally understands the danger of [Animal Awakening].

  Once a person with the fruit ability of the animal system fails to awaken, he will completely lose his rational mind as a human and become a half-man and half-beast with ignorant consciousness.

  At this moment, the development of the DRC has happened to be on the verge of awakening!

  At this time, the counterattack of the beast consciousness originating from the ‘beast body’ is also the most intense, especially when it enters the state of beastization!

  This is also the real reason why Bai Youling was shot into the air just now, and he still stood in place like a big monkey.

  Take a deep breath, the determined Kong instantly takes control of the fruit ability, exits from the state of complete beastization, and enters the state of semi-beastization with the strongest animal ability!

   Standing in the sky, Adrian couldn't help but twitch his eyes frantically after seeing Sora's new state.

  Good guy!

  I’m a direct guy!

  The ordinary Skull Island pretty boy has transformed into a black-haired version of Super Saiyan IV!

  This guy shouldn't directly put his palms together and wave it, right?

   Just when Adrian fell into a state of uncertainty.

The violent aura like the eruption of a tsunami rose from the body of Chaosai Four. His whole person was like an imposing tsunami wave. He rushed straight up from the ground and flew nearly a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye. The white ghost rushing into the sky.

  A ray of red light flashed in Adrian's eyes, and the domineering premonition that predicted the future was urged, and at the same time he released the ghost fruit ability without hesitation.

  After noticing that Sora’s physical fitness has been clearly "super doubled", he continued to fight his opponent with swordsmanship and strength. That is something fools can do!

  In the sky full of clouds, a giant white Buddha with a grinning mouth suddenly appeared.

  A beam of brightly radiant phantom energy cannon beams are swayed and released from the palm of the white thousand-handed Buddha, forming a dazzling rain of light, and blasting against the body of the'Super Race IV' accurately and unmistakably!

  Sora, who is in the form of an orc, does not show any weakness. Although he is already old and has been in the second line for a long time, there is no problem with his full burst in a short period of time!

  The dark and strong armed color domineering appeared on the fists of'Super Race Four', once again transformed into a pair of steel cast iron fists, fiercely bombarding the oncoming phantom energy.

  Boom boom boom—

The aftermath of the collision between the two top powerhouses stirred up the air layer of the Chambord No. 1 peninsula, forming a huge circular air wave impact. The dazzling rays of armed color and the phantom energy bombarded each other, constantly twisting the surroundings and watching. The visual senses.

   Bombardment again and again.

  Fisting again and again.

  The air speed flying upwards did not drop much. A simple fist wave created a circle of sonic booms that were visible to the naked eye, sweeping everything around, and rolling up an endless gust of wind.

  ‘The first awakening of the ghost fruit [Nether Energy], for these extremely powerful top-level physical skills, the threat is still too weak...’

  ‘But, the psychic energy is not enough, the Reiatsu will come together! ’

   Adrian’s eyes were condensed as water, using the power of [Onimusha], his body instantly disappeared in place, and appeared in the center of the eyebrows of the white thousand-handed Buddha.

   With arms outstretched and five fingers spread out, the spiritual pressure of Ruyuan's imprisonment emerged from his body, starting from the center of his eyebrows, and spreading towards the whole body of the white Buddha.

  The hollow below    suddenly felt a much stronger sense of danger, and he looked up.

  The faint blue light that almost obscured the sky, somehow turned into a pale color in an instant.


  The white aura shot from the hands of the Buddha, disappeared from the field of vision in an instant, and arrived in front of Kong.

   urged himself to see and hear domineering, a red light flashed in his empty eyes, and he raised a steel cast iron fist, facing the aura like just now.


  The impact force far stronger than the nether energy beam just now, hits the empty fist face, making this "Super Race Four" a little bitter.

   "What a powerful energy! And..."

What’s more frightening is that as early as the beginning of the battle, when he used the armed color to meet the attack of the phantom energy cannon, Sora faintly felt that whenever he received a few phantom energy cannons, there would always be an invisible damage through the armed color. The domineering defense directly attacked his body!

  The admiral of the navy doesn’t know it. This is exactly the probability that the [Navy Fist]’s true injury effect is at work!

  Although these damages are not high, most of them can be ignored under the strong resilience of the Eudemon Species·Golden Congo, but they will still accumulate in the end.

  Nowadays, blue energy has been replaced with white energy with higher damage, and the damage caused will gradually increase.

  Keep calm and judge the situation quickly.

  In terms of power alone, this pale energy is far above the faint blue energy just now, and the difficulty of successfully resisting it, as well as the armed color and physical strength required to consume are also rapidly increasing.

  Hollow thought, he changed his strategy in an instant, no longer blindly resisting, but wanted to maintain a roundabout approach, and then get closer to the position of the white ghost.

  At this moment, an abnormal change suddenly occurred.

   Kong just moved his position, and the dense aura shot out from the diagonal stab, and instantly bombarded his side, making him unstable.

   Relying on the powerful defensive power of the Demon Fruit of the Eudemons, it survived the first round of shelling in the air, and immediately displayed the armed color, hardening it to cover the surface of the body.

  He looked around and found that a mimic ghost with a faint fluorescence on the digital body surface suddenly appeared from the side at some unknown time. He was raising his arm and bombarding here, but the aura in the sky suddenly stopped.

   "Troublesome guy!"

  Kong looked away and looked at the big white Buddha in the sky.

   "White Ghost! Is this your fighting style?"

  "Leaving the front line for too long, in this level of battle, do not forget to say something to the enemy?"

   Adrian did not hesitate, the mimicry ghost who had already arranged the position instantly broke away from the transparent state in his mind, released the reflex light bullet, and blasted to the position where the sky was standing from another tricky angle.

  Several groups of deep high-energy aura bullets traversed pale tracks in mid-air.


  The next moment, accurately bombarded the aura bomb on the empty body, directly triggering a violent explosion, and the admiral was directly blasted out.

  See this scene.

  The people on the sidelines, whether it is a pirate or a navy, felt the pressure of the white ghost that almost filled the audience, and exclaimed.

  "Marshal of the Navy, it seems that he is not the opponent of Lord Bai Youling..." a pirate said feverishly.

   "Isn't even the Marshal-sama can't solve the white ghost directly..." A navy said in a low tone.

  The CP0 second-chief ‘Wild Eagle’ with a white mask flicked his fingers slightly, but finally gave up the idea of ​​interfering with the fight between the two.

   "Sora, you are really old, fighting for so long, you can't even actively touch the enemy..."

After    finished his evaluation of Sora, Huangji raised his eyes to the position of the white Buddha again, his voice gradually fainted.

   "Bai Youling’s trickyness is indeed well-deserved. Fortunately, he is just a lone ranger with little ambition..."

   Adrian, who is entering the familiar battle rhythm, naturally does not know that the following group of people eating melons is discussing his battle.

  But even if you know it, you don’t care too much.

  After all, for many years...

   "Even if I can't beat Youkong/Warring States/White Beard/Charlotte Lingling, I am already invincible!"

    Thank you very much for the reward of 500 starting coins of "Quiet into the earth" and "An ordinary sword fairy"!

     Thank you very much "LONELY15" for the reward! And become the first master of this book! !

     is far more terrible than yesterday.

     Get up this morning, I owe five more...

     The current total number of owed pay [41].

    Ps: What’s more painful is that I was in the room last night and was thrown into a flat ground by a chair. I didn’t know where the big toe of my left foot was, and a blood bubble was instantly knocked out.

     It hurts!



  (End of this chapter)

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