Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 392: Capability extraction of the Admiral

  Chapter 392 Marshal Ability Extraction

  Faced with Sora's departure, no one on the court said anything to stop him.

  Many of the navy elites who share the same hatred of the enemy, after taking a complicated glance at Adrian, also chose to follow the Marshal who voluntarily surrendered, and left Peninsula 1 without hesitation.

  On the contrary, it was Kuzan. Although his expression was as cold as a piece of ice, he still stood still on the spot.

   And his goal is very clear.

  With the ability to freeze the fruit, Bai Youling really can't stop it.

  Kuzan is also very aware of the strength gap between him and Bai Youling.

  But to deal with the other low-level pirates who are cheering loudly because "White Ghost defeated the Admiral", with the ability to freeze the fruit, it is a freeze!

  Kuzan has made up his mind and will never let the rest of the pirates who are staying on Peninsula 1 at this moment!

  At this moment, a white masked eagle came forward and said in a cold voice.

  "White Ghost, Sora has surrendered and surrendered. Can I release Saint Musgarud now?"

  Adrian looked at this CP0, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  It was not the first time he heard of the name of ‘Wild Eagle’, but he had already learned of it from Stutsi.

  This is the second of the two leaders who dominate the CP0 organization, and at the same time CP0’s deputy commander!

  Adrian secretly launched [Rational Analysis] to probe the type of eagle's ability.

  Superman series·Fruit of Doom!

  'A rare type of ability to manipulate air luck! ’

   Adrian's heart sighed slightly.

  ‘These top players of the world government, if they are capable of Devil Fruit, almost without exception, all of them are quite cherished and terrifying abilities! ’

  Huang Jiu didn't know that his ability had been turned upright by Bai Youling, and he was waiting calmly for the answer from the other party.

  Under the silent deterrence of CP0, the cheering pirates quieted down one by one.

  The albatross Morgans, who had originally looked crazy and blatant, now even more cleanly put away his paws to be a bird.

  "After such a short time, have you forgotten my specific requirements?"

  Adrian looked at Huang Jiu and shook his head slightly.

   "It is only my second condition to let the Marine Marshal voluntarily admit defeat.

  "The first requirement is to prohibit the slave trade in the Chambord Islands. What is the accurate response of your world government?"

  Arakawa replied calmly: "We have promised. As long as you hand over the Saint of Musgarud, the government will raise the issue of banning the slave trade in Chambord at the World Conference next year."

"Ha ha."

   Adrian twitched at the corner of his mouth.

  "The world conference in 1506 of the Haiyuan calendar? How many people would remember what happened today?"

  Arakawa has an official posture, “The decision of the internal affairs of the world government is not to do what you think of. It takes time.”

  From a certain perspective, for a behemoth like the world government, to formulate a new policy, it does require very cumbersome process steps.


   "Then you guys will ask me for the Saint of Musgarud next year."

   Adrian said coldly.

  "Let this Tianlongren be a slave for a year and a half.

"I think one year is actually enough for the old witch Charlotte Lingling to give a high price. After all, with her means, it is not difficult for Musgarud to leave an heir for such a long time. ."

  The authority and status of the Tianlong people are above all the laws of the world.

   Tell me here, why does it take time to formulate special slave trade prohibitions?

  You put it here, put it here!


  Abandoned eagle instantly became speechless.

  Although he didn't have much hope that Bai Youling could ignore the huge loopholes in this procrastination policy.

  But the sharp response given by the other party still made the weather-and-feared CP0 deputy chief feel speechless.

   Throw Musgarud to Charlotte Lingling, so that the sow that will only give birth to a child with the blood of the Denon?

  I have to say, this trick is ruthless!

  "I only give three days at most. After three days, I need to see the world government publicly banning slave trade in the Chambord Islands for three years, and I need to see the determination of the world government to combat the slave trade!"

   Adrian said coldly.

   "Otherwise, you can go to Totland, ask BIGMOM for children!"

  Does not give Aurauji the slightest room for argument.

  "Big News Bird, the same is true for you. Within three days, I want to see today’s events be reported in every detail!"

   Adrian patted Morgans on the shoulder, and walked away from the spot.

  "Your Excellency White Ghost! Don't worry!"

  The albatross first expressed his loyalty loudly, and then carefully glanced at CP0, put the camera phone worm into his arms like a treasure, and then immediately fluttered its wings and left the shampoo ground.

"Ice Age!"

  A silent chill drifted by.

  All the pirates on the Chambord No. 1 Peninsula were frozen into a lifelike ice sculpture in a flash.

  Even if a small part of them was struggling with trembling, Kuzan, who was constantly shuttled through the crowd, used his abilities again, completely frozen to death in place.

  Looked at the location where the white ghost disappeared for a while.

  Arabic eagle lowered his head, found out the phone worm, and dialed to the holy place Maria.

   "Saint Musgarud, was taken away directly..."


  Lead gray pocket watch in the castle.

   "Oh! Adrian! He's another Draco!"

  Rumi was flying in the air, looking at the Musgarud Saint who was like a dead pig on the floor of the room, and said in awe.

  "It is a very common and normal thing to meet a Tianlongren in the shampoo."

  Adrian glanced at the Draco with disgust.

   "Throw this thing in a separate isolated space, lock him in a small black room for three days, and be careful not to kill it."

   "Oh! I know!"

  Rumi glanced at Adrian with great admiration. When it comes to being a pirate, he is still the newcomer more daring.

  Roger never treated Tianlong people like this before...

  The line of sight changed for a while, the space in the room was replaced, and the Saint Musgarud was transferred to an unknown hidden space. No one except Rumi’s own ship spirit could detect his exact location.

  Adrian stretched his waist, opened the task panel, and selected the empty challenge task reward.

  The other party voluntarily admits defeat, should he be able to make a good point?

   Adrian rubbed his hands.

  [S-level challenge mission [Marshal] has been completed! 】

  【You get 2.32 billion experience points! 】

  [You get a reward: randomly draw an enemy’s skill or expertise]

  [Hint: Due to the large difference in size and abilities between the host and Sora, some of the extractable skills have been automatically adjusted for their effects]

  【Randomizing...Drawing completed】

  【Please choose one of the following five abilities as a reward:】

  【1:【Six Types of Profound Meaning·Life Return】-Skill: Omitted】

  [2: [Steel Fist]-Specialty: Unarmed Attack Power +10%, Block Chance +5%]

  [3: [flexible use of tools]-Specialty: When using all kinds of tools, productivity +20%; when the use of tools is limited to weapons (including but not limited to cold weapons, firearms, etc.), the basic attack power of the weapon +13%]

  【4:【Advanced Political Proficiency】-Specialty: Having rich knowledge in bluffing, negotiating, intimidating, acting, etc., can be the king or governor of a country effortlessly】

   [5: [righteousness is like a rainbow]-Specialty: Strength recovery speed +70%. At the same time, your companions, followers, etc. under your leadership will also receive a morale bonus]

    third more.

     still owes 40 more.



  (End of this chapter)

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