Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 389: S-level challenge mission: [Marshal of the Navy]!

  Chapter 389 S-level challenge mission: [Marshal of the Navy]!

  Under the multiple stimuli three times or twice, the tight string called "Sense" in my empty mind was instantly pulled and broken.


  The admiral of the Navy raised up to the sky and let out a roar that did not resemble a human, and then his legs were bent, and the majestic force exploded under his feet.

  Along with splashing mud spots and grass clippings, Kong Na's tall and sturdy body turned into an astonishingly powerful out-of-the-bore cannonball, which blasted towards the auction platform.

   Seeing this, Adrian called Rumi calmly.

The ripples reappeared, and the fragile Saint Musgarud, who was as fragile as a toilet paper towel, was incorporated into the fortress of Jiancheng, lest the delicate and noble Sky Dragon would die directly in the aftermath of the battle. .

  At the same time, seeing the bad news veteran, he quickly flapped his wings and flew away from the position where the auction table was located. During the period, he did not forget to give a close-up photo of the hideous admiral.

next moment.

  Adrian held the hilt of the black sword·Second-generation Guitou with both hands, and a sharp red light flashed in his eyes.

  The inky black armour color pouring out of the palm, mixed with pale spiritual pressure, clinging to the black body of the demon sword together, rendering it into a faintly chaotic color.

   Murder Knife·Suraye!

   Adrian's eyes condensed, and he swung out a heavy sword.

  The horrible sword aura of black and white intertwined, constantly spreading the aura of slaughter that seems to want to kill everything and destroy everything, carrying the might of the sky and the earth, bursting out!

  However, the experience of the admiral who has gone through tens of thousands of battles is so rich.

  Even though he was angry, but a trace of clarity, he still held the bottom line.

  Holding on the terrifying ability of the ghost fruit's emotional interference, Kong raised his huge fist, covered it with a dark and strong armed color, and turned it into a steel cast iron fist.

With   moon step, the empty feet stepped on the air one after another, and a crackling sound was made forcibly, and the movement speed rose instead of reducing.

   Raised his right arm, the steel cast iron fist slashed towards the oncoming flying, it was an unfancy navy punch!

  Boom——! !

  The earth-shattering explosion sounded. With the collision of the steel cast iron fist and the horrible sword gas as the core, the circular rolling air wave vented, like a super hurricane on the flat ground, and the violent wind instantly swept the No. 1 peninsula.


   There was a crisp cracking sound.

  Adrian's flying slash was still rootless duckweed after all. Under the steel fist of the admiral, after several breaths of support, several deep cracks appeared on the surface of the half-moon-shaped brilliance slash.

  With a soft sound, the flying slash was directly exploded by Kong's punch, and the fragmented sword energy splashed out and spread to the audience.

"not good!"

  Noting the undiminished fine sword aura, Kuzan’s pupils shrank instantly. He stepped out and stood in front of a group of navy elites. At the same time, he waved his right hand to use the ability of the natural fruit.

   "Freezing time!"

Sen Bai Han Qi was released from Kuzan's right hand, wiped the air, and instantly created a thick and tough ice wall, which will be resisted by the sword attack in the future.

  The fine sword qi impacted on the ice wall, suddenly exploding pits the size of a baby's fist, and ice chips scattered everywhere.

  But under the support of Kuzan's continuous cold air, the ice wall still perfectly resisted the impact of the fragmented sword air, completely protecting all the navy.

  However, the pirates on the other side who are unprepared have no such good luck.

  The sharp, thin sword energy easily penetrated their bodies, instantly poking out **** wounds, and wailing and cursing.

  Many unlucky pirates were directly killed by the broken sword qi piercing the heart, head and other vital human bodies.

  The battle between the top strong, even if the aftermath of the battle escapes a little, it is not possible for the weak to participate, even watching it is risky!

  It was Morgans flying in the sky, vibrating his wings, and extremely dexterous to avoid all attacks.

  Obviously, the new president of the World Economic News Agency’s strength is not as simple as imagined.

  After this blow, both the navy side and the pirate side retreated some distance in unison.

   Adrian and Kong, who are at war, have no extra strength to control these bystanders.

  The tentative flying slash was directly smashed by the sky. Adrian did not stand still and waited for the opponent to arrive, but rushed up and galloped toward the Admiral of the Navy.

  Even though the thoughts of the white prostitution admiral's ability and expertise are in his heart.

  But if the admiral is cut down, it will be truly amazing!

  The flight speed in the ghost state need not be mentioned. In the blink of an eye, Adrian flew in front of Kong.

  At this time, the sky has just shattered the sword energy, and the right fist is using old strength.

  Adrian flew in front of him, and the black sword ghost traversed a mysterious trajectory, and took it straight between the navy marshal’s neck, as if he was about to cut him!

A ray of red light flashed in Kong's eyes, and the left fist that had been idle was raised suddenly, and his forearm was also covered with armed domineering, and he blatantly faced the black sword's slash.


  The sharp black knife slashed on the empty forearm, making a crisp sound like a collision of gold and stone, and red sparks splashed.

  This navy marshal, who is known for his hard bones, is also inexhaustible in his armed and domineering accomplishments. The profound skill of armed hardening is far above the ‘plum skin’ of the fisherman island!

   "This level of power...you only know how to play tricks, White Ghost!"

  Kong shouted angrily, raised his left arm, and forced Adrian away from him.

  As the admiral of the navy, there is only one way to keep the face of his head intact.

  That is to completely defeat the white ghost!

  In exchange for Musgarud’s life with the life of the great pirate!

  The final surrender.

  Naturally can also be regarded as the winner's mercy for the weak!

  Adrian flew upside down to a distance of several tens of meters. Under the flying characteristics of the ghost body, he successfully stabilized his figure. He looked at the admiral's eyes with a touch of surprise.

  The strength of this admiral is far beyond imagination, and there is even the illusion of encountering the strange and powerful man with white beard!

  The battle information on the panel shows that the rank of the admiral is only LV107! (Note)

   is another stamina monster that is too strong!

  At this time, a new task information pops up on the panel.

  [You have triggered the S-level challenge mission [Marshal of the Navy]! 】


   is still an S-level challenge task.

  I thought that the admiral would have a higher judging mechanism...

   Adrian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards the steel hollow.

  However, the opponent directly admits defeat in the challenge mission, I don’t know if there will be any better ability rewards!

  Boom! !

   Adrian disappeared without hesitation, and once again faced the admiral, his right arm muscle bulged, erupting [the power of the dragon] at the same time, wielding the demon sword in his hand.

  The sharp blade traversed a seemingly slow trajectory in mid-air, but in fact, it had almost surpassed the limit of speed perception.

   Kong’s steel cast iron fist once again touched the monster sword and ghost, and froze each other.

   Clang! !

  The roaring metal crash sound, as if resounding in everyone's soul, caused a terrible tremor.


  Kong roared again, the original burly and sturdy body is getting bigger and bigger!

    Thank you very much "Author Mo Anfeng" and "Tangmen Shuzhe" for their 100 starting currency rewards! !

     did not find the specific age of [empty].

     But as a navy marshal, think of him as the previous generation of Karp and the Warring States period, right?

     Haiyuan calendar 1505, Karp and Warring States are both in their early 60s.

     Sora is eighty years old, so it seems that there is no problem?

     The 80-year-old top master, his strength will inevitably decline, but his heart is not lost, and the maintenance of the Navy is better, so he still has not fallen out of the 100th rank.



  (End of this chapter)

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