Chapter 388

  Abolish the slave trade?

  When hearing Bai Youling’s first request, all the navies present were all moved and looked at the murderous pirate in shock.

  [Justice] is the text engraved on the back of every admiral-level navy, and it is also the concept they have been pursuing.

  Even if they explode in battle, they will never explode the pure white cloak of justice behind them!

  This is the will from the world!

  However, in this sea, there are indeed many things that can shake the justice of the navy.

   is not just from hostile pirates.

  More, it is derived from the absurdity and even helpless world government.

  The head of all evil is the nobleman of the world who is above all laws-Tianlong people!


  The evil and dirty slave trade is also despised and even hated by many navies!

  Unexpectedly, after a great pirate like Bai Youling enslaved the Tianlongren, he would actually put forward such a request that is extremely suitable for [justice]!

  However, when Adrian’s second request came out.

  The navy’s admiration for Bai Youling on the field instantly turned into “it’s not unreasonable for this guy to be a pirate”...

   "Marshal Kong! Can't promise him!"

  "How could the Admiral of the Navy give in to the mere pirates?!"

  "Stop dreaming! Even if the Navy leaves the last drop of blood, it will never compromise with evil!"

  A group of navy groups are passionate, and they have crazy language output in the direction of Bai Youling.

  Several years later, Kuzan, who has been freed from the confusion of the O'Hara incident, turned from [Burning Justice] to support [Lazy Justice], and looked at the sky with the same expression.

   "Marshal, the first point made by Bai Youling, as a navy, there is no reason to refuse."

  The expression on Kuzan's face at this time was not at all lazy, but full of seriousness.

   "But the second point, absolutely not!"

  Empty, why don’t you know it?

  The navy can have a marshal who died in battle.

  But there must be no defeat, even the marshal who voluntarily surrendered to the pirates!

  If he really complies with Bai Youling’s request.

  Don’t say anything else.

  The authority established by the Navy for eight hundred years can basically be regarded as being stepped into the mud by a pirate!

  It was the admiral who asked and begged the pirates to step on it!

   Adrian was not in a hurry, so he kept the posture of the big villain, stepping on the head of the dragon, waiting for the navy below to reply.

Do not.

   almost forgot again.

  The navy does not have the ability to decide on its own the life and death of a Draco.

   is now waiting for the reply from the five old stars!

   Adrian directly rejected the previous generous trading conditions, and instead proposed these two new requirements, each with its own potential significance.

  The first requirement is definitely not to gain a good reputation.

  More importantly, it is for the S-level random mission [Mermaid's Wailing] that was triggered when I first arrived at Murloc Island a few years ago!

  Through the last two years, the pirates and slave traders who want to abduct the merman tribe as slaves have been continuously cracked down on the Murloc Island. Adrian has also recognized a fact.

  Want to complete this S-level task.

  It is simply impossible just through his personal efforts!

  The banner and name of the white ghost are enough to deter 99% of the pirates on this sea.

  But there are still one percent of pirates who are willing to venture to Fishman Island to carry out forcible raids, attracted by the huge amount of Pele!

  In this case, we can only cut off from the source!

  Can live on this sea for more than ten years, Adrian is very clear about one thing, the extinction of slavery can not be completed in a short period of time, it is a complete and complete industrial chain that builds it!

  Even the world government wants to completely destroy the slave system, the pressure and difficulties it will face are beyond imagination.

At least.

  A Tianlong person is definitely not enough!

  This is also the reason why Adrian proposed the [three-year period]!

   Complete abolition of slavery is impossible.

  But at the level of world government, it is completely possible to stop slavery for a short time!

  As for the second requirement.

   In addition to the S-level challenge mission that wants to trigger the sky, by the way, the unobtrusive former navy marshal's expertise in the original works is used.

  More important purpose.

   still for the shrimp and pig heart——

   is to provoke the relationship between the world government and the navy headquarters!

  As for things like this, Adrian has done it more than once.

  Last time when he landed on the Chambord Islands, the old actor Polusalino felt the pain of being regarded as an abandoned son by the world government.

  I don’t know if this man is still working hard and drinking tea and fish...

   And this time, Adrian put the target on the admiral of the Navy!

   Violating the majesty of the Tianlong people will surely cause the generals of the navy headquarters to be dispatched. This is the default rule of the sea.

  Whether it is from [Buddha Warring States] or [Black Wrist Zefa].

  As long as they become the final winners of the Tianlongren slave auction, Adrian will make exactly the same surrender request to either of them!

  With the support of the world government regardless of loss, the Navy defeated the pirates and obtained the final auction right, which is almost a certainty!

  Adrian had hoped that he would come [Black Wrist Zefa].

  After all, among the many high-ranking officers of the Navy, only this retired general who quietly teaches and educates people and cultivates the elite backbone of the Navy has not formally contacted him.

  Compared with the [Buddha Warring States] who went out all the year round, Zefa is obviously more popular among the elite of the navy.

  If this navy instructor directly surrendered to the pirates, it could definitely shake the loyalty of a large number of navies to the world government.

  It’s just that Adrian didn’t expect that this time the incident actually directly led out the Admiral!

  However, this situation would be better.

In the great navy, apart from [Heroic Karp], no one has a prestige that can compare with contemporary marshals!

  Even if it is two generals, the same is true!

  Navy Headquarters Marshal, voluntarily surrendered to the pirates, and it was still due to strong pressure and interference from off-site government factors.

  The negative chain reaction that can be caused by such a situation is by no means comparable to that of a small admiral!

  Under the auction stage.

  Kong's expression changed many times in a short moment.

  The justice of the navy, the compromise with the pirates, the majesty of the five old stars, the life of the Tianlong people...

  A series of short topic sentences kept circling in his mind, tangled into a dead numb.

  At this moment, CP0’s Deputy Chief'Wild Eagle' moved neatly to raise the phone worm in his hand, the face symbolizing the five old stars, and uttered three words shortly and coldly.

   "Promise him!"


  Marshal Kong hesitated to speak.

  "Empty! Just admit defeat, not let you die!"

The faces of the five old stars on the phone worm look cold and cruel.

  "Take out your previous recommendation of the white ghost to become Qiwuhai's confidence!"

With a click, the phone worm was hung up directly.

  Before hanging up, I could even hear a faint saying: "a small dog..."

   Kong's eyes were red, and the steel-framed body shook for a moment, and walked forward extremely heavy.

   "White Ghost!"

  The Admiral of the Navy looked up at the unscrupulous big pirate on the auction stage, his voice was harsh and slow.

   "I—I—I admit defeat!"

  Boom boom——! ! !

  The excitement accumulated to the extreme of the pirates, like bombs ignited by flames, broke out directly.

  Countless pirates looked at Bai Youling’s gaze, revered as if they were looking at a descending god!

  Morgans's hands trembled with excitement, as if suffering from Parkinson's syndrome, but still did not forget to use the camera phone worm to record this "An Unseen Phenomenon in Eight Hundred Years"!

   Adrian chuckled softly, raised his right hand, and leaned into the void.

Accompanied by a wave of ripples, the black knife with a gentle glow like a black jade, the second-generation ghost was held out of the void by this white palm, and the tip of the knife gleaming with faint cold light pointed directly at the navy below. marshal.

  "Empty, you want to admit defeat before you beat me?"


     is another situation of waking up and owing more.

    The cumulative monthly pass exceeds 500.

     Cumulative rewards exceed 1.2w.

     still owes 36 more.



  (End of this chapter)

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