Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 266: Adrian VS Karp

  Chapter 266 Adrian VS Karp

  "This is really Karp's way of speaking."

  The corner of Adrian's mouth in the sky twitched, not at all surprised.

   "Hey! White ghost kid! If you don't come down, I will go up!"

   At the bow of the warship below, Karp was still there, shouting loudly.

  Although he always looks carefree and doing nothing, Karp possesses an extraordinary ability to understand combat intuition.

  Under the situation that Polusalino was seriously injured, it is impossible for one's own side to keep the white ghost!

  For this, Karp is fully aware of this.

  Unless the white ghost kid has a brain disease like the previous Shiji, he bravely rushes to the navy headquarters alone, and has to fight him and the Warring States two, and he will not retreat.

if that's the case.

  The white ghost kid will definitely be locked into the city!

  At this point, Karp is very confident in his fists!

   Then the question is coming.

   Will Adrian be as hot-headed and reckless as Golden Lion Shiji?

of course not.

   But that being said.

  Adrian still slowly descended from the sky, and fell to about the same height as the navy battleship, and was separated from Karp by nearly a hundred meters.

  As for why?

  Of course it’s because the challenge mission hasn’t been completed yet!

   "Lieutenant General Karp, long time no see!"

   Adrian smiled and said hello.

  At this moment, in his heart, he suddenly thought of the Goerbo Mountain behind the Windmill Village of the Goa Kingdom in the East China Sea.

  Think about it carefully.

  Barrett’s dad should have a good life, right?

   "Yes, we haven't seen each other for a long time since that time in Nanhai, Bai Youling Xiaogui."

   Karp squeezed his fist and blew a few words unconsciously.

   "Now, the old man is ready to send you to Pushing City!"

   "What? After the flashing yellow monkey was almost killed, does your navy still have the ability to keep me?"

   Adrian raised his brows and said sarcastically.

  On this point, Karp does not deny it.

   Polusalino's serious injury really exceeded his expectations.

  In Karp’s thoughts, Polusalino, who has shining fruits, even if he is not the opponent of the white ghost, at least relying on the unparalleled shining fruits, he still has the ability to protect himself.

   And Polusalino, who had already failed in the Chambord Islands last time, will definitely not be careless this time, and will definitely concentrate all his energy to deal with the enemy.

  But who can think of...

  Porussalino was defeated by the white ghost lightly!

  Even Karp didn’t even notice the transparent ghost net arranged by Bai Youling in advance.

  But what can be done without Polusalino?

  Cape laughed heartily.

   "Yellow monkey? Puff ha ha ha ha! I have to say, the white ghost kid is still quite capable of taking the nickname!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Karp's legs were slightly bent, and the majestic force under his feet burst open. He even stepped on the naval battleship under him and shook slightly. The whole person was like a cannonball and shot at Adrian's position.

   "Such tricks are useless to me."

  Adrian shook his head slightly, and instantly displayed the Onimusha ability, swapping positions between himself and a white ghost above his head.

  Kapu’s fist, the size of a casserole, hit the white ghost with one punch, smashing it instantly on the spot.

   Standing in the sky, Adrian was about to launch a counterattack, but when he saw it, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, secretly thinking in his heart.

  ‘What is this ability? ’

  ‘Obviously, I didn’t see Karp attaching the armed color to his fist, but he was able to harm the white ghost with no entity. ’

  ‘Is it really like in the legend that Karp has cultivated the domineering and domineering to his bones? ’

  A series of thoughts flashed through Adrian's mind.

   "What a weird devil fruit ability, white ghost!" Karp stepped on the moon step and stopped in the air, "No wonder Ahe and Zeng Guo said you are very troublesome."

  "Isn’t it your navy headquarters and the world government that really made me a ‘trouble’?"

  Adrian came back to his senses, and after a few words, he said no more.

  At the same time, he stretched out his right hand, and a phantom energy lightsaber was instantly condensed in his palm. At the same time, the muscles on his arms bulged, posing a certain gesture of starting position, a robe without wind.

  After a brief brewing, Adrian's eyes condensed, holding the Nether Energy Lightsaber's right arm and swiping it vigorously.

  【Dragon Power】!


   is derived from the powerful moves of the giants, forming a huge and thick cylindrical shock wave in the mid-air, mixed with mottled blue phantom energy, instantly falling from the sky, and flying straight towards Karp.

   "Hahaha! Lingling's moves?"

  Kapu let out a big laugh.

  This terrifying move from Charlotte Lingling, not only did not surprise the naval hero, but it also made him interested in it.

Karp raised his right hand, his arms raised and bent backwards, the dark and deep armed color instantly entrenched on the surface of his fist, and then he concentrated his whole body power on the fist, and blasted a bit towards the oncoming violent shock wave. Not fancy horror punch!

   "Fist and Bone Cannon!"

  Two powerful and majestic forces collided instantly, a huge roar instantly swept through the void, and the violent air wave vented in all directions.

  Under the support of [Dragon Power].

  The battle between Adrian and Karp directly entered the white-hot stage from this moment.


  Each time Adrian waved the light saber in his hand, he would release this terrifying ability at the same time. The sharp and magnificent sword energy shock wave tore the atmosphere and bombarded Karp.

   However, facing the attack of the white ghost, Karp raised his fists in front of him, a deep black color appeared on his fist bones, and then he blasted several punches one after another.

  The shadow of the fist, which is almost afterimage, continues to explode in the void, and the speed of punching even exceeds the speed of sound, forming a large number of white sonic booms in the air!

   "Euler Euler Euler..."

  In almost every second, Karp blasted dozens of punches one after another, abruptly withstood the prestige's unparalleled might.

  The battle between the two sides remained deadlocked for a while.

  Finally, after Adrian withdrew from the power increase state of the dragon's power and was unable to display his prestige abilities, this "warm-up match" came to an end.

   "Already feel tired? White ghost kid?"

   Seeing that the next sword blast wave did not come again, Karp asked with his hands on his hips, seemingly dissatisfied with the geology.

   "The body is a bit tired, but the spirit is as excited as ever!"

  Adrian scattered the nether energy lightsaber in his hand, and shook his right arm that felt sore muscles from overuse.

next moment.

   Adrian's eyes condensed.

  The surging pale white spirit pressure surged out of his body!

    Thank you "Book Friends 20170126171035014" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

     third more.



  (End of this chapter)

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