Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 265: Huang Yuan goes offline

  Chapter 265 Huang Yuan goes offline

  The Warrior of Light, who was about to fly to the sky, almost didn’t crash by Karp’s words.

   looked sadly at the senior lieutenant over there, and Polusalino felt miserable.

  I can't beat it, and I dare not say it.

what can I do?

  I am also desperate!

  Clearing the irrelevant thoughts in his mind, Polusalino simply ignored Karp.

  He put his hands together, placed in front of his abdomen, and reunited the radiant Yata mirror.

  The straight track of light spreads to the sky at extreme speed.

  At the same time, Polusalino merged himself into the orbit of light, moving quickly.

  Above the sky.

  Adrian is still manipulating the Thousand-Handed Buddha, launching a continuous bombardment towards the giant iron ball below.

  The top-down phantom cannon constantly collided with Karp’s domineering armed color, making a roar and bursting sound, and at the same time continued to consume the energy of both parties.

   Seeing Polusalino who was about to fly upwards, Adrian's eyes shifted, turning cold slightly.

  This yellow monkey, it seems that you still haven’t suffered enough...

  The main thing is that no tasks can be triggered.

  What use do you want!

  A ray of red light flashed in Adrian's eyes, and the color of seeing and hearing foreseeing the future opened.


  He single-minded and double-purposed, attacking the thousand-handed Buddha's phantom energy cannon, spreading out some of them, and sprinkling them on the position where the light path was about to fall.

  The mysterious and deep phantom cannon slashed through the air, and in the blink of an eye, it successfully hit the end of the light track.

  The blue light beam collided with the bright yellow light beam. In a short time, it sputtered out the bright light, just like the fireworks in the day.

  The original route was accidentally interrupted, and Polusalino was forced to show up in the air ahead of time. He stepped on the moon step and stopped in the air.

  Looking at the direction of the white ghost, Polusalino knew that the task of destroying the thousand-armed Buddha was definitely not low.

  But who made him the only armed person on the navy side who can do "air strike" at this time?

  Porussalino crossed his arms, pinched the fingertips of his fingers into an orchid shape, once again bursting out dazzling cross rays, and tentatively attacked.

   "Bachi Qiong Gouyu!"

  Mixed with armed and domineering sparkling bullets, it blasted in the direction of Adrian.

  However, Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu’s attack was just halfway through, and it was still flying in the air.

  The Nether Energy Cannon separated by the Thousand-Handed Buddha was directly scattered in the air, turning into tiny light chips.

  Even due to the excessive number of phantom artillery fired by the opponent, the scope and power of the attack were huge, and Polusalino had to dodge again to avoid the phantom artillery that came back at him.

  But the feeling of dodge this time is different from just now.

  Porussalino could very clearly feel that, under the deliberate control of the white ghost, these phantom cannons could always blast to the place where he was about to land in advance.

   Even if Polusalino forcibly changes his direction and finds a position to stand firmly, the next phantom cannon will also directly blast, forcing him to constantly move his position in the air.

  During the dodge, Polusalino was unable to counterattack effectively.

   "This level of seeing and hearing is domineering? Is it the stage of'foreseeing the future' that Lieutenant Crane focused on before?"

  Porusalino turned into a photon form, constantly flashing and jumping in the air to avoid the bombardment of the phantom energy cannon, and his heart was solemn.

   "It's really a terrible ability~"

  For a while.

   Adrian divided his mind into two uses. On the one hand, he was in the sky, forcing Polusalino to move into the air; on the other hand, above the sea, he used the phantom cannon to continuously bombard the giant iron ball held by Karp.

  Only judging from the current combat performance, he turned out to be fighting two people at the same time! Even one of them is a naval hero!

  Time is passing slowly.

  Adrian controls the Thousand-Handed Buddha, maintaining the frequency of phantom bombardment on naval warships below.

  At the same time, he focused his attention slowly on Polusalino in the air.

  Foreseeing the future, seeing and hearing domineering, but not only to the extent that it can continuously force others to shift their positions!

  A smarter way to use it is unknowingly, urging the other party to move towards the future you want to see!

  Like now!

  Adrian manipulated the Thousand-Handed Buddha and fired several faint blue light cannons.

  Porusalino in the air once again entered the photon form and quickly avoided.


   Just when Polusalino subconsciously thought that the next time would come, it was still these phantom light cannons that could not hit him.

   An inexplicable horror mood suddenly emerged in his heart, stimulating Polusalino's hair on his back.

   "It's me!"

   Adrian's teasing voice, like thunder, exploded in Polusalino's ears.

at the same time.

   Adrian's figure also appeared out of thin air in front of Polusalino's right.

  The distance between the two is not even more than five meters!


  Porusalino's eyes widened, looking at the figure of Bai Youling holding the faint blue lightsaber, his heart was shocked.

   Adrian was not prepared to give this annoying yellow monkey reaction time.

  Holding the Nether Energy Lightsaber, Adrian stepped out.

   A short distance of five meters, for the top masters of the sea, it is no different from directly sticking to the face!

   Murder Knife·Yasha Ghost!

  The blue lightsaber drew an unpredictable arc in the air and attacked directly between Polusalino’s neck.

  Among the five senses of the latter.

The white ghost in front of him seemed to have become a life-threatening yaksha from hell. His whole body continued to exude a dark and rich gloomy aura, and there was a fascinating sound of despairing sound in his ears, and even bursts of suffocating sound from his nose. The pungent smell of magma and sulfur.

  In a short moment, Polusalino’s vision, hearing and smell were simultaneously affected by Adrian’s emotional swordsmanship, as if he had fallen into an irretrievable despair!

  But Polusalino will still be the future admiral after all, not an ordinary item like Crane.

   While closing his eyes tightly, Polusalino shielded his five senses. He raised his right hand, and instantly condensed in his palm a sky cloud sword that was a mixture of photons and armed color domineering.

  Ignoring those horrible illusions that constantly disturbed the mind, Polusalino relied on the instinctive reaction of his body, and slammed the sky cloud sword forward.


  Two energy lightsabers of different colors collided with each other, and they made an impact sound similar to a metal strike.

   is also the sharp collision sound that suddenly spread to the ear, recalling Polusalino's mind that was affected by emotional swordsmanship.

   "It's another kind of strange swordsmanship that inexplicably affects the spirit!"

  No longer relying on visual ability to capture the trace of the white ghost, Polusalino, who closed his eyes, directly displayed his sights, and kept searching for the location of the white ghost.


  Front, back, right, left...

   In Polusalino’s domineering perception, Bai Youling’s unique personal aura can be heard from all directions.

  That's right!

  This is the trap that Adrian has carefully woven!

  Using the domineering presence that can predict the future, constantly bombarding the phantom energy, forcing Polusalino to move toward the space where a large number of transparent ghosts are arranged in the dark without knowing it.

  Waiting for the last phantom cannon, when Polusalino had to change position again.

  The yellow ape also slammed into the "giant net" made up of transparent ghosts!

  When Adrian used the Onimusha ability to exchange positions with a transparent ghost, he blocked the only exit of this net!

  At this moment.

  In this large transparent net that is invisible to the naked eye, Adrian is using Onimusha's abilities to constantly switch positions.

  This is also the reason why Polusalino perceives the breath of white ghosts almost everywhere!

  Because every transparent ghost can instantly switch between "white ghost" and "transparent ghost"!

   "Porusalino, your future has no chance of winning!"

   Adrian’s voice suddenly appeared behind Polusalino.

  Are you going to attack from behind?

   Polusalino's face was dignified, without the slightest thought of acting rashly.

  Compared to the hearing that was slightly affected by emotional swordsmanship just now, he is more willing to believe in his domineering look!


  This is the dull sound from the Nether Energy Cannon.


  Sure enough, it is not the rear!


  Porussalino's sunglasses suddenly sparkled with a blue light that was brighter than the bright sun.

   in all directions!

  Heaven is heaven and earth!

  At each node of the large transparent net that surrounds Polusalino, every transparent ghost releases a phantom energy cannon almost at the same time.

  And the gathering center of these hundreds of phantom cannons is Polusalino!

   Bunches of shining dark blue light beams constantly collide and converge, almost condensing into a deep blue light ball just like the substance.

  At the moment when this deep blue ball was about to explode, a giant iron ball with an extremely strong armed color and domineering shot directly from below, crashing on the blue light ball!

  Boom boom boom——! !

  The next moment, a violent explosion soared into the sky. The terrifying energy and high temperature distorted the air. A ring of nearly blazing white circular shock waves burst out, dispersing the surrounding clouds and air, and the whistling hot wind swept out.

  Even if it is the wide sea that is 100 meters apart, it is swept by the turbulent weather to make waves and white waves soar into the sky.

   After waiting for the armor of the shell to be exhausted, the giant iron ball was almost directly vaporized and melted into the air under the bombardment of the nether energy.

  On the warship below.

Porusalino's figure suddenly appeared. At this time, the white coat on his body had become a tattered outfit. There were tragic injuries everywhere on his body. The gurgling blood continued to gush out from the wound, and the whole person seemed to turn into a red. Blood man!

  If the huge iron ball was not thrown when the card was popular.

  It is estimated that Polusalino will declare his heroic death directly here!

   "Boy Polusalino, I always think that Zefa's evaluation of you is quite correct."

   Standing on the bow of the ship, Karp lowered his head and looked at the crumbling Polusalino.

  "You are too dependent on the abilities of Shining Fruit!"


  Porussalino raised his head with difficulty. The pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose had disappeared without a trace at this time, revealing his complete appearance. After barely showing a **** smile at Cap, he fell to the ground in a faint.

  Looking at Polusalino, who was seriously injured and unconscious, there was no joking on Karp's face at this time.

  He squeezed his fist bones "kaka", looked up at the sky, and shouted angrily.

   "White ghost kid!"

   "Come down and play!"

   Thank you very much for the 5000 starting coin reward from "Wo Jeanne. Fei Changshuai"! !

     Thank you very much for the reward of the 233 starting currency character of "Qing Ming Yun Xi"! !

     second more.



  (End of this chapter)

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