Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 267: Reiki full on

  Chapter 267 Full Reinforcement

  The pale streamer lightly floats on the sea surface like flying catkins in the wind.

  At this moment.

  The powerful sense of oppression that emerged from Adrian's body, as if it had been condensed into substance, weighed heavily on the hearts of everyone in the surrounding waters.

Even the elite soldiers carried from the navy headquarters on the naval battleship hundreds of meters away, in front of this vast sea of ​​spiritual pressure, fell to the ground like cutting wheat, and fell into a consciousness faint. state.

"what's this?"

The coat of justice behind Karp was hunted and hunted by the violent wind that shook up from the spiritual pressure. He looked at the floc-like pale energy fluid that was constantly floating from Adrian's body, and a strange flash suddenly flashed across his face. color.

  The brand-new abilities displayed by the white ghost gave him a sense of domineering and domineering.

   But there is no overlord look, that kind of self-respect, proud of everything.

   is more majestic and majestic, making people feel the heavy pressure as if they are bearing a huge boulder, as if it is a powerful sense of oppression from a higher level of life species!

   "It's Reiatsu."

   Adrian kept his Rei-pressure fully on, and gave the answer confidently.


  Kapu repeats this ambiguous word.

  Similar to the domineering ability of the overlord, completely beyond the conventional understanding of the sea, it is a little unclear.

more importantly.

  Kapu knows that what the white ghost eats is the fruit of the ghost!

  Even if you follow up the history.

  None of those with the ability of ghost fruit in the past who have left a figure in the navy record has reached the level of the white ghost!

  First is the inexplicable, high-risk, high-energy blue energy similar to a sparkling fruit.

  Now it is this kind of pale energy that is as majestic as the domineering and domineering.

  White Ghost, how many things have not been taken out?

  Or, is this the correct way to open the ghost fruit?

  If Adrian knew what Karp was thinking at this time, he would surely smile.

  This is not the correct way to open the ghost fruit.

   is the way to open the plug-in!

Adrian once suspected that he awakened the two abilities of [Nether Energy] and [Reinforcement] successively. It may not only be because his intelligence attribute reached a certain standard, but also because he was full of [Ghost Body]. This ability!

   didn't explain to Karp in detail what Reiki is, Adrian's tone was flat.

   "Let the battle continue."

   "Hahaha! That's right!"

  Kapu didn’t bother to pay attention to the subtleties of his abilities. He squeezed his fists and his expression gradually became excited.

  "Is this the white ghost kid all your strength? It's really itchy!"

  Adrian stopped talking nonsense, tapped his toes, and his figure moved swiftly in the air, appearing in front of Karp in the blink of an eye.

  【Reinforcement】, it doesn't just refer to the oppression of the soul!

  Because of the existence of the full-level ghost body, Reiki's increase in Adrian is almost all-round!

  The pale white lightsaber appeared in Adrian's palm for an instant, and the armed color mixed with several characteristics quietly climbed up. He vigorously waved the long sword in his hand and slammed it towards Karp.

   Facing such an attack, Karp didn't rush, clenched his fists, and slammed out loudly.


  The dull sound of collision spread across the sky.

  The light saber collided with Karp's fist, and the billowing air instantly spread.

  Although the existence of Reiki did increase Adrian's power attributes, and his armed color domineering also relied on the panel to improve to the full level.

   But compared to Karp, the humanoid monster, he still has a big difference in basic attributes.

  Adrian held the hilt of the Reinforced lightsaber in both hands, and held a stalemate in the air with Karp’s dark iron fist for about ten seconds.

  After that, it was like a punching bag hit by a boxer.

  Adrian's figure is facing the rear, flying straight upside down.

  Kapp did not pursue, standing still, squeezing his fists, and at the same time looking at the white ghost who was shot out by him, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

   This level of armed color domineering accomplishments has never been revealed in any previous intelligence!

  Carp carefully savored the feeling when he had just collided with the white ghost and armed with domineering, and he couldn't help but recall the scene of the battle with the cone-headed green pepper in the country of flowers a few years ago.

  The white ghost's armed color domineering, unexpectedly gave Karp a little familiar feeling.

  "Hey, Bai Youling, what do you have to do with that cone in the Kingdom of Flowers?"

  Unknowingly, Karp has omitted the contemptuous suffix like ‘little ghost’, and instead called Adrian by the code name.

  "Are you talking about the green pepper of the cone?" Adrian stabilized his figure in the air, "Last year was the year before, I did kill a flat-headed old man who lost his heart in the country of flowers."

  Kapu's armed color is powerful, but it cannot attack Adrian's body through the dual protection of the Reipressing Lightsaber and the ghost body.

  In the armed collision with Karp just now, although Adrian was shot and flew out, he did not suffer any damage, except that his arm was slightly sour.

  After a random explanation, Adrian simply remained silent and ignored Karp’s verbal inquiry.

  This time he did not continue to fight hard, but instead manipulated the undissipated white Thousand-Handed Buddha in the sky, continuously attacking Karp from all sides, and at the same time intermittently used swordsmanship to face the enemy in close quarters.

  And Karp punched one after another, as if tirelessly, defeating every attack that came.

  Neither the Nether Cannon nor the Reinforced Lightsaber can break through the defense of his pair of iron fists!

   And this time in a head-on confrontation, Adrian truly experienced the horror of a strong man on the top of the sea like Karp.


  【Incapable of fruit】.

   is just relying on the ultimate physical skills and two-color domineering.

  What level can be achieved!

  The vast majority of enemies Adrian has faced in the past are basically the sea’s top fruit abilities.

  Although there are also giant Buddhas like the Warring States period who claim to polish their "mental skills" to a perfect state.

  But it is indisputable that the power of the devil fruit really interfered with their skills in other areas.

  Even if it is a white beard, this will happen more or less!

  And Karp, just like his code name.

  There is no fruit, no ability, no weapon.

  Only a pair of iron fists!

  Faced with Adrian's dense phantom cannons, mixed with the attacks of the Reinforced Longsword, Karp just attached his domineering armed color to a pair of fists.

  At the moment when the Nether Energy Cannon or the Reinforced Lightsaber is about to touch Karp's body, the pair of iron fists immediately form a hardened state, without wasting a trace of excess energy!

  This domineering mastery level can be called a superb level of existence!

  Even if it is an enemy, Adrian is breathtaking.

   "White Ghost, just by relying on these abilities, there is no way to defeat me! Are there any other moves?"

  Kapp kept punching, resisting the constant attacks, and even had room to question Adrian.

   Adrian narrowed his eyes slightly, and did not respond, and simply dismissed the useless Thousand-Handed Buddha.

  Extending the distance, Adrian took a deep breath.

  All the spiritual pressure in the sky converged towards this side.

   Adrian continuously releases the spiritual pressure in his body at the same time, and slowly gathers together with the escaped spiritual pressure around him.

  A moment later, on the side of Adrian's right hand, a life-like ferocious pale-white dragon head appeared, and wind and thunder trembling faintly around the winding dragon's body.

   "The Canglong turns to extinction!"

  The pale dragon's eyes lit up instantly, and he raised his head with a earth-shaking scream, and with an indomitable momentum, he rushed towards the naval hero who shook the sea!

    Thank you very much for the reward of 1500 starting currency of "What is Liang Guolao"!

     Thank you very much for the reward of 200 starting coins from "Smovant"!

     I don’t know if the fifth one can catch up...



  (End of this chapter)

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