Looking at the black stockings wrapped around Xia Qi’s thighs,

Weilin hugged her directly.

Xia Qi lay in Weilin’s arms and winked at him.

“Wei Lin, there was news just now from the Golden Lion Pirates.”

“The Lion Pirates have left Black Rock Island and are heading towards the middle of the New World.”

“Their goal is to join the Iron Wall Pirates’ Pirate Alliance!”

Weilin stroked Xia Qi’s thigh covered in black stockings.

After hearing that the Lion Pirates had joined the Pirate Alliance established by the Iron Wall Pirates, he didn’t really care because after this battle After that, all the captains of the Rocks Pirates received some promotions.

Even when facing the Iron Wall Pirates, they were fearless.

Moreover, there was also Irons.

Verin did not believe that this guy would Watching the opponent join the Iron Wall Pirates and gain alliances


“They are just a bunch of lost dogs!”

Weilin said with some disdain.

After two months of raids, the strength of the captains of the Atrias Pirates has been steadily improving.

Coupled with the existence of him and Lingling,

Weilin felt that as long as he let him Encountering the Lion King Pirates, the current Atrias Pirates definitely have hope of destroying them.

Weilin smelled the body fragrance emitted by Sha Qi, and his body gradually responded.

After feeling Weilin After the reaction from Lin’s body,

Xia Qi glanced at Weilin with some resentment. She had just finished taking a bath and didn’t want to take another bath.

Seeing Xia Qi preparing to run away,

Weilin directly picked her up and faced her. He walked into Xia Qi’s room.

In the new world, at the intersection of the middle and second half, on a hidden island.

Irons also received news that Lucas was preparing to join the Bright Alliance.

This made him a little worried.

If the other party successfully joins the alliance formed by the Iron Wall Pirates, he believes that Lucas will definitely use the power of the Iron Wall Pirates to cause trouble for him.

When he thought of this, his eyes instantly turned cold. down

“If that’s the case, I can’t let you go on with your nonsense anymore.”

“Shadow, call all cadres”

“ready to go!”

After hearing Irons’ words, the shadow standing next to Irons quickly disappeared into the room. In the middle of the new world,

Steel Island.

The power of the Iron Wall Pirates was also restored with the use of Bright’s huge treasure pile. This was mainly due to Ubel’s selfless dedication.

In the high tower building in the center of Steel Island,

Bright also received a reply from Lucas.

Seeing that the other party agreed to join his alliance made his I couldn’t help but curl up the corners of my mouth slightly.

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

“But Rocks made quite a fuss this time!”

“They actually drove these pirates into my territory, which caused me a lot of losses!”

“Gu Lei, immediately send people to bring all these pirates who have broken into our sphere of influence under our command.”

“If you can’t conquer it, just kill it!”

Gu Lei, who was sitting under Bright, immediately patted his chest and said confidently after hearing Bright’s explanation.

“Don’t worry, brother!”

“Leave this matter to me!”

When Bright saw that the other party was still like this, the corners of his eyes couldn’t help but twitch. He directly picked up Gulei and threw him out of the hall.

“If you can’t do this well, don’t come back.”

After throwing Gulei out,

Bright fell into contemplation again.

After four months of sailing, the Atrias Pirates finally arrived in the waters of Totland.

In the end,

Verin chose to He chose his station here.

Because it is far away from the Iron Wall Pirates, it is relatively safe.

In addition, there are Newgate and Shiji in the nearby waters as foreign aid.

As long as it is not Bu Wright came to attack here personally, and the Atria Pirates were able to deal with it.

On the Asuka,

Verin lay on a large sun lounger, carefully looking at the information that Xia Qi gave him.

Oros saw his father While he was busy with his own business, he was flying around Weilin.

As Euros spun around Weilin,

Weilin soon felt the cool breeze passing through his body, which made him He couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes in comfort.

Just as Weilin was enjoying his leisurely life,

Sofia, with her golden hair loose and wearing very cool clothes, swung her small buttocks and came directly to Weilin and lay down, putting her hands in her hands. She handed a glass of iced juice to Weilin.

Upon seeing this,

Weilin took the juice she handed him without politeness and drank it in a big gulp.

As the sweet and sour juice entered his stomach,

Weilin couldn’t help but spit it out happily. Taking a breath of the chilly mist.

Seeing the relaxed look on Weilin’s face,

Sofia couldn’t help but giggle.

Seeing that the hot blonde girl in front of her dared to laugh at her,

Weilin looked displeased. He politely held her waist in his arms.

Feeling Weilin’s solid chest and arms, two blushes gradually appeared on Sophia’s pretty face.

“Hey hey hey!”

“Navigator, how long does it take for our ship to reach Cake Island?”

Weilin asked softly while stroking Sophia’s soft waist.

Feeling the numbness coming from her waist,

Sophia’s body couldn’t help but slumped in Weilin’s arms, and whispered with a blushing face.

“There are probably about three days left!”

Weilin looked at Sophia’s shy look and held her in his arms with a thought.

Sophia felt the changes in Weilin’s body, and she immediately buried her head in Weilin’s arms with a shy face and begged.

“Go to my room!”

Hearing the other party’s request,

Weilin directly picked up the princess and strode into her room.

As the cool dresses were thrown under the bed, the two naturally embraced each other..

This battle did not end until dark.

In the end, Verin hugged the sweaty Sophia with a satisfied face and entered the dream.

At the same time, on an island in the middle of the new world, the forces he formed led by Irons attacked The Lion Pirate Group.

The two pirate groups started a fierce battle here.

Three days later, the Atrias Pirate Group gradually arrived at the port of Cake Island.

Looking at this building made of big cakes and cream formed a special island.

All the crew members of the Atrias Pirates jumped off the ship with excitement and ran towards Cake Island.

When they saw this place for the first time, they were attracted by it like a fairy tale. She was attracted by the beautiful scenery.

Charlotte Lingling looked at the island, and after seeing it and returning here, she couldn’t help laughing happily.

“Mom, mom, mom!”

“Are you back here again?”

“I really miss it!”

“I want to taste the cream cake here!”

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