In the end, he shook his head.

It was still too early. Verin planned to wait until Natsu was six years old to train him.

Or after Natsu developed the motivation to become stronger.

Let him have a happy childhood.

The battle between the Atrias Pirates and the Mercenary Pirates lasted until the afternoon.

On the escort ship, at this time,

Wei Lin and Charlotte Lingling were waiting expectantly for Hu Yue to bring the captured pirates here.

As Hu Yue’s ship docked near the escort ship,

Hu Yue and Hu Xue soon led their team members to escort hundreds of pirates to the deck, and then imprisoned these pirates in cells.

The crew members said hello to Verin before leaving and returning to the Silver Moon.

As for Hu Yue and Hu Yue, they hugged Weilin’s arms with happy faces.

Weilin rubbed their smooth hair and led Lingling directly into the cell where the pirates were held.

Entering a neat cell,

Verin saw a group of scarred pirates looking at him with hatred on their faces.

Seeing this,

Weilin immediately showed a gentle smile on his face and said lightly to them.

“Lingling, let’s do it!”

Hearing Weilin’s words,

Lingling directly used her devil fruit ability.

“Mom, mom, mom!”

“Become food for Homiz!”

As a strong purple energy enveloped all the prisoners here.

Suddenly, these pirates found out in disbelief that they actually saw their own bodies floating.

Soon they saw Lingling. His big hand grabbed them and caught them.

Under the influence of the Devil Fruit, their consciousness quickly disappeared and turned into the purest soul light balls.

Seeing these light balls, floating behind Weilin and Lingling , Napoleon, Zeus, Prometheus, and Euros all showed eager looks.

Seeing this,

Lingling directly divided these soul light groups into four parts and fed them to the four little guys.

Looking at the soulless ones The pirates,

Weilin, were not polite.

A series of vines quickly rushed out of his body and quickly sucked these pirates into human beings.

Looking at his and Lingling’s operations,

Weilin felt that they were A pair of natural villains.

After Hu Yue and Hu Xue saw the fate of this group of pirates, their faces showed a look of joy.

Looking at these mummies,

Weilin controlled the plants and threw them in In the sea.

After doing this,

Weilin took the three women back to the Asuka.

As Weilin and others started cleaning up the second half of the new world, all the pirates in the second half of the new world panicked. Get up.

Driven by Weilin and others, they all either surrendered to the Rocks Pirates or were killed directly.

The most fanatical one was undoubtedly Shiji.

As long as the pirates he met, they all He accepted him as his younger brother.

If any pirate dared to refuse his recruitment, he would definitely be cut in half by Shiji’s sword.

With the orderly cooperation of Weilin and others, these pirates entrenched in the second half of the new world They drove all the restless pirates towards the middle of the new world.

Blackstone Island is the new headquarters of the Lion Pirates.

At this time, a lively banquet is being held here.

A golden throne When he saw the numerous treasures that Sabella and others had looted,

Lucas suddenly laughed happily.


“I believe that bastard Rocks must be very heartbroken after getting this news!”

Hearing Lucas’s laughter, the officials and little bosses in the hall all joined in with joy.

Only Guillaum showed a worried look in his eyes.

He knew very well that the Locke Pirates were eating After such a big loss, the other party would definitely come back with revenge.

This made him couldn’t help but remind Lucas.

“Captain, I think we should move our base immediately!”

“Rocks will definitely send strong men to encircle and suppress us.”

After hearing Guillaum’s words,

Lucas, who was fantasizing about using the money to recruit more subordinates, also came back to his senses.

After thinking about this question for a while, he still denied Guillaume’s guess.

Because he I feel like it’s very hidden here.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Guillaum!”

“The location here is very secret and not easy to find.”

Seeing Lucas’s vow,

Guillaum also became dubious, but he always felt that it was not safe here.

Sabella, who was sitting next to Guillaum and holding a little suckling pig, looked at the other person’s face. There was still an uneasy look on his face.

He directly grabbed the other person’s neck with his oil-stained palms and stuffed a suckling pig into Guillaum’s mouth.


“Don’t worry, bro, it’ll be okay.”

When Guillaum saw that Sabella actually stuffed the meat into his mouth, he instantly struggled with the opponent angrily.

Lucas saw that the atmosphere in the field became more and more intense.

He just said He picked up a large bowl of wine with a happy face and downed it, letting out hearty laughter.

Just when the Lion King Pirates were immersed in the warm atmosphere, a pirate in charge of intelligence suddenly came from the palace. The foreigner ran in and reported to Lucas anxiously.


“The Rocks Pirates are encircling our sea area!”

“They will probably arrive here in another seven days.”

After hearing the words of this intelligence agent, the hall suddenly became silent.

Lucas, who was sitting on the golden throne, suddenly felt a burning pain on his face.

After receiving this news,

Lucas also became vigilant. Get up.

Ask the elders left behind by his father.

“Uncle Guillaume, what should we do?”

Hearing Lucas’ question,

Guillaume immediately started thinking quickly.

After a while, he had an idea, looked at Lucas and said

“Captain, I remember that Brett seemed to invite us to join each other’s alliance.”

“We can use each other’s strength to avenge the old captain.”

After hearing Guillaum’s words,

Lucas also fell into silence.

After some thinking, he immediately made up his mind.

“Okay, notify the forces belonging to the Lion King Pirate Group to begin evacuating immediately and head to the center of the new world.”

After seeing Lucas agree,

Guillaum’s face showed a look of relief.

He began to make arrangements for the retreat.

The Lion Pirates quickly evacuated Blackstone Island and headed towards the central part of the New World. And left.

As the Lion Pirates evacuated, the Rocks Pirates’ spies also passed the news back.

On the Asuka,

Verin was lying on a large lounge chair, basking in the sun with a leisurely look on his face.

Then There was a sound of high heels hitting the floor, and

Weilin saw Xia Qi, who was wearing cool clothes, walking over with her waist twisted.

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