Lujiu looked at the island with a happy look on her face. Verin was very satisfied with the emotional changes of the crew and his woman. With the arrival of the Etrias Pirates on Cake Island, the residents here fell into panic. However, after discovering the Etrias Pirates and attacking the island where they lived like other pirate groups, After the plunder, all the residents of Cake Island calmed down and resumed their usual lives. Half a month later, in a huge manor on Cake Island , Verin was flipping through the latest issue of the World News newspaper. After seeing the Crazy Lion Pirates led by Irons attacking the Lion Pirates in the middle of the New World and killing three of the Lion Pirates’ cadres, Verin just calmly wrote the newspaper and He got up, threw it aside, and enjoyed the massage from the little maid with a happy face. Just as Weilin narrowed his eyes, the door to the courtyard suddenly opened, and soon Weilin saw Xia Qi walking in.

“Hey hey hey!”

“How about it? Xia Qi.”

Seeing that Weilin was living such a happy life,

Xia Qi tapped her toes and jumped on top of Weilin.

Seeing Xia Qi coming,

Weilin’s little maids laughed and left here.

Seeing Weilin’s expectant eyes, Xia Qi couldn’t help but roll her eyes and raised her white chin.

Seeing Xia Qi’s arrogant look,

Weilin opened his mouth and captured Xia Qi’s sexy lips.

In Weilin Lin’s fierce request was taken away.

Xia Qi was soon confused by Weilin’s kiss, and her eyes were filled with lust.

Five minutes later,

Weilin let go of Xia Qi, and soon Xia Qi fell softly.

Xia Qi lay weakly in Weilin’s arms and patted Weilin’s chest gently.

“Bad guy!”

In the end, she took out a piece of information with residual warmth from her chest and handed it to Weilin.

Weilin looked at the contents of the information with a look of satisfaction on his face.

“Hu Yue and the others did a great job!”

“Let her lock up these pirates and make them glorious laborers!”

After hearing Weilin’s words,

Xia Qi nodded in agreement.

In the end, these pirates became the coolies of the Atrias Pirates.

As for some pirates who did not accept labor reform, they were directly Robot Zero made by Carter was beheaded.

After Aurora gave birth to Esdeath,

Verin also gave the Memory Fruit to Aurora.

With the cooperation of the Tunton Fruit and the Memory Fruit,

Carter The first generation of robots were produced.

These robots fused by Tuntun Factory, after Aurora implanted rich combat experience, have good combat capabilities.

Coupled with the weapons installed by Caitlin, they are simply A killing machine that never gets tired.

Xia Qi lay in Weilin’s arms, looking at him in a normal state, and asked curiously

“What are our next plans?”

Weilin helped Xia Qi tidy up her somewhat messy hair and thought for a while.

“The next step will naturally be to occupy all the islands in the Atlan Sea, and then establish them as the headquarters of the Atrias family.”

Verin lifted Xia Qi’s chin and looked at her bumpy figure with a fiery face. Delicate body.

Xia Qi was also a little embarrassed by Weilin’s gaze, and couldn’t help but bury her face in Weilin’s arms.

Soon Weilin tasted this wild delicacy directly.

Three hours later,

Weilin then took Xia Qi and took a shower, put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

Seeing the satisfied smile on Xia Qi’s pretty face,

Weilin couldn’t help but kiss her on the face, and then looked towards her He walked over to where Lujiu and the girls were.

Pushing open the courtyard door and walking in,

Weilin saw Lujiu, Olvia and the girls chatting leisurely.

On the soft lawn, Otohime He was playing happily with Bai Xue, Natsu, and Robin.

Upon seeing this, Verin also walked towards Lujiu and the other girls with a happy face, and took the opportunity to hug Esdeath in Aurora’s arms. Get up.

Esdeath felt the warmth in Weilin’s arms, and her big blue eyes couldn’t help but narrowed happily.

Seeing Weilin coming,

Annie, who was leisurely planting flowers in the garden, looked happy. He ran over and threw himself into Verin’s arms.

Verin looked at Anne who had grown taller and rubbed her black hair lovingly.

When the Etelius Pirates came to the cake Behind the island,

Lujiu and the others felt their whole bodies relaxed. They enjoyed such a peaceful and happy life. In another sea area,

Golden Lion Shiji also started cleaning up the territory where he was stationed.

But with Aite The difference with the Lias Pirates is that

Shiji directly took under his command all the pirate groups that he defeated, which also caused the Golden Lion’s pirate group to begin to expand rapidly.

This also caused the Iron Wall Pirates to This caused constant friction between the Golden Lion Pirates, who were closest to the Iron Wall Pirates.

After Newgate drove all nearby pirates into the middle of the new world, he stopped taking action. Instead, he was immersed in the development of the fruit.

After obtaining the earthquake fruit, Newgai’s strength was also greatly improved, and his strength also reached that of a quasi-general.

As the three of Weilin arrived in the middle of the new world, Their news was also sent back to the Superconductor.

But at this time, Rocks had already left the Beehive Island.

New World, Steel Island.

On the top floor of the iron tower in the center of the island,

Bright was listening to his subordinates with a gloomy face. Report, in recent months, due to the four major cadres of the Rocks Pirates entering the middle of the new world, this has caused some friction between the Rocks Pirates and the Iron Wall Pirates.

Yesterday Shiji’s younger brother They actually robbed a batch of treasures in his territory, which made Bright very angry. What made him even more angry was that the Lion Pirates he invited were attacked halfway.

Now there are only a few left. Human combat power can be put to good use.

This made his plan to unite the Lion Pirates to attack the Rocks Pirates a direct failure.

After he accumulated enough strength, he planned to take revenge on the Rocks Pirates.

“snort! Locks, just wait for me!”

Golden Pirates,”

Ubel looked at the map of the new world with a worried look in his eyes.

He looked at the Rocks Pirates that dominated the second half of the new world, and then looked at the people who were constantly eroding him under the leadership of Sengoku. He suddenly felt a little powerless in the territory’s navy.

If the situation continued like this, his Golden Pirates would be in danger, so he also needed allies to strengthen his strength.

For a force of his level He said that the only ones who were qualified to be his allies at this time were the Crazy Lion Pirates who had gained fame some time ago.

When he thought of this, he suddenly became eager.

He said to Thornton

“Thornton, it’s up to you to invite Irons here as a guest!”

After Thornton, who was sipping the wine, heard Ubel’s words, he thought about it, put down the glass in his hand, and stood up.

“give it to me!”

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