Seeing that Earl Jones blocked the way to pursue the remaining members of the Lion Pirates,

Rocks thought for a moment and immediately gave up his plan to kill everyone in the Lion Pirates.

For him, the most urgent goal now is to kill Earl Jones in front of him and become the overlord of the second half of the new world.

As for the stray fish that escaped, he never took it seriously.

Seeing Lucas and his party disappear at the end of the road,

Earl Jones showed a faint smile.

“My good brother!”

“Just let me give you a ride!”

Looking at the smiling face of Earl Jones,

Irons, who had just crawled out of the pit, suddenly gritted his teeth with hatred.

With the back of his hand, he casually wiped away the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, with a look of hatred on his face. It turned into a ray of fire and rushed towards the opponent.

As a ray of fire quickly crossed the sky,

Irons instantly appeared in front of Earl Jones.

Seeing Irons launched an attack towards Earl Jones. ,

Weilin and his team also joined the battlefield again, fighting with Earl Jones who had activated the lion king form.

Powerful energy burst out among several people in an instant.

Taking advantage of the large number of people , With the advantage,

Weilin and his team began to fight fiercely with Earl Jones.

Every attack from both sides carried the power of their whole bodies.

Under the impact of powerful energy, the surrounding buildings were also attacking. The aftermath was completely reduced to ruins.

Seeing that Earl Jones was suppressed again,

Rocks wiped away the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth with excitement, and burst into wild laughter.


“Old thing!”

“I have seen your end!”

“This world is destined to belong to the Rocks Pirates!”

Looking at Rocks who looked embarrassed, the corners of Weilin’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

A green light flashed in his eyes, and he punched Earl Jones’s head.

Weilin felt the opponent’s powerful domineering power,

He couldn’t help but show excitement on his face.

Because Weilin once again found an opportunity to become stronger, which was to use the opponent’s strong strength to temper his domineering power.

After seeing that his attack was resisted,

Weilin Lin immediately retracted his fist and swept towards Earl Jones with a volley kick.

After hearing Rocks’ words,

Earl Jones, who was struggling to resist the crowd’s attack, also fell silent because he had already felt The terrifying potential of the Rocks Pirates.

At this time, he hoped that his children would not avenge him.

But as a top strongman, how could he endure the provocation of a junior?


“Damn little devils!”

“Although you all have great potential!”

“But if you want to become the overlord of the new world, you are still a little immature!”


“Lion King’s Domain!”

Earl Jones let out a majestic lion’s roar.

A golden field spread out with him as the center, and soon enveloped everyone present.

Weilin felt a golden light shield pass through it. After passing through his body, he was shocked to find that this aperture actually cut off his communication with the plants in the outside world.

Soon Locks and others also discovered the abnormality.

They found that their strength, speed and defense were all blocked. Reduced.

After discovering that the opponent’s ability was so weird, everyone present became cautious.

Seeing Rocks and others looking at him solemnly,

Earl Jones suddenly showed a ferocious look on his face. smile

“Let me teach you a lesson!”

“Lion King Fist!”

Soon everyone saw a golden lightning burst out on his arm quickly.


Hearing the sound of lightning streaking through the air,

Weilin and the others instantly felt the radiance on each other’s arms. A strong sense of oppression


The figure of Earl Jones turned into a golden phantom and disappeared in the eyes of Weilin and others.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived in front of Weilin and others, and punched Rocks. Exploded over.

Feeling the power of Earl Jones’s blow,

Rocks’ fist was instantly wrapped with black lightning.

As the two fist lights, one gold and one black, collided together, a series of terrifying energy It exploded in front of the two of them in an instant, but after only a stalemate for a while,

Weilin and the others saw Rocks being sent flying backwards, heavily smashing a building in the distance into pieces.

See When Rocks was punched out by him,

Earl Jones immediately looked up to the sky and let out a series of majestic laughter.


“Let me show you my true power!”

As his laughter fell, he disappeared from the eyes of Weilin and others.

“Got you!”

The moment the opponent disappeared, a green light flashed in Weilin’s eyes, he raised his fist and punched the opponent.

As the two fist shadows collided,

Weilin’s cheeks instantly turned red. , a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Just when he was about to fly backwards, the palm that Weilin hit instantly turned into countless vines and wrapped around Earl Jones’ body.

Seeing Weilin’s brief control After stopping the opponent,

Shiji and others quickly used their powerful attacks to attack Earl Jones.


“Stolen Fire!”

“Big fragrant feet!”

“Fierce Fist·Hunting!”


In just the blink of an eye, powerful attacks blasted towards Earl Jones.

Seeing so many attacks coming towards him, even Earl Jones became cautious.

With a crazy look on his face, he waved his fists wrapped with golden lightning, constantly bombarding him with powerful attacks.

As powerful air waves exploded in front of Earl Jones.

Earl Jones was instantly knocked backwards and spat out a mouthful of blood.

But he quickly stabilized his figure.

At this moment,

Rocks, who was buried in the ruins, also rushed out. With a ferocious expression, Rocks clenched his fists wrapped with black lightning and rushed towards Earl Jones, feeling Rocks’ overlord. The lustful entanglement became a bit stronger than before, and a look of surprise flashed across Earl Jones’s eyes.

He didn’t expect that the opponent’s fighting talent was so high.

However, he still raised his fist covered in golden lightning with pride and struck him again.

Just as Verin and his group were fighting fiercely with Earl Jones.

The crew members of the Rocks Pirates also gradually gathered around.

They held their breath and looked at the fierce battle ahead with enthusiasm.

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