Today Shana is no longer the weak girl who was arrested by slave traders.

She has now become a determined swordsman, and she also wants to become a powerful swordsman like Fiona, or even a great swordsman.

This way she can protect Verin.

Shanna recalled Verin’s appearance when he rescued her.

A gentle smile will appear on her lips.

As time went by, the Lion Pirates’ casualties began to increase sharply under the steady advancement of the Rocks Pirates.

On the central battlefield,

Verin looked at Oaks and Gronk who were constantly attacking him, and his patience reached its limit.

Because such a battle is simply too boring for him.

After repelling the two men easily again,

Verin glanced at the battlefield where Newgate was.

After discovering that the opponent was almost defeated,

Weilin was embarrassed to continue messing around.

“It’s time to end this boring battle!”

Weilin looked at Oakes and Gronk who were knocked away by him, with a serious look on his face.

After hearing what Weilin said,

Oakes and Gronk, who were flying upside down in the air, were completely angry.

They were all He used his fruit power and turned into a beastman form and rushed towards Weilin. Weilin was not surprised at all by the changes of the two of them. He had long discovered that both of them were Devil Fruit users. Looking at Chao The two people he rushed towards, Weilin quickly condensed a two-meter-long golden sword in his hand, and swept towards them with one strike.

“Elbaf’s Gun·Hegemony!”

As Weilin roared, a thick golden light blade quickly slashed towards Oaks and Gronk.

After feeling the power of Verin’s blow,

Oakes and Gronk instantly felt an electric current. It streaked across the whole body. Their beast-like intuition told them that

Weilin’s blow was very dangerous.

Seeing this, they had no choice but to gather all their domineering energy in front of them to resist this powerful attack.


A golden shock wave It exploded in front of the two of them in an instant.

Suffering from Dowling’s attack,

Oakes and Gronk were instantly knocked upside down and smashed into the ruins. Their breath quickly weakened.

They felt the sound coming from around them. Newgate looked at the movement with some curiosity.

He saw that Weilin had already solved the enemy in front of him.

Seeing this, Newgate’s eyes flashed with cold light, and he swept the three opponents in front of him with one knife. Past.

As a stream of blood flew out, the three people blocking Newgate instantly spit out blood and flew out.

After seeing that the five children they had carefully cultivated were killed by the cadres of the Rocks Pirates, After the defeat,

Earl Jones, who was fighting with Rocks and others, quickly stiffened his smile.

A look of worry also flashed in his eyes.

Looking at the crew members who were beginning to collapse around him,

Earl Jones Earl Jones’s eyes were full of unwillingness.

Looking at the scarred children lying in the ruins, he quickly made up his mind.

Earl Jones shouted at Lucas and the crew of the Lion Pirates. roared

“Lion Pirates, listen!”

“From now on Lucas will be your new leader!”

“I hope you can make the Lion Pirates grow again!”

With the roar of Earl Jones, it spread out in all directions.

All the crew members of the Lion Pirates immediately gathered towards Lucas.

After hearing the captain’s words, several of them were lucky enough to escape from Ancient Loliosa. With the surviving team captain in Wang Zhi’s hands, they immediately rushed towards Oaks and others buried in the ruins.

Soon all the remaining crew members of the Lion Pirates gathered together.

Sabella and Gilfond Seeing such a bad situation, they had no choice but to reluctantly give up the battle with John Silver Axe, and rushed towards Lucas without looking back.

Seeing that the Lion King Pirates were unable to save the day, they all He swore in his heart that he must protect Jones’ children.

Earl Jones watched the crew of the Lion Pirates gather around Lucas.

He gave Lucas a gentle look, and then said decisively. issued his final order


“From now on you are the new captain of the Lion Pirates!”

“Take the crew of the Lion Pirates and your brothers and evacuate Lion Island immediately!”

“I’ll cover you!”

After hearing his father’s instructions,

Lucas’s eyes turned red instantly.

Looking at his father’s kind face, tears couldn’t help but flow down from the corners of his eyes.

In fact,

Lucas has not recovered yet. Obviously they are one of the strongest forces in the new world, but why did they become like this?

When he saw his father’s gray hair, he realized that his extremely powerful father was already old.

Looking at his father , With a ferocious expression, he blasted away an enemy who was charging towards him, and then was surrounded by seven enemies again.

Lucas knew that there really was no hope of victory in this battle.

He twisted with unwillingness. He turned his head and took a deep look at Weilin and the others before looking up to the sky and letting out a roar.


“I will definitely avenge you!”

“All the crew members of the Lion Pirates retreat with me!”

As Lucas’s roar spread, all the Lion Pirates crew members looked at their captain with a sad look, and then followed the new captain of the Lion Pirates and quickly moved towards him without looking back. He ran over to the secret port behind the island.

When he saw Lucas trying to escape,

Irons quickly flashed an anxious look on his face and quickly turned into a flame and chased after him.

He was resisting the attack of Weilin and others. Earl Jones, when he saw that Irons actually wanted to keep his children, he became furious instantly, looked at everyone surrounding him with a ferocious look, and let out a domineering laugh.

“As long as I’m here, no one can harm my son!”

At this time, he seemed to have regained the grace he had when he was crossing the sea.

As his laughter fell,

Earl Jones instantly entered the beast king form!

A golden energy beam burst out from his body instantly, and this His originally pale long hair gradually turned golden, constantly rising and falling with the rhythm of his calls.

When Earl Jones entered the lion king state, a powerful force instantly burst out of his body came out, directly knocking Verin and others away.

He instantly turned into a golden phantom and came to the top of Irons’ head.

Seeing Irons, the traitor,

Earl Jones’s eyes instantly burst out with murderous intent. , one punch sent Irons flying hundreds of meters away.

Verin and others who were knocked away by Earl Jones quickly recovered.

They looked at the figure in front of them that suddenly became taller and more powerful, His eyes were full of strange looks.

At this time,

Earl Jones stood quietly not far from Rocks and others, watching them with a majestic expression.

Behind him, golden air currents were like golden flames. They gathered behind him, forming a golden king’s cloak draped over his shoulders.


Irons, who was knocked out by Earl Jones, also got up from the ground at this time.

He looked at the person in the distance Dao’s body was shining with golden light, like an emperor’s figure, and his eyes were full of ferocious color.

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