Under Xia Qi’s command, the crew of the Atrias Pirates immediately moved away from here, standing in the distance and watching the battle.

After seeing Verin constantly being beaten away by Earl Jones, and then getting up again and rushing into the battlefield, they involuntarily clenched their hands and looked at Verin’s figure with worried faces.

After a day and night of fierce fighting,

Verin and his party and Earl Jones all felt very tired.

Even though Earl Jones’s strength has reached the level of a general, he is beginning to feel weak.

Under the siege of Verin and others,

Earl Jones could no longer maintain his Devil Fruit form.

Verin and his team, who were always observing Earl Jones, breathed a sigh of relief after feeling that the opponent’s strength had begun to decline.

Rocks saw Earl Jones panting heavily with a tired face, and even his hair had turned completely gray.

His face immediately showed a look of ecstasy, and he let out an inspiring smile.��


“Cadres, please work harder!”

“This old guy is going to die!”

After seeing that Earl Jones’s physical strength was almost exhausted,

Weilin and his team, who looked embarrassed, immediately cheered up again.

Looking at Earl Jones, whose hair had turned gray, the corners of Shiki’s mouth showed cruel arc

“Die to me! old man!”

“This era should be left to our young people!”

“Jie hahahaha!”,

“Huge chop!”

Looking at Jones who looked weak,

Shiji unleashed his strongest attack.

Under the gaze of everyone,

Shiji wildly waved two long swords emitting cold light and slashed at Earl Jones. Passed by.

As the long sword in Shiji’s hand was swung, a huge golden cross slash, with a shrill sound of breaking wind, quickly appeared in front of Earl Jones.

After feeling the attack, After becoming powerful,

Earl Jones had no choice but to burst out his last strength.

At this time, his eyes had completely turned golden.

Earl Jones waved his fists wrapped with golden arcs, and punched Shiji. The cross slashes struck together.


As the golden lightning exploded,

Shiji’s sword light was instantly blasted to pieces.

Seeing Earl Jones rushing towards Shiji,

Newgate He arrived in front of the other party in a few steps and burst into hearty laughter.

“Gu la la la la!”

“I can’t let you kill Shiji!”

Looking at the oncoming Earl Jones,

Newgate waved the cloud cutter in his hand, and the blade wrapped with a weak red arc directly collided with Earl Jones’s fist wrapped with golden lightning..Boom!

Soon Newgate was beaten back a few steps by Earl Jones’s devastating punch.


“This battle should be over!”

Elbaf’s Spear: Weiguo!

Verin condensed a golden sword in his hand and swung it towards Earl Jones, completely scattering the golden lightning wrapped around his fist.

“Mom, mom, mom!”

“The Emperor’s Sword: Broken Blade!”

Charlotte Lingling found the right opportunity and slashed Earl Jones away with a sword.

Seeing that her brother finally couldn’t hold on any longer,

Irons burst into hearty laughter with excitement on his face.


“Give me a peaceful death! Bastard brother!”

“I will accept everything from you!”

“Fierce Fist·Sunfall!”

As a small sun slowly rose into the sky.

In an instant, a shock wave of burning flames hit Earl Jones instantly, knocking him into the ground after he was exhausted.

After seeing Earl Jones , After Jones lay charred and black in the big pit,

Irons felt that the anger he had accumulated for decades was finally released today.

Seeing that Earl Jones was at the end of his rope,

Rocks couldn’t help but burst into excited laughter


“Come on, little ones!”

“The old guy is no longer good!”

As Rocks’ laughter fell, the eyes of the members of the Rocks Pirates who were standing nearby suddenly became extremely greedy.

Seeing Earl Jones getting up from the ground with difficulty, all the crew members of the Rocks Pirates They all rushed toward each other with fanaticism.

They all wanted to chop off each other’s heads.

Because Rocks had promised that the first pirate to kill Earl Jones would have priority in choosing the spoils.

They only had to kill If they possess Earl Jones, they will most likely obtain a powerful Devil Fruit, possessing the same power as Verin.

After all, in their eyes, both Verin and Earl Jones can only acquire powerful Devil Fruits.

Becoming so powerful.

If Weilin knew what they were thinking, he would definitely tell them that with a powerful natural devil fruit, you can become very powerful, as long as you don’t seek death. After seeing E After Earl Jones showed his fatigue, the crew members of the Rocks Pirates went crazy.

They kept taking out various weapons and attacking Earl Jones.

For a time,

Earl Jones only He could continuously knock away the pirates who came close to him.

Under the human sea tactics of the Rocks Pirates,

Earl Jones also showed an unwilling look.

Even he did not expect that this grand new world of his own The overlord could actually die at the hands of a group of pirates

“Jie hahahaha!”

“Let me take your head!”

Seeing that Earl Jones was at the end of his rope,

Golden Lion Shiki rushed towards Earl Jones with a ruthless face.

In mid-air, he directly waved two golden chops.

As Shiki As soon as the words fell, two golden chops came to Earl Jones in an instant and chopped him away.

Immediately afterwards,

Shiji rushed in front of him with an arrogant look and slashed Earl Jones’s head with a knife. The head was chopped off.

Seeing Earl Jones die under his own sword, golden lion Shiji burst into arrogant laughter.

“Jie hahahaha!”

“It is enough for the new world to have me, the Golden Lion, and there is no need for another Lion King!”

At this time, Shi Ji looked arrogant, and his long golden hair reflected a faint golden light under the sunlight.

Shi Ji looked so high-spirited.

Seeing this scene,

Shi Ji’s younger brothers all shouted. He was named after him, and since then the name of the Golden Lion has resounded throughout the new world!

As Earl Jones was killed by Shiki, everyone in the Rocks Pirates instantly targeted the Lion King. The vice-captain of the pirate group, Irons. Irons laughed maniacally when he saw the fate of Earl Jones.


“Bastard brother! You are finally dead!”

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