But then, Mirna shook her head slightly, putting the thought behind her, and instead of thinking about these things, she should discuss some future strategies with the alliance leader.

At this time, Luo Chen asked, "What about the other Kermel Empire, where are they?"

Minna pressed the thought in her mind and began to answer Luo Chen's question.

"The Kermel Empire and the Sinao Empire of the Antarctic continent were merged into one, and the two empires were on the same continent at that time, and the name of that continent at that time was also called the Antarctic continent, but it was not in the same place as the current Antarctic continent.

The current Antarctic continent is located at the southernmost point of Gaia Star, but the Antarctic continent was further north, and that continent also collapsed because of the battle of the divine beasts, but which divine beasts are unknown,

It's just that this time the Antarctic continent was not completely broken like the Dongzhou continent, but it was split, some of the land sank to the bottom of the sea, but some of the divided pieces of land went towards the South Pole with the monstrous waves, and in the process, the life on the continent was killed and injured countless times, and finally hit the iceberg in the South Pole.

Moreover, several broken continents and Antarctic ice and icebergs gradually froze together, forming the current Antarctic continent, and the Keyemel Empire has far more people killed in the process of continent fragmentation and drifting than the New Australian Empire, and even their imperial capital has sunk to the bottom of the sea!

After that, the remaining citizens became one with the citizens of the New Australian Empire, and lived together on the new Antarctic continent, and the Antarctic continent has a very unique environment, the left half of the continent is covered with ice and snow, and the other is generally evergreen!

The alliance has been investigating that continent for many years, and there are many research stations, and for the reasons for the formation of this unique geographical environment, research shows that the half of the ice and snow cover is dominated by the original Antarctic ice sheet, which is originally an ice layer that does not melt for thousands of years, while the other half is mostly drifted from the original Antarctic continent.

Within these continents, there are many volcanoes, and the collapse and drift of the continents have spread out the power of these volcanoes, roasting the surrounding land, but because the freezing air of the Antarctic suppresses the hot breath of the volcanoes, the temperature has dropped to a very comfortable level.

This leads to the evergreen all year round, and the people who live in the ice and snow on the left will take the time to go to the warm land on the right to go on vacation, not only them, but people from other continents will often go to the Antarctic continent for sightseeing, and therefore the New Australian Empire has become the most developed country in the world in terms of tourism~"

Hearing Mirna's story, Luo Chen didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"This is too magical, isn't it? The Divine Beast fought and collapsed the continent, and then the remaining fragmented continent drifted along the huge waves to the Antarctic ice sheet, and merged with the ice sheet to form a new continent, and also created a special geographical environment of half cold and half heat?

Moreover, the imperial capital of the Kelmel Empire happened to sink to the bottom of the sea, and the remaining citizens were all cheapened by the New Australian Empire for nothing? Even the contradictions with the Carlo Empire and the Federal Empire were saved, which is simply incredible..."

Minna also nodded and said, "When I first saw this record, I thought the same thing, but he is like this, we can only accept it~"

Luo Chen shook his head and sighed: "What a magical crusoe on the Antarctic continent, this can be written as a novel..."

After a pause, he asked again, "Isn't there any clue about the Great War's Divine Beast Alliance?"

Minna nodded helplessly: "This incident happened very early, at that time the alliance had not yet been established, everyone did not know about Pokémon, and it is estimated that no one in the world knew which divine beasts were fighting there, and the record of this matter was also slowly found out from the local population after the alliance was established later, after it settled in the Antarctic continent."

The locals dismissed this as a myth, and we wouldn't have believed it had it not been for the fact that our researchers had confirmed the drift of the continents and the gradual convergence of the ice sheets.

And in order to verify the original address of the Antarctic continent, the alliance searched everywhere in the ocean, and finally found the original Antarctic continent fractured continental shelf on the seabed of the uncharted sea, where there are many sunken landmasses on the seabed.

The buildings above are still clearly visible, and it was only then that the alliance completely recorded the drift of the Antarctic continent and included it in the history books!

But unfortunately, we have not been able to find the imperial capital of the Kermel Empire, and the continent does not know where it drifted with the current, or it may have been torn apart by the current and dissipated into the sea, so no trace has been found so far. "

Luo Chen also sighed.

"The arrival of Pokémon on Gaia Star was indeed a huge disaster for the people at that time, even now, the human kingdom is likely to be destroyed by divine beasts, if it weren't for the fact that Pokémon has brought great convenience to the lives of human beings, and they have outstanding intelligence and can live with humans,

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will be difficult for humans and Pokémon to coexist in the world..."

Xiao Ya chuckled: "You have to thank the Pokémon for having too few divine beasts, most of them are some weak Pokémon, and the Pokémon were of a low level when they were just born, and they were all weak, otherwise according to the feudal farming civilization of your humans at that time, they would have been destroyed by the Pokémon a long time ago, how could there be such a thing as training Pokémon to fight now?"

Luo Chen pouted and said: "If that's the case, you also have to thank those divine beasts for supporting the Pokémon, otherwise when the Pokémon were just born in this world, the human iron riders would have already leveled those Pokémon that were still very weak! Maybe they would all be kept in captivity for food!"

After Luo Chen finished speaking, he found that Minna and Xiaoya were both looking at him with strange expressions.

"What's wrong?"

Minna shook her head and said: "No problem, what you said is right, the human army did kill many Pokémon at that time, and at that time, humans treated Pokémon as monsters, and many Pokémon were kept in captivity,

Some were used as combat tools, some were used as ingredients, and then some of the conflicts between mythical beasts and humans revolved around these things, the mythical beasts rescued Pokémon and fought against humans, and the Pokémon grew rapidly in the process of fighting against the human army, and finally the Pokémon's strength completely surpassed that of humans!

If it weren't for the fact that some humans and Pokémon became friends, so that the beasts and humans knew that the two races could live in harmony, I guess it was like Xiao Ya said, and the human race would be wiped out by Pokémon..."

Xiao Ya snorted: "I don't understand why the original group of divine beasts reconciled with humans, so that now Pokémon have become human pets!"

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