"Tut-tut... This wave of the Federal Empire is a bit inhumane. "

Luo Chen shook his head and sighed.

Minna leaned forward and said in a sly voice: "Actually, the royal family of the Carlo Empire has not died, it has continued, and an illegal organization has been established, and it has been secretly making some small moves against the Federal Empire, wanting to avenge the extermination of the clan back then!"

"I'm going! What about such drama?"

"Uh-huh!" Minna nodded.

"This incident is also one of the reasons why the high-level leaders of the Federal Empire came to me in the first place, I was just starting to show up, and I was already connected with the Alliance, and the Federal Empire wanted me to find clues about that organization, and then terminate them,

The alliance actually knew about this matter, but that organization did not do anything other illegal and undisciplined, but was bent on revenge against the high-level of the federal empire, and the alliance also knew their grievances, so they turned a blind eye and let him go, and I didn't care about it later~

But now the four major empires are guarded by divine beasts, and the descendants of the Carlo royal family want to take revenge, and it is estimated that there is no chance..."

Luo Chen glanced at Mirna.

"You seem to be from the Federal Empire, right? Your royal family is being targeted, and you don't care?"

Minna said with a curious face: "Why should I care? I don't bother to care about the affairs of the De Laer family, how can I be in the mood to care about the grievances and grievances of the royal family? Not to mention that they did something wrong back then, if it was a thousand years ago when everyone had a more profound concept of the country, I would still take care of it.

But now, who will care about the affairs of the royal families of several countries, they can do whatever they like, as long as the country is not in chaos, whether you are diligent or lazy, no one cares. "

Luo Chen said with emotion: "It seems that the current world environment is still good, there is no hostility between countries, as long as one side suffers, the Bafang trainers will immediately teleport from the alliance center to support, and it is much more peaceful." "

"Isn't it just a lot? There will hardly be a country-level war anymore! In the current world situation, as long as those few lawless organizations hidden in the shadows are uprooted, the world will completely usher in an era of peaceful development, and there will never be any more wars!" Minna looked at the wine glass in front of her with burning eyes.

Her face was reflected in the red wine of the glass, and she seemed to see an ideal future in the wine.

Luo Chen said indifferently: "For the common people, there is actually not much difference, especially in today's society where trainers are everywhere, no matter how stable the world pattern is, the trainers at the bottom will still be oppressed by those nobles.

And there will be many dangers in the wild, and this kind of thing should be repeatedly forbidden, right? As long as people's greed is still there, the fight will never stop~"

When Minna heard this, her face was stunned.

After a long time, he said: "What you said is also reasonable, but only after the overall situation is stable, can we formulate more perfect rules, and then we can ensure the safety of the trainers in the field!"

"The overall situation is stable?" Luo Chen sneered.

"Not to mention anything else, there seems to be a big disagreement within the alliance, right? The alliance leader seems to be a little controlled by others, he has the support of Leshiram, so he can suppress many factions in the alliance, but a hero like him who can be recognized by the divine beast is not something that will be there every year~

He is already in the middle of his life, and he is still running around for the affairs of the illegal organization, even if he can eliminate the illegal organization in his lifetime, what will be the final result? The alliance completely rules the world, and no one or force can compete with the alliance.

After staying in this kind of position as the number one in the world for a long time, people's desires will expand, and the alliance leader, as a person who is favored by Leshiram, who is believed to be true, must be a hero with the desire to pursue the truth, he may be able to resist that temptation, but when he dies, what about the next alliance leader?

Could it be that he is also the kind of hero who has the world in mind and can be recognized by the divine beasts? Even if the next one is, then what about the next one? Could it be that every alliance leader of the alliance will be a hero supported by a divine beast?

I can't even wait for that time, when the leader of the Nangong Alliance dies, Leshiram will inevitably choose to leave the alliance, and when the time comes, no one will be able to suppress the other factions, and the factions will compete for power before, and in the end, it is possible to split the alliance!

At that time, the world will once again ignite the smoke of gunpowder, and this is the inevitable end, people's desires are destined to come to that day! If you want to keep your desires from swelling, you can only find an opponent, so that you have something to do, and don't think about power all day long.

Those unscrupulous organizations are such opponents, so I think it may not be a good thing for the alliance to completely eradicate unscrupulous organizations, and it is better to keep them, so that future generations can be vigilant and have been guarding the world order in the harm that illegal organizations may cause. "

Luo Chen's words made Mi Erna's face change, and even Xiao Ya looked at Luo Chen curiously and said, "Can't you see it, are you quite far-sighted?"

"That's ~ I'm just too lazy to think about those things, just thinking about traveling with Pokémon, but as long as I think about it seriously, I can easily figure out the key points of things!"

Mirna was silent.

Luo Chen's words plunged her into a state of self-doubt, and she began to feel that what she was pursuing didn't seem entirely right!

Luo Chen didn't know much about the alliance, and the differences within the alliance were just hearsay and guesses, while Minna was different.

She knows very well that the factional contradictions in the alliance are irreconcilable!

Just like Luo Chen said, there are alliance leaders who are now pressing them, even if they have different opinions, but in terms of the policy of major affairs, all of them are decided by the alliance leader, and others can only hold back even if they are not convinced!

She has always felt that with the alliance leader here, she will definitely be able to eradicate all the illegal organizations in her lifetime!

But he never thought about what would happen to the alliance after the alliance leader died, and when the illegal organizations were really all eradicated?

Now after Luo Chen's words, she immediately understood that if she really waited for that day, those factions in the alliance would inevitably have fierce disputes!

There will even be a fight over the successor of the alliance leader!

She glanced at Latias beside her, and then at Luo Chen on the other side.

'If he is willing to join forces with me and sit in the alliance with me, then while we are alive, the alliance will not change much, we are all young, and we have time to rectify the rules of the alliance and the world, as long as the rules and order are perfected, and all the factions of the alliance are eliminated,

As long as our few divine beasts can follow our wishes and continue to protect the world and the order, even if we die, the alliance will not change much, and the order of the world will not collapse!'

The thought crossed Mirna's mind.

(The recent new electric god pillar is really strong!The dragon god pillar is also very powerful, and the family of the god pillar king finally raised their eyebrows~ and just enough to be able to make up a team, six god pillars!)

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