Minna spread her hands.

"It's not simple? How many of your Pokémon can farm? You are not immortals, you can be full by drinking a little northwest wind, and most Pokémon eat more than humans, plus they don't know how to farm, and the food source depends on the gifts of nature,

But how many fruits can there be in the world? And fruits are not available all year round, in which case do you have any other way than to feed you by humans? Hunt in the wild on your own? Sooner or later they will all starve to death!"

"This—" Xiao Ya's face froze.

Luo Chen sneered, and deliberately said angrily: "The divine beast will never be a slave!

"Poof~" Minna couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Ya's face turned red, and he used his telekinesis to hammer the two of them the skull!

And he said angrily, "Nonsense! That's not the case! Aren't there a bunch of wild Pokémon now? Aren't they alive and well?"

Minna rubbed the bag on her head that quickly swollen, and said aggrievedly: "Do you know how many Pokémon have been accepted by humans and Pokémon in the established reserve? If all these Pokémon were released into the wild, the food would have been eaten long ago!"

And even wild Pokémon will go to various scenic spots to eat and drink, and there are no humans to feed them, so you are guaranteed to be hungry and bone-to-skin!"


Xiao Ya unceremoniously gave her another time, and then didn't turn her head and ignore her.

There were tears rolling in Mierna's painful eyes, and she rubbed the two bags on her head with both hands, looking extremely aggrieved.

Luo Chen slandered in his heart: Sure enough, the working people are the primary productive force, they can't farm, they can't get food, then you must have only one way to succumb to others~

Of course, if you have the ability and the idea to control the human race, let the human being become the servant of the Pokémon, and grow food for the Pokémon, then it is naturally the best for the Pokémon.

But it's a pity that even the divine beasts have no interest in ruling humans, they like to fight more, and they go to sleep after the battle, and when they wake up, they continue to fight~

It's just nature.

Luo Chen wasn't too interested in the early hostile relationship between Pokémon and humans, because it was something that could be easily guessed.

Just like the relationship between primitive humans and beasts, attacking each other, it is very bloody and very real, and for modern people who are used to being with Pokémon, that history is something they are unwilling to accept and not want to touch.

Luochen is no exception.

He's only interested in things that are secret, or that can give him a boost!

For example, the past of the Seven Great Empires, and the ruins of the capital of the Kermel Empire!

It was the capital of a feudal empire!

Now lost in the ocean, once found, the treasure is inexhaustible!

But the alliance has been looking for many years and has not found it, and he has no clue, and he wants to find Kyle Meier, and the capital of the country is a little daydreaming.

He is not interested in the rest of the empires, except for the Antarctic continent, which is now the territory of the Xinao Empire, and this trip to find the dream and resonance rough stone must go to the Antarctic continent.

Not to mention the special scenery of half cold and half hot there, just the continent where a large empire and countless populations are located is worth Luo Chen to explore, maybe he can find some very important clues!

After the three of them finished eating, they didn't stay in the hotel for long, Xiao Ya raised his hand and said, "Let's go buy fishing equipment first!

Luo Chen and Minna didn't have any opinions, after all, this was a matter that had just been decided.

Luo Chen took out his mobile phone and found the nearest fishing tackle shop nearby on the map, and the three of them went over together.

He has a super fishing rod of his own, there is no need to buy it, Minna also has a full set of equipment for fishing, and only Xiaoya needs to buy items such as fishing rods.

When the three of them entered the fishing tackle shop and saw a dazzling array of fishing rods, Xiao Yaxing rushed over to choose.

But she couldn't tell the good or bad of the fishing gear, so she chose a pink fishing rod according to her preference, which is the same hue as her own body, so she favored it.

There are also many trainers around who are picking up fishing rods, and they are all coming to Tenkaze for the first time, and they are ready to go to the beach to experience the fun of fishing.

A red-haired boy saw the fishing rod Xiao Ya had chosen, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Your fishing rod is not of good quality and you can't catch a good Pokémon, do you want me to choose one for you?"

Xiao Ya tilted his head, thought for a few seconds and nodded.


Anyway, she came to fish not only to experience the fun of fishing, but also to get an excellent water-type Pokémon, if she couldn't catch a good Pokémon, the fun of fishing would be greatly reduced.

The red-haired man carefully selected on the side, and finally took a blue fishing rod and shook it in his hand.

"Well, that's it! It's full of elasticity and toughness, once a Pokémon takes the bait, there is no possibility of breaking it!"

Xiao Ya took the fishing rod.

'It's okay, the color is the same as my brother~' The thought flashed through her heart.

Xiao Ya beckoned to Mirna, Mirna went to check out the past, the price of this fishing rod is very expensive, there is no need to buy bait, there are various types of Pokémon bait in Mirna's storage ring, and they are all high-end goods, which is incomparable to the bait in this store!

The red-haired man looked Minna up and down a few times, and finally reluctantly looked away.

'It's a deadly poison to have such a devilish woman in the world...'

He suppressed some messy thoughts, turned to Xiao Ya and said, "My name is Zhu Rong, do you want to go fishing together?"

Xiao Ya waved his hand indifferently: "Whatever, if you want, let's go together." "

She is still a little grateful to the person who helped her choose a fishing rod.

'Zhu Rong, Vulcan?'

Luo Chen glanced at the red-haired boy curiously, is this name very standard?

But after inquiry, I learned that it was melted melt~

When the four of them were about to leave, Luo Chen said in a ghostly manner: "Do you say we should buy a few sets of swimming equipment? If you can't catch a high-quality Pokémon at that time, you can go directly into the water to catch it, and you can swim by the way, it feels very good!"

Xiao Ya's eyes lit up.

"I agree!"

Minna frowned, and said with some hesitation: "I'm not used to swimming in public..."

Luo Chen swept her proud figure, and then nodded thoughtfully: "Understood, let's go to a remote place and swim slowly..."

Mi Erna's face turned red, she glared at Luo Chen, and Zhu Rong behind her looked at Luo Chen, and said in her heart: It seems that this devilish beauty and this eldest brother are concubines...

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