People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 254: Create a Domineering President

What Luna stated was no different from what he had learned.

He pretended to be pitiful and said: "It's really too bad, is there anything I can do to help!"

Luo Chen had already planned everything in his heart.

He wants a domineering president to break into the life of Luna Lovegood's house.

As for step by step.

That was working two minutes ago.

It must be known that people's hearts are changeable, Luo Chen felt that the decision he made now was better.

In the end, Luna didn't ask Luo Chen for help at all.

Putting the stack of Quibblers in his arms on the table, he took out a copy and handed it to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen didn't pick it up right away, after all, he "couldn't see it". She thought to herself, could it be that the Lovegood family's funds were in short supply, and this Luna wanted to sell more books.

But he had already booked a full 10 years before.

And this is the opposite, although it will be delivered to his desk on time every few days, but he doesn't read most of them.

He didn't even bother to read the serious Daily Prophet. What's the use of reading these nonsense things?

Just thinking about it!

Naluna said again: "Professor Bichar, your eyes are hurt now, it's inconvenient, I'll just read it to you!"

"Uh, what?" Luo Chen was stunned, he never expected such a result.

But what good does this do for Luna?

As a result, Luna turned over the first page of the antiphon on her own.

From the writer, reporter, editor, text proofreader, editor-in-chief, editor in charge, editor-in-chief...

Start reading word by word.

Most of the content in it comes from Lovegood's personal speculation, and the authenticity is infinitely close to zero.

But I have to say that Lovegood's writing skills are still very sophisticated. At least there are no word order or logical problems.

As a result, Luo Chen's outlook changed greatly, and at the same time, his desire to sing a different tune became more intense.

It's definitely not because of Luna, a reader who sent it to his door for nothing, that he thinks that this antiphon is really well written. This antiphon is indeed not as nonsense and useless as he thought before.

In the future, he will be the Quibbler's subordinate, and the position of editor-in-chief can still be reserved for Lovegood.

Originally, he planned to only let the other party be the editor-in-chief.

After all, he wanted to become the mouthpiece of a force, a weapon capable of influencing or even dominating public opinion. Then it can't be too nonsense.

Luna's voice was very clear, neither fast nor slow, but he was able to find the most precise rhythm, and Luo Chen listened with enjoyment and satisfaction on his face.

Now if there is a dog leg by his side, he will definitely shout: "Give me a reward!"

Time passed by, and before he knew it, the sky outside the window had darkened.

There was a snap.

Dobby came to the door automatically, and with a metal tray in his hand, he brought Luo Chen's dinner and the wizard robe he needed to change.

In the end, this also interrupted Luo Chen who was enjoying himself.

He turned his head a little dissatisfied, fully showing his displeasure.

At this time, Luna also joined together and sang a different tune.

Curious about this, he looked at Dobby with a pensive expression.

"Sir, this is you..."

"Mr. Elf, have I seen you somewhere?" Luna suddenly interrupted Dobby.

The latter instinctively made a shabby.

He appeared suddenly before, seeing Luo Chen's reaction, and the "lonely man and widow" staying in this room, he knew that he was reckless.

Want to hurry up and leave.

At this time, Luna suddenly asked such a question, and he thought that there was something wrong with his disguise again.

There was a snap.

He left the place directly with the tray.

When Luo Chen saw it, he was convinced.

Is this Dobby out of his mind?

If you do this, doesn't it further confirm Luna's guess?

But Luo Chenjiao once again realized how powerful Luna is. This girl is really amazing.

She is transparent and carefree, but she can empathize with others and with all kinds of magical animals.

Luo Chen couldn't tell whether this ability was good or bad.

I don't know if this ability is caused by the mutation of the curse, or it is innate.

The role of Luna is too good in the original book. But there are too few auxiliary descriptions of her family background and other aspects.

So Luo Chen is more willing to believe that this Luna's ability is acquired.

And there is a high probability that the moment Pandora Lovegood died, for some reason, it had an impact on Luna and had an impact.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen quickly shook his head, now is not the time to think about these things.

"Luna, I am a house elf, he is very shy and afraid of seeing strangers, I hope you don't take offense." Luo Chen explained with a smile.

Luna looked at Luo Chen in surprise, and tilted her head

Noticing the sky outside the window, he got up immediately, left a quiver behind, turned around and walked towards the door of the ward.

"Mr. Bichar, see you next time!"

"Hey, you called me the professor just now...cough, what are you doing?" Luo Chen also stood up. But he felt in his heart that this Luna should be going to take care of Xenophilius Lovegood.

"It's Mr. Bichar, isn't it time for you to have dinner? It's time for me to leave too." Luna stopped and said seriously, and then opened the door.

Luo Chen's heart trembled slightly.

What is the reason for this? He didn't think about it either.

But this girl is really sensible.

It hurts to be sensible.

"Then why don't you stay together."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bichar, I have an appointment with someone else." After speaking, Luna turned around decisively and left, bouncing away.

"An appointment?" The expression on his face froze suddenly.

Then he immediately followed without thinking.

But not far from the door, he turned back and called Dobby over, and put on his newly brought wizard robe.

Only then did he walk towards the ward of Xenophilius Lovegood, who had already heard clearly.

There are not many people at night, but there are still some.

Any wizards encountered on the road would greet Luo Chen.

And immediately retreated to the wall to make way for Luo Chen.

Even with the intervention of the Ministry of Magic, the news that Luo Chen easily subdued a wizard paparazzi with fairly good strength this afternoon is still widely known.

To them, Luo Chen's strength really should not be underestimated.

Even if they are blind or injured, it is no problem to deal with them.

Walking all the way, when he was about to reach the corridor where Xenophilius Lovegood's ward was located, he suddenly heard another familiar voice.

"Life, where are you?"

"Neville, have you lost your Raffle again? I think, I know where it went? Come with me!" It was Luna's voice.

"Thank you, Luna!" Followed by the sound of footsteps fading away.

Luo Chen thought to himself, when did the relationship between these two become so good?

When I was in school, I didn't see any intersection between them!

And it's still far behind.

But according to the plot of the original book, the Second Wizarding War came to an end, and Neville even pursued Luna.

Could it be...

Thinking of this, Luo Chen immediately turned the corner. Apart from Luna and Neville who were almost at the end of the corridor in front of them, there were two other people.

Luo Chen met Longbottom's grandmother, Augusta Longbottom.

Another person, this is a middle-aged man with a small mustache, chubby. But the wizard's robe on his body was not clean, with a few holes, obviously he had rushed back from nowhere.

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