People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 253 I swear, the Black family must have

Old Malfoy instinctively curled his fingers and tapped on the table.

The sound is not loud, but the rhythm is not stable. It is undeniable that Luo Chen's reason is perfect.

It was also in line with his psychological profile of Luo Chen.

But the two times, it should be counted as taking back the diary!

Shameless, but they are really powerful.

After thinking about it for a few times, I made a decision and didn't ask any other superfluous questions.

"Then tell me, what do you need me to do?"

The corner of Luo Chen's mouth curled slightly, and he continued: "First, I want the complete lease of the Diagon Alley Woohoo Laha Magic Material Store, anyway, the Lestrange family know, and besides, what you said earlier There is also a shop in the alley, so..."

"If it's just news, I don't think it's of such high value." Old Malfoy hasn't gotten the so-called news that Luo Chen said.

But when it comes to negotiating interests, his old Malfoy is not afraid of anyone.

Pull it down several times.

Drank several cups of black tea.

Only then did they agree on a final agreement.

Luo Chen exchanged the news in his mouth for half of the lease of the Wuhulaha magic material store in Diagon Alley. In addition, old Malfoy himself needs to help Luo Chen with one thing in the future.

But this matter will not be beyond his ability.

It can be said that everyone is happy.

"I don't know, Mr. Bichar, can you tell me what the news is?"

"Okay, let's not sign the contract first, I believe in the glory of your Malfoy family." Luo Chen said with a smile, and then gently spit out a name, "Sirius Black."


"Isn't that enough?" Luo Chen looked surprised.

Old Malfoy felt that his IQ was rubbed against the ground by Luo Chen. What the hell is this news.

Just a name.

So these Luochens were seriously talking about interest cooperation with him, he must have deliberately teased him!

Thinking of this, the old Malfoy's complexion instantly turned ugly.

"Okay, I'll say more!"

"Because Sirius Black betrayed the news to Voldemort. This also led to Harry Potter's parents - James Potter and Lily Potter being killed by Voldemort. This person can even betray his friends, enough to see Come out, he's a very loyal Death Eater."

"Such a loyal person, and he is the heir of the Black family, plus his older sister and younger brother are a bunch of Death Eaters. Especially the former is Voldemort's concubine... Uh, sorry, wrong It's gone." From Luo Chen's perspective.

The old Malfoy's face was constantly changing, and it was wonderful.

But there is more eccentricity in it, Luo Chen concluded: "In short, if your Malfoy family can get Voldemort's Horcrux and rely on him, then it's not bad for him. But now the two of them are imprisoned in Azkaban!"

"As for the orthodox heir of the Black family, there is only Sirius Black left."

"If you go to Black at this time, you can naturally obtain the whereabouts of the Horcrux through a little trick. It shouldn't be difficult for you to get it in your own hands later."

Old Malfoy's face gradually calmed down. What Luo Chen said was right, he didn't find it difficult.

But whether this question is true or not is uncertain.

Without waiting for him to ask, Luo Chen stretched out his right hand, raised five fingers, and said, "If you don't believe me, I can swear to you that the Black family definitely has Voldemort's Horcrux. If not, I'd rather kill him." Five thunders!"

"Well, old Mr. Malfoy, if you still don't believe me, then we have to make gestures. I have given the news. And I can guarantee its authenticity. But I don't want some people to come here for nothing .”

"Oh, by the way, whoring for nothing means taking advantage for nothing."

Like a cannonball, Luo Chen decided the matter without giving old Malfoy a chance to speak.

Originally, what old Malfoy was most afraid of was Luo Chen's attack on him.

Now it is impossible for him to agree or not.

Fortunately, he thought that Luo Chen was on the same road as him before, and he was also keen on negotiating interests. He didn't care about his own face, identity, or family prestige.

I didn't think about him, but I was wrong.


Old Malfoy should have understood, in this wizarding world. Strength always comes first.

Otherwise, Dumbledore and Voldemort would not have such admirers and followers.

So the deal was finally reached.

Luo Chen after old Malfoy left. Guided to his new ward.

It is more spacious than the previous ward, at least twice as big. However, this decoration is not as elegant as the previous ward, paying attention to every detail, like a temporary renovation of an ordinary ward.

However, because Luo Chen is "invisible" now.

So he just expressed his gratitude to St. Mungo's Magical Injury Hospital for the spaciousness here with satisfaction. And Bonham also felt that he was arbitrarily determined, and it was really wise to make this decision.

But before leaving, Luo Chen still told him to quickly come up with a treatment plan.

The latter quickly responded, and after closing the door of the ward, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Luo Chen just stabilized for a while.

There was another knock on the door of the ward.

He was facing the door with his back, casting the spell of chasing wind and shadow, clearing away the excess and unclean atmosphere in the room, and doing some security checks.


"Professor Bichar, are you sick?" It was Luna who came in.

And Luo Chen also saw the other party immediately. Still so beautiful, still so dusty, but his complexion is a bit unsightly, it seems that he has been tired enough these few days.

But when Luo Chen was about to answer, he suddenly let out a surprise.

within his field of vision.

Except for the white dress outside, this Luna was covered with a bright red color.

But this color is different from the fixed light film on other people's body. The film covering Luna's body is active, like strands of flames, surrounding Luna's whole body.

Although Luo Chen just got the Golden Eye Curse today, he went to catch the paparazzi who secretly took pictures before.

Also met a lot of people.

It was the first time he saw the vision on Ke Luna.

"Professor Bichar, what's wrong with your eyes?" Luna didn't seem to see the surprise on Luo Chen's face.

Straight to the point, he raised his foot and walked towards Luo Chen.

And in his arms, he still holds a stack of "The Quibbler" all year round.

Luo Chen came to his senses and suppressed the doubts in his heart.

With a smile, he led Luna to the rest area beside her. In the end he sat down. Luna walked around the room with a curious expression on her face, not afraid of strangers at all.

But Luo Chen didn't think he was abrupt.

It just feels weird.

But Luo Chen also confirmed that he was not a licking dog.

He will have such a good impression of Luna, which has already been said before. One is out of gratitude, but also out of appreciation for beauty.

Human nature.

"Your room is so spacious!" Luna said, and then he bounced to the sofa area and sat opposite Luo Chen.

If it was a stranger, they would not be able to adapt to Luna's way of speaking, and would even think that there was something wrong with her mind.

"Fortunately, it's not as big as my bedroom... Cough, that, I mean why are you here, is anyone in the family sick?" Luo Chen thought inwardly. Almost started the car.

In the end, Luna seemed to see through Luo Chen.

Staring at Luo Chen's closed eyes, he seemed to know that Luo Chen could see the outside world.

"My dad and I went to Greece to find the horned snorkel..." Luna recounted what happened.

He didn't hide anything from Luo Chen, although Luo Chen had already learned about it from Bonham.

But you have to pay attention to a step-by-step process in everything, and determine the entry point.

Otherwise it will scare people!

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