People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 255 Dad, Here I Come Again

At this moment, the two of them looked at Neville and Luna who were walking further and further away. While whispering something.

But it could be seen that the chubby middle-aged man was obviously agitated.

Luo Chen thought for a while, and walked over without hiding his whereabouts. His footsteps were quickly noticed by the two men.

The middle-aged man turned his head abruptly, his body moved forward instinctively, and blocked Mrs. Longbottom behind him. The wand slipped from the cuff into his right hand.

When he saw Luo Chen's appearance clearly.

Slightly taken aback, he obediently took the wand back. Even though he knew that Luo Chen was blind now.

"Mr. Bichar, I have heard that you are here a long time ago. I have not come to visit, please forgive me." Augusta pushed Algier who was standing in front of him.

The latter retreated behind Augusta. From this simple action, it can be seen that the entire Longbottom family is now in charge of the house, and it is Mrs. Augusta Longbottom who looks at least seventy or eighty years old.

Because Luo Chen gave people the impression that he was invisible now, so he pretended to turn his head.

After listening to it for a while, my face was full of surprise.

"So it's you, Mrs. Longbottom. I didn't know you were here!"

Speaking of which, Luo Chen also walked over, and stopped three meters away from the other two. This distance was very polite, and it didn't seem out of place.

He knew why these two people were here, because he had noticed that the ward number was 49.

The old lady's son Frank Rollonbottom and daughter-in-law Alice Longbottom live in this ward.

The latter did not hide anything, and simply told Luo Chen about his son and daughter-in-law.

Luo Chen clapped his hands lightly, expressing his praise.

Augusta smiled gratifiedly, but it could also be seen from her eyes without any smile. Compared with glory, she hopes that her son and daughter-in-law can be like normal people.

And taking this opportunity, Luo Chen also got to know that fat middle-aged man, who turned out to be Neville's uncle. It has been confirmed by many extreme means that Neville is not a ruthless Squib.

But his uncle is not Augusta's biological son, but a nephew. Of course, he also has the blood of the Longbottom family on his body.

"According to what you said, it's because Miss Lovegood found a way to treat Mr. Longbottom and Mrs...." Luo Chen asked. He still cares about how Neville and Luna got together?

According to the situation of the original book, the Longbottoms seem to be from the beginning of the plot to the end of the plot. They have been staying in St. Mungo's Magic Injury Hospital, which means that their illness has not been cured.

Based on Luochen's understanding of Luna, she has really mastered the method, otherwise she would never have called Augusta and the others. Of course, there is also a possibility that the hospital therapist notified the Longbottom family without authorization.

Could it be that in the original book, Luna had a relationship with Neville, the seeds were planted today?

Augusta was about to answer, but heard the sound of bouncing behind him.

Neville and Luna, who went to look for Raife before, have returned.

Even though Neville was one year older than Luna, at this moment, he followed Luna shyly and timidly, holding the fat toad tightly in his hands.

The other party seemed to want to scream, but because Naville held him too tightly, he couldn't even open his mouth.

"Monsieur Bichar (teach...professor)!"

They greeted Luo Chen.

Algier glared at Neville with some displeasure, and then directly opened the door of Ward 49.

"Please, Miss Lovegood!"

"But I can only let Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom have a good dream." Luna answered frankly.

Luo Chen also immediately understood, what is this so-called treatment method?

It turned out to be because of him.

He subconsciously flipped through the diary section, but there were too many updates on it.

Recently, he injured his eyes, and various rumors were flying all over the sky, but he never came out to clarify, so every day he would get some influence points from time to time.

It is somewhat impossible to turn over now. Thinking about this system should be equipped with a search function.

As a result, not long after this idea appeared, the system jumped out.

[Ding: May I ask the host...]

"I do not need it, thank you!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Chen quickly closed the character module.

But according to Luo Chen's understanding, even Professor McGonagall has not mastered the Nankeyimeng Curse.

Why did this girl quietly grasp it?


Combined with the information in his hands, Luo Chen had an idea, and felt that he understood the reason why Luna's body color was different from others'.

Although Luo Chen directly started the Nanke Yimeng Curse, for other wizards, it is so difficult to get started, which can only explain one point, although this magic spell constructs illusions and dreams.

But because it guides the spiritual body and consciousness of human beings, it involves soul knowledge.

But all the spells and knowledge related to the soul are top-notch in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, and they are not accessible to anyone.

In addition to requiring superb talent, at the same time, spells and research experiments involving the soul are taboo, and the Ministry of Magic also strictly prohibits them.

This McGonagall and Hermione have not started yet, so it can be said clearly.

"Even so, thank you, kid!" Although Augusta couldn't wait to go in, she still stepped forward to hold Luna's little hand and patted it gently.

It's a pity that she is used to treating people seriously, and the expression on her face is a little stiff, but it can also be felt that the old woman's concern for her son and daughter-in-law comes from the bottom of her heart.

Neville had been huddled in the back, and every time he came to see his parents, he had some bad feelings, and there were still some fragmented and terrible images in his mind.

This caused him to be a little apprehensive about meeting Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom.

Luo Chen also went in.

This ward is about the same size as his current ward, but there are 4 beds in it.

One bed was empty, and the other three were occupied.

Two of them are almost next to each other, with only a small bedside table in the middle as a barrier.

A man and a woman.

The man looked a little short and thin, and the woman was not in a good state of mind and was slightly fat. At this time, they were sitting on their respective beds blankly.

However, the female patient was rubbing the transparent sugar paper over and over again... But obviously the sugar paper was not transparent in the first place, but after being stroked by her for a long time, the paint on it fell off.

As for the last bed, there is a white curtain blocking it, but the material is ordinary, this cannot stop Luo Chen's golden eye curse.

He saw that lying on it was Mr. Lovegood who was swollen all over, like a purple sweet potato.

There are two healers at this moment, casting spells with wands on either side of him.

Although it doesn't seem to work.

Luna walked directly to the end of Lovegood's bed, opened part of the curtain, and greeted the unconscious Lovegood.

"Dad, I'm here again, you have to wake up quickly!"

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