People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 174 I want you to help me practice [Please subscribe]

Lanruo Temple is eerie and terrifying.

No one within a hundred miles knew that Lanruo Temple was dangerous, let alone staying here at night. However, at this moment, two swordsmen were fighting fiercely here.

Zhang Jingyun saw a familiar bearded man. This image was bohemian and looked the same as the Master Ikkyu he met in the world of Mr. Zombie.

Both roles are played by Wu Ma.

It's just that in this world he is Yan Chixia.

The one who fought with Yan Chixia was naturally the swordsman Xiahou. Xiahou's realm was not at the same level as Yan Chixia, but the scene was quite big when he started fighting.


It was late at night, and the sound of swords clashing was extremely harsh. Zhang Jingyun saw such a scene as soon as he stepped into Lanruo Temple, which was an alternative way of welcoming him.


There was a sound of shattering. Zhang Jingyun turned his eyes and saw a sword energy coming from behind, knocking the surrounding stone platforms into pieces.

From far to near, the sword energy experienced was like this, attacking Zhang Jingyun bit by bit. He seemed to be frightened without moving. The next second, another sword light with a slight golden light chopped this sword energy into pieces. .

Two of the world's best swordsmen competed here, moving around with Zhang Jingyun as the center, and from time to time, frightening sword energy passed by them.

Zhang Jingyun was used to seeing various scenes and was not afraid. He put the bookbox on his back on the ground, then seemed to tiptoe to one side and sat on the steps to watch the battle.

Xiahou Swordsman uses a fast sword, and the moves of the fast sword are always eclectic and vary from person to person. The same move has a huge difference in power if the speed is slightly different.

Zhang Jingyun, the Xiahou swordsman, was as fast as lightning when he struck out, and he had mastered the essence of fast swordsmanship. However, his swordsmanship seemed to be too fast, with a hint of anxiety.

In Yan Chixia's words...

Xiahou Swordsman wanted to win so much.

In order to win, he often resorts to any means and is too anxious. On the contrary, his swordsmanship loses precision. After a blow, except for the violent wind and rain, it plowed all around, but Yan Chixia was not injured at all.

As for Yan Chixia...

It seems that his swordsmanship has indeed reached the highest level, but it is not the best in the world. In terms of exquisite swordsmanship, Zhang Jingyun thinks that he can easily defeat him.

Judging from the process of the two fighting.

Yan Chixia's swordsmanship is not pure. His swordsmanship is based on the Kunlun swordsmanship, and incorporates some moves from the Shaolin school, as well as some shadows of sword control.

Various swordsmanship should gradually be understood through long-term actual combat, and the essence should be integrated into one, and eventually it can be regarded as a style of its own.

Zhang Jingyun thinks that it was Yan Chixia's previous appointment as the chief catcher of the six provinces that allowed her swordsmanship to continue to improve. Later, after seeing through the officialdom, her mentality changed from joining the world to being born out of the world, and her swordsmanship improved further.

Hiding in Lanruo Temple and constantly dealing with monsters is the key to his own breakthrough in enlightenment. Therefore, Yan Chixia keeps making progress, while Xiahou Swordsman gradually becomes obsessed with the surface, competes for fame, and eventually chases him farther and farther away.

But even so, Zhang Jingyun's swordsmanship achievements are better than Yan Chixia's. Whether it is Dugu Nine Swords, Zhang Sanfeng's personal Tai Chi Sword, or Six Meridians Divine Sword, it is enough for Yan Chixia to drink a pot.

Of course, there's no point in being obsessed with swordsmanship. If someone else practices immortality while you practice martial arts, isn't this looking for abuse? Both of them are Taoists, and the competition is about Taoism.

"But it's nice to be able to beat Yan Chixia in swordsmanship. This bearded man beat the Xiahou swordsman to the point of being autistic. I don't know how he would react if such treatment happened to him."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart, then stood up, slowly walked to the other side and leaned against a tree. Before he could stand firm, the spot where he had been sitting was struck by Xiahou Swordsman's sword energy.


Yan Chixia suddenly glanced at Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun got up at the right time, perfectly avoiding the aftermath of the fight between the two. I wonder if it was a coincidence.

Yan Chixia didn't think much about it, and fought with Xiahou Swordsman. Although he would not lose, he still had to concentrate on dealing with it just using secular swordsmanship.

However, as she fought, Yan Chixia discovered that this down-and-out scholar who broke into Lanruo Temple regardless of life and death could always predict it in advance and seemed to be unaffected by the battle between the two.

Various behaviors may seem coincidental, but when put together, they are clearly a display of strength, and even Xiahou Swordsman has thoughts in his head.

"Are there any masters?"

Yan Chixia has made Xiahou Swordsman tired of dealing with him. For so many years, he has always felt that no one in the world except Yan Chixia is his opponent.

But today this scholar is a bit evil.

Yan Chixia couldn't figure it out and didn't want to give in anymore. His figure rose and fell, and with the flash of the Xuanyuan Divine Sword in his hand, a piece of flesh and blood exploded on Xiahou's body.

"Brother Xiahou, you and I have been fighting for seven years, and you have lost for seven years. But you are very patient. You will chase me wherever I hide."

Yan Chixia said in a loud voice.

"Yan Chixia, I didn't expect that after staying in Lanruo Temple for half a month, you sharpened your sword even more, and you were even better than me in half a move."

Xiahou Swordsman was very reluctant to be hit by a sword in his shoulder.

Zhang Jingyun looked strange. The two faced each other with swords, pointing their swords at each other, but they sandwiched themselves in the middle. I don't know whether it was intentional or not.

However, the conversation between the two was quite interesting. Yan Chixia was much stronger than Xiahou Swordsman. Instead, she humbly hinted that Xiahou Swordsman was difficult. In fact, she had already annoyed Xiahou Swordsman and hoped that he would not come back in the future.

But this directly gave Xiahou Swordsman an illusion. What Yan Chixia meant was - I looked similar to him, so I lost half of my moves.

Zhang Jingyun almost laughed when he heard what he said. Good guy, you are taking someone so humble but you take it seriously. Does the Xuanyuan Divine Sword still need to be sharpened? What a crazy confidence.


Seeing that he didn't understand her words, Yan Chixia added, "It's not that my sword is sharp, but that you wasted your youth.

Xiahou, you are too ambitious and do not seek advancement. Over the years, you have shown your sharpness and evil intentions for the sake of the false reputation of being the best swordsman in the world.

You see, your expression is uncertain when using your moves. Your anger is too great, and your moves become weak. As a result, when you draw the sword, you are quick and inaccurate, and your efforts are in vain. "

Xiahou Swordsman's face suddenly turned green and red. Yan Chixia beat him to the point of being autistic, and was even scolded by him.

"Yan Chixia, I'm here to compete with you, not to listen to nonsense. You, you, you... puff..." Xiahou Swordsman vomited blood with a puff.

Seeing this, Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but smooth things over: "What Big Beard just said makes sense. Excessive pursuit of fame and fortune will make you lose your true heart. He just wants to remind you not to forget your original intention.

But this guy with a big beard is also the same. He wins even if he wins, and he still points fingers at others. So he has a lot of face. If it were me, I would also like to find the place next time. You two have been fighting for seven years. If you don’t fight, you won’t get to know each other. Why not Shake hands and make peace? "

Yan Chixia thought for a while. It was true that in the past seven years, he had been lectured every time he defeated Xiahou Swordsman. Is it because of this that he was chasing after him?

Xiahou Swordsman's breath was messy and he was beaten to autistic state. He did not think about Zhang Jingyun's words of shaking hands and making peace, so he put down his sword and prepared to leave Lanruo Temple.

But the moment he turned around, he was suddenly startled. Xiahou Swordsman's eyes fell on Zhang Jingyun and he actually recognized him.

"Are you the poor scholar?"

Xiahou Swordsman was in a daze for a while after he recognized Zhang Jingyun. They had met each other during the day and almost scared him to death when he gave him a steamed bun to eat.

"I almost thought you were a master."

Swordsman Xiahou shook his head. The doubts he had just disappeared in an instant. If Zhang Jingyun was a master, he could defeat Yan Chixia.

Wait for the Xiahou swordsman to leave.

However, Yan Chixia stood in front of Zhang Jingyun and examined him, "Boy, who are you? Brother Xiahou is blind, I am not blind, you are definitely not human."

Zhang Jingyun chuckled and said: "Ning Caichen, a junior student, was originally a scholar who came to Beijing to take the exam, but later he didn't want to take the exam."

"Are you a scholar? Since you are planning to go to Beijing to take the exam, why do you give up halfway? Aren't you just wasting your youth like that Xiahou swordsman?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "It's just that I suddenly realized that even if I gain fame with my talent, I can't help this dirty world."

Yan Chixia had a strange look on her face: "It's as if you can take the exam at will. Besides, how can a scholar have such powerful martial arts as you?"

"What's weird? Scholars can't practice martial arts?" Zhang Jingyun looked teasing: "Studying is to be able to reason with others, and practicing martial arts is to make people listen to my reasoning calmly. There is no conflict."

Yan Chixia was stunned when she heard this, "It makes sense!"

After a pause, Yan Chixia looked very kind, "Having said all that, what exactly do you want to do in Lanruo Temple?"

"What else can we do? Stay overnight."

Yan Chixia said with a sinister look on her face: "You don't know where this place is? People outside say that in Lanruo Temple..."

"There are ghosts, right?" Zhang Jingyun interrupted, "You are not afraid of ghosts, big bearded man, how can I still be afraid of them?

On the contrary, I have met many people along the way, and some people’s human hearts are more terrifying than ghosts! Don't worry, Big Beard, even if there is really a ghost here, I will influence them to let go of their obsession and reincarnate. "

Yan Chixia opened her mouth. Zhang Jingyun's confidence was even greater than that of Xiahou Swordsman. He probably relied on his martial arts skills to not take ghosts seriously.

"No, you can't stay even if I tell you to break the sky." Yan Chixia said forcefully. He knew how powerful the tree demon in Lanruo Temple was. So I don't want Zhang Jingyun to die in the hands of the tree demon.

"Big Beard, I know your sword is very sharp, but my sword is not bad either!" Zhang Jingyun reached out and pulled out the long sword from the book box.

Yan Chixia said with a headache, "Does it mean that after defeating you, you will be obedient and leave Lanruo Temple?"

"Okay." Zhang Jingyun said with a smile.

Yan Chixia stared for a moment, and then drew her sword again. However, even though he took the initiative to draw the sword, he clearly felt passive. Zhang Jingyun always struck first, seizing his flaw accurately to attack the enemy and save him.

After thirty or fifty moves, Yan Chixia felt like she was stuck in a quagmire, and then after another dozen or so moves, the divine sword in Yan Chixia's hand actually fell to the ground.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Yan Chixia's dropped divine sword with envy. This was the legendary Xuanyuan Divine Sword, one of the top ten divine swords in ancient times. Yan Chixia could use this sword to cut through the realms of Yin and Yang and travel at will. It was ridiculously powerful.

As for the swordsmanship used to defeat Yan Chixia.

The last attack comes first, and the enemy has the opportunity.

Naturally, it is Dugu Nine Swords. Whether the swordsmanship is powerful or not, Zhang Jingyun feels that it does not depend on the level of combat power. Even though A Chinese Ghost Story is several levels more powerful than Swordsman, the concept of Dugu Nine Swords is still advanced.

The stronger the enemy, the stronger the Dugu Nine Swords. If the enemy's martial arts is not high, then the essence of the Dugu Nine Swords will not be used.

At this time, what Zhang Jingyun encountered was a person with extremely powerful cultivation in this world. His swordsmanship was so strong that ordinary people could not believe it.

Therefore, once the Dugu Nine Swords were inspired by Yan Chixia, all the mysteries and subtleties of the swordsmanship were brought into full play in an instant.

If Dugu is defeated and resurrected.

It would be extremely joyful to meet such an opponent.

"What kind of swordsmanship are you doing?"

Yan Chixia asked.

He has never seen such a weird swordsmanship in all his years of traveling around the world. The two of them were competing with secular martial arts. It shouldn't be too easy to defeat Yan Chixia.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Yan Chixia, who was a little autistic, and said, "This is called sleeping today, and we will talk about swordsmanship tomorrow. If you don't sleep, bearded man, I will still sleep."

After saying that, Zhang Jingyun walked past Yan Chixia, preparing to find a room that was airtight and soundproof. After all, there might be a lot of noise tonight.

"Hey, I can't stop you anyway, so it's up to you. My name is Yan Chixia, don't be a big bearded boss. Your martial arts are indeed very high, but you have to keep your heart when you live here. I hope you can resist the temptation. .”

Yan Chixia said in a deep voice.

Zhang Jingyun knew that Yan Chixia was a soft-spoken person who always used a fierce appearance to cover up her kind intentions. After getting to know him well, he understood.

"As the saying goes, if you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. In fact, demons and ghosts are much simpler than the twists and turns between people. I will keep it in mind if you have a big beard." Zhang Jingyun replied.

Yan Chixia nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, finally I met a pedantic scholar who has not studied yet... You kid! How many times have you told me my name is Yan Chixia, don't call me Bearded."

"Okay, Bearded."

Zhang Jingyun waved his hand without looking back.

Walking into a room, Zhang Jingyun tidied up and lit candles. The dim candlelight filled the room and placed an ancient painting on the table.

In the painting is a girl, no more than twenty-eight years old, with hanging black hair, eyes that seem to be covered with mist, red lips and jade teeth, showing a crystal luster, a slender neck, a peerless face, hazy curves, and flawless appearance.

A woman who is so perfect that she doesn't look like a human being.

Outside the window, a pleasant ringing sound suddenly sounded. Zhang Jingyun opened his golden eyes and glanced around, only to see a girl who was exactly the same as in the ancient paintings, leaning against the door with a surprised expression, no shadow under the candlelight.

She was barefoot, with a silver ring bell tied to her ankle. She had become distracted just now, and her steps were sloppy, and then the bell sounded. Her face changed slightly, and she was ready to retreat.

It is also the effort of this face-to-face meeting.

Zhang Jingyun saw her face, which was slightly pale with a hint of sadness. It was not Nie Xiaoqian, and Zhang Jingyun immediately went out to chase her.

Came to a spacious pavilion.

Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows, and a slender figure turned his back to him. Sensing Zhang Jingyun's arrival, Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help but ask, "Why are you chasing me, Master?"

"Girl, why don't you turn around and speak?"

"I'm... afraid of disturbing the young master."

Nie Xiaoqian said softly, then turned around, as if the beauty in the painting came out, which would definitely shock most people.

"Are you the girl in that painting?"

Zhang Jingyun looked quite shocked, "Girl, the person selling the painting told me that the girl in this painting is... dead!"

"Since you know the master, why do you still chase him out?" Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help but sigh. Originally, she was planning to seduce Zhang Jingyun to let the tree demon devour the blood and yang energy.

But when she saw the painting, she changed her mind. She originally wanted to keep Zhang Jingyun, but she didn't expect that he took the initiative to chase her out.

"The woman in the painting is technically dead, but the girl is standing in front of me alive, so girl, are you actually... a ghost?"

Nie Xiaoqian did not deny it.

Zhang Jingyun was not afraid, but instead said something shocking: "Since the girl is not a human being, I have a merciless request."

Nie Xiaoqian was stunned. Zhang Jingyun knew that she was a ghost. Not only was he not afraid, but he even wanted to treat her mercilessly? Isn't he too courageous?

"What do you want?" Nie Xiaoqian asked.

Zhang Jingyun said: "I want you to help me practice!"

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