People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 173 Lanruo Temple, Yan Chixia [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun thought together.

The taskbar instantly appeared in front of you.

[Current Progress: A Chinese Ghost Story]

[Task bar: Task 1, rescue Nie Xiaoqian, task 2, defeat Yan Chixia, task 3, subjugate demons and eliminate demons. Note: The more demons you kill and the higher the level, the richer the rewards will be. 】

Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up. There were three tasks in total. The more system tasks there were, the greater the rewards after returning. There was only one task in the previous world. If the hidden tasks were not completed, there would be only one reward.

Then, Zhang Jingyun looked at each task.

"Rescuing Nie Xiaoqian, what kind of mission is this?" Zhang Jingyun shook his head. Even if he did not come to this world, Nie Xiaoqian's ending would be good.

Nie Xiaoqian had no choice in being controlled by the thousand-year-old tree demon grandma to seduce a man, and then let the tree demon absorb the man's blood and yang energy.

In essence, Nie Xiaoqian is a tool to help the tyrants do evil, but compared to other female ghosts, at least Nie Xiaoqian still has a trace of conscience, and reincarnation is a good ending.

"Oh, the original plot is that Ning Caichen, a dull scholar, made Nie Xiaoqian see the kindness of human nature, and finally escaped from the clutches of the devil and was reincarnated."

Looking at it this way, Zhang Jingyun really has to participate, but even without this task, Zhang Jingyun is still very interested in the thousand-year-old tree demon in Lanruo Temple.

"As disciples of Maoshan, it is our duty to subjugate and destroy demons. As for rescuing Nie Xiaoqian, it is just a matter of convenience.

Of course, if Nie Xiaoqian's seduction is powerful and I can't control it, I think it's okay to add a few attribute points as the tide goes. It's all to save people. "

Zhang Jingyun thought righteously.

Of course, it depends on which version of A Chinese Ghost Story it is. If it is Nie Xiaoqian who was sworn by Wang Zuxian, then Zhang Jingyun would not mind discussing the practice of Xuannv Jing with her.

The second mission is to defeat Yan Chixia!

Zhang Jingyun frowned.

Is Yan Chixia strong? The answer is definitely strong, and it is ridiculously strong. Yan Chixia's strength ranks among the top three in the "A Chinese Ghost Story" series.

Ranked first, Zhang Jingyun felt that he was close.

The most powerful person in the plot of A Chinese Ghost Story series should be the old monk in the third part, Zen Master Baiyun.

Bai Yun could have a 50-50 fight with the Dryad at A, but it was a pity that he was blinded with a broken golden Buddha under the DEBUFF of Shifang's two hundred kilogram oil bottle.

However, even if Zen Master Baiyun becomes a blind monk, his performance in actual combat is no less than that of Yan Chixia at her peak.

In the end, Zen Master Baiyun used all his cultivation skills to temporarily transform Shifang into a golden Arhat and ascend to heaven and summon the power of the sun.

Being able to use his own blood to summon the power of a golden Arhat, even his blood is golden, shows that Zen Master Baiyun is at an extremely high level and is one step away from becoming an Arhat.

Corresponding to the fourth level of spiritual cultivation, it must be Lianxu. The so-called Lianxu state is the combination of Lianxu and Dao, which is one step away from becoming an immortal.

Zhang Jingyun's current state is the state of refining gods, which is far from Zen Master Baiyun. However, Yan Chixia at this period is not at her peak.

It’s hard to say who is more powerful.

There is another person who can compete with Zen Master Baiyun, that is the Black Mountain Old Demon from the underworld. The Black Mountain Demon can serve as the final boss twice in a row, and his background is really awesome.

The old demon of Heishan was cultivated by Heishan in the underworld and became a demon. He conquered the ghosts in the underworld and became a demon king in the upper world. His cultivation is unfathomable.

However, although the old demon from Montenegro is very powerful, he seems to have never been very online. In the first part, he was obsessed with getting married to Nie Xiaoqian. In the end, he was defeated by the hero with the aura of love.

In the third part, he specially went to the Yang world to show off his drama. It was clear that the underworld was the home field, and he had to go to the underworld to commit suicide. After being defeated by Baiyun, he returned to the underworld with satisfaction.

The old demon of Heishan and Zen Master Baiyun are in the same echelon. Yan Chixia is definitely worse than these two. As for the old demon of Heishan in the first part, he was beaten into a dog by Yan Chixia.

It is estimated that it is a clone of the old demon from Black Mountain, and the sword in Yan Chixia's hand is the legendary Xuanyuan Divine Sword, one of the top ten divine swords in ancient times.

In the trilogy, no matter how Zhang Jingyun looks at it, he feels that Yan Chixia is the protagonist, and the others are just fate for Yan Chixia's cultivation.

They are all here to improve his cultivation.

In the same echelon as Yan Chixia is Cihang Pudu, a perfect childhood shadow. The song "Sanskrit Music for Life" is still frightening to this day.

What’s interesting is that Zhang Jingyun remembered that in his hometown, someone really used this song "Sanskrit Music for Life" as background music during a white matter. He was really brave.

I don’t know what Huang Zhan thought after hearing this.

But speaking of Cihang Pudu, the thief monster, his strength is indeed frightening. Even without the Tengu Eclipse, it is estimated that it would really break the shackles and transform into a dragon to destroy the world.

In the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story, Cihang Pudu even summoned the golden body of Tathagata. Anyone who dares to do evil under the banner of Tathagata is a ruthless monster.

Not to mention that Cihang Pudu transformed into his true form, the giant centipede, and his strength was even more incredible. Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye's souls left their bodies and destroyed it through internal destruction.

Even so, he ended up hooking up with Chiaki Kazuyo, a BOSS who can swap with the protagonist's team, which is quite awesome in any movie.

In the second part, Yan Chixia was basically at her peak, able to compete head-to-head with Cihang Pudu. If Zhang Jingyun now meets Yan Chixia at her peak, it will be difficult to beat her.

The Lanruo Temple version can be compared.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun is not afraid of Yan Chixia at her peak. If Zhang Jingyun is given enough time, the speed at which he will break through will make Yan Chixia doubt her life.

Zen Master Baiyun, Heishan Laoyao, Cihang Pudu, and Yan Chixia are the top four masters of the entire A Chinese Ghost Story series.

The rest can be ranked as the Millennium Tree Demon of Lanruo Temple, then the academic scholar Zhiqiu Yiye after Kunlun, and then they can be ranked as the mortal ceiling Zuo Qianhu, and the Xiahou Swordsman is the last.

Seeing that the last task was to subjugate demons, Zhang Jingyun already knew in his heart that it didn't matter whether he was a thousand-year-old tree demon or an old black mountain demon, he would be done with it.

If he can kill the old demon from the Black Mountain in the underworld, he may not be able to take off directly after his return. The system reward will probably be a grand prize.

Zhang Jingyun put away the panel, stood up and walked out of the pavilion. He looked at the thieves on the ground who were killed by the Xiahou swordsman and touched them a few times.

The result was less than a hundred taels of silver.

"Thank you for the gifts of nature."

Zhang Jingyun put away his money and walked towards the county seat. There was no need to change his scholar's attire. It was quite deceptive. If it was a prosperous time, people coming and going would still take a second look at the scholar.

But these are troubled times, when the country is about to perish, there must be monsters, and everyone has too much time to take care of themselves, let alone the scholars. At this time, they are preparing to go to Beijing to take the exam. Ning Caichen's mind is really strange.

It's only worse than joining the Chinese army in 1949.

Entering the county seat of Guobei County, people are coming and going on the streets and there is constant noise. This period should be the late Ming Dynasty.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved.

"These two brothers are old acquaintances. Emperor Tianqi and Emperor Chongzhen. It would be strange if these two brothers in the Ming Dynasty do not have monsters and monsters."

When a country is about to perish, there must be monsters.

The small Guobei County has gradually become chaotic. From time to time, government arrests arrest people on the street, saying they are tracking down wanted criminals. In fact, they will arrest anyone who looks like them, and their heads will be worth money.

Zhang Jingyun had to do two things when he went to Guobei County.

First, there is a portrait of Nie Xiaoqian during his lifetime. If you get this painting, you can fool... ahem, it will be very easy to rescue Nie Xiaoqian.

Secondly, Zhang Jingyun didn’t know where Lanruo Temple was, so he wanted to inquire about it. In addition, his predecessor Ning Caichen had been living a difficult life by collecting debts for others.

Zhang Jingyun is a good person and will do it to the end.

Help him get the last payment back.

From now on, Zhang Jingyun will consider completing this important task between life and death for him. After all, this is not the first time Zhang Jingyun has done it.

"This man doesn't look like a good person. Take him down to see if he is a wanted criminal." At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in Zhang Jingyun's ears.

The two detectives chasing wanted criminals focused their attention on themselves, an innocent passerby, presumably to investigate like others.

Zhang Jingyun's face was as usual, he was still walking with his head buried in the air, turning a blind eye to the two detectives. The amazing thing was that the detectives behind him were exhausted and still couldn't catch up.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The two detectives, breathing heavily, looked at Zhang Jingyun, who had only one figure in front of them. They looked at each other, and their spines suddenly felt cold.

"It's broad daylight, what the hell is this?"

"Maybe it's true!"


Zhang Jingyun is already an accomplished god-refiner. Even when facing the emperor in the world, he is qualified to call a mortal. His status is different. He is not on the same level at all. How can he put them in his eyes?

Walk into a restaurant.

Zhang Jingyun put the account book in front of the shopkeeper and said, "Shopkeeper, collect the bill." The former owner of the restaurant has been here several times, but has not received a single bill.

"What account?"

The shopkeeper asked without raising his head.

Zhang Jingyun didn't say much and looked at him quietly. Feeling Zhang Jingyun's gaze, the shopkeeper raised his head and made eye contact.

The eyes are the windows to the soul, so some people can tell their personality just by looking at their eyes. The shopkeeper is also a master at serving food to people. Looking back, Zhang Jingyun seems to have been here a few times. If he doesn't pay, he will probably cause trouble.

In the past, this store would definitely pay its bills on time, but now the order has collapsed, and the account holder doesn't know if he can live until tomorrow. If he delays for a day, he may lose his account, so it is difficult to collect the account.

"Wait a minute, let me do the math for you..."

The shopkeeper opened the account book, his expression suddenly changed, and then he smiled unkindly, because the account book was soaked by the rain and the handwriting could not be read clearly.

"Little brother, you have also seen that since there is no account for me in your account book, which means that I don't owe you any money, why don't you leave and wait for me to give it to you?"

The shopkeeper said with a proud look on his face.

Several guys came around without any good intentions.

Zhang Jingyun said: "I can't see my account clearly. Isn't it the shopkeeper's here? How can I just say that I don't have any debt?"

"Stop talking nonsense and get out of here!"

With an order, several waiters were instantly ejected. Zhang Jingyun grabbed the shopkeeper's hand, cut his fingertips, and started writing in the account book.

"You said that if there is no account in the account book, you don't owe me money. Then you will owe me as much as I write in your account, right? Two hundred taels of silver, bring me the money!"

Zhang Jingyun wrote down the bloody account, and the shopkeeper screamed in pain. When Zhang Jingyun stopped, the shopkeeper looked at the unexplained debt and shouted in pain: "Why didn't you grab it?"

"Hey!" Zhang Jingyun smiled.

"Aren't I just robbing? If you don't get the money, I'll break your legs and demolish your shabby shop!" Zhang Jingyun said sternly. After a while, Zhang Jingyun successfully collected the last payment from Ning Caichen.

And the moment you go out.

Zhang Jingyun clearly felt a little lighter. Ning Caichen, who was often bullied, could not imagine Zhang Jingyun acting so unscrupulously.

A scholar.

It is doomed to be difficult to achieve in this troubled world.

When a country is about to perish, it is not easy to stand still, and it is even more difficult to get ahead. Zhang Jingyun is also relieved.


"I want this painting."

Zhang Jingyun readily paid the other party five taels of silver, took off a painting that looked like Wang Zuxian, rolled it up and put it in the book box behind him.

"You can't tell, all the scholars are so rich." The painting seller muttered as he looked at Zhang Jingyun's leaving figure. After all, he didn't look like someone with a tael of silver.

Zhang Jingyun bought the painting and roughly confirmed in his mind that this version of A Chinese Ghost Story stars Wang Zuxian as Nie Xiaoqian. Especially when Nie Xiaoqian is wearing a red wedding dress, she looks like a widow...


Zhang Jingyun was attracted by a talisman paper shop. He saw a whole sheet of talisman paper neatly pasted on the door panel at the entrance of the store. It was the Maoshan talisman.

"Are they the same sect in this world?"

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward to ask, but before he could speak, he saw the shopkeeper with plaster on his face quickly approaching and asked: "What do you want? Paper work, paper money, coffins, funerals, whatever you need..."

"Who drew this talisman?"

Zhang Jingyun asked, pointing to the talisman on the door.

The shopkeeper in front of him was obviously not a person who drew talismans. Zhang Jingyun did not feel a trace of mana fluctuations from him, and he was definitely not a Taoist.

"This talisman... was drawn for me by an old Taoist priest. He wanted to trade it with me for a coffin. A few broken talismans are worth a few coins, so I gave him the money for two jugs of wine."

As soon as he finished speaking, the shopkeeper subconsciously covered his mouth, but he was muttering in his heart, how could he tell the truth with his bare mouth?

"Two taels of silver, I bought the talisman."

Zhang Jingyun just used a little mental hypnosis and found out what he wanted to know. The shopkeeper almost burst into laughter when he saw a few broken talismans being sold for twenty taels of silver.

The Taoist priest who draws the talismans is also in the realm of refining gods. He must have earned a lot of money to buy a few talismans of real refining gods for two taels of silver.

It is estimated that this real person did it casually.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly remembered Ning Caichen in the original plot, who accidentally leaned against the door and printed the talisman runes on the wet clothes, and scared Nie Xiaoqian when he met her.

"It's getting late, it's time to go to Lanruo Temple."

Zhang Jingyun looked at the sky, and after asking about the place, he came to a deserted place and walked away with his sword, landing outside the gate of Lanruo Temple a moment later.

"There is evil spirit!"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed with golden light.

The demonic aura in Lanruo Temple is almost comparable to the Gate of Ghosts that opens on July 15th. How many ghosts are responsible for the gate of ghosts opening? The demonic aura in Lanruo Temple is so strong that it is almost all caused by the thousand-year-old tree demon.

Zhang Jingyun was still dressed like a down-and-out scholar. When he opened the temple door, dust fell, and before he had even walked a few steps in, bursts of sword energy hit his face.

"Yan Chixia, where are you going!"

In the secluded ancient temple, the sword energy was everywhere. A sword light cut the broken Buddha statue into pieces. Two figures fought and leapt to the open space in front of them.

Zhang Jingyun saw a bearded man jumping up and down, as if he didn't want to get too entangled with another swordsman. He must have been the Yan Chixia in that person's mouth.

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