People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 175: Attribute points increase sharply [Please subscribe]

"I want you to help me practice!"

Zhang Jingyun's voice rang in Nie Xiaoqian's ears. At this moment, Nie Xiaoqian almost thought that her ears had heard wrong. Help him practice?

She was a female ghost. When Zhang Jingyun learned the truth, he didn't retreat like others, but instead said such smiling words?

Nie Xiaoqian covered her face with her slender hands and smiled softly: "What kind of practice method is the master talking about? How do you need my help?"

Zhang Jingyun's face remained normal, he looked at Nie Xiaoqian and said: "I am a scholar. Scholars often say that if you are silent, your mind will be confused by your strange power.

But demons and monsters do exist, and as far as I know, ghosts need to absorb the yang energy and even blood essence of living people to stay on earth for a long time. Wasn’t the girl looking through the window just now and preparing to attack me? "

Nie Xiaoqian's face changed slightly, and Zhang Jingyun said quickly: "Girl, don't be excited. Considering that people within a hundred miles of the Lanruo Temple are very secretive, I know that those rumors are not groundless.

But the girl is different. You wanted to leave later, obviously wanting to let me go. This shows that the girl still has a conscience in her heart. Am I right? "

A trace of confusion flashed across Nie Xiaoqian's face, and she sighed: "Young Master is a smart man. Since you know everything, why do you still want to fly into the flames?

The young master is holding a portrait of me when I was alive, which shows that there is a lot of fate between you and me. Xiaoqian does not want to deceive. This Lanruo Temple is an extremely dangerous place. If the young master can escape today, he must leave tomorrow. "

Nie Xiaoqian looked sincere, while Zhang Jingyun said: "This is the reason why I chase the girl. If my guess is correct, the girl doesn't want to harm others, but she can't help herself."

Nie Xiaoqian's heart moved. Zhang Jingyun's words really spoke to her heart. If the thousand-year-old tree demon had not used her ashes to control Nie Xiaoqian, she would not have helped him in these years and would have been reincarnated long ago.

Zhang Jingyun added at the right time: "I am fully aware of the girl's difficulties. If you let me go this time, I will definitely be severely punished."

Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help but said: "Even so, does the young master still want me to absorb Yang Qi? You and I are strangers, so you can't treat me..."

Speaking of this, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Nie Xiaoqian's face. Zhang Jingyun's words were all for her sake. Could it be that he fell in love with her?

Zhang Jingyun didn't know that Nie Xiaoqian had a lot of thoughts. Although Nie Xiaoqian was extremely beautiful, he couldn't even talk about falling in love with her. At most, he fell in love with her.

Hearing Nie Xiaoqian's words, Zhang Jingyun was excited. This female ghost wouldn't think that she was a good person who sacrificed herself to help others, right?

Zhang Jingyun said immediately: "Miss, I misunderstood, I don't want you to be punished, but my life is still very precious.

The thing is, I have been practicing Qigong recently. This Qigong is the most test of my mind, so girls can seduce me with their beauty.

This is what I said about wanting the girl to help me practice. If I have enough concentration, the girl can't do anything to me. I will do my best when I return to life, and I won't be punished. "

A flash of surprise flashed across Nie Xiaoqian's face, and she said, "Young master, you must be joking. If you don't withstand the temptation, you will end up in a terrible place."

The natural end was that the thousand-year-old tree demon would swallow the yang energy, absorb the essence and blood, and turn into a mummy. Nie Xiaoqian was so afraid of the thousand-year tree demon that she did not dare to speak out.

Zhang Jingyun said confidently: "If I am not strong enough and am tempted by a girl and lose all my yang energy and blood, it will be a disaster in my destiny, and the girl does not have to bear the burden."

Nie Xiaoqian looked at Zhang Jingyun and felt her heart skip a beat. This scholar was so courageous. What kind of skills did he practice to be so extreme?

Zhang Jingyun softened his attitude and said to Nie Xiaoqian: "I have long known that Lanruo Temple is not clean. The Buddha said that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? This trip to influence the demons here is also part of my practice."

Nie Xiaoqian felt that she might be influenced by him. Zhang Jingyun took risks with his own life and was full of righteousness. He was a different person.

But will the thousand-year-old tree demon be influenced by him?

"Grandma will only feel sorry for him because he has too little blood..."

Nie Xiaoqian felt helpless for a while, but Zhang Jingyun was determined. She had no choice. There were three people in Lanruo Temple today. Yan Chixia came half a month ago. The thousand-year-old tree demon once told her not to mess with him.

So the remaining two people were Nie Xiaoqian's targets, namely Zhang Jingyun and Xiahou Swordsman. Nie Xiaoqian came to Zhang Jingyun first, but she couldn't bear to harm him when she saw Zhang Jingyun carrying her portrait during her lifetime.

Nie Xiaoqian originally wanted to use Xiahou Swordsman to deal with it, but he was also an innocent human life, and Nie Xiaoqian couldn't bear to do it.

Just when Zhang Jingyun came up with this ridiculous idea, Nie Xiaoqian thought to herself, if Zhang Jingyun could withstand her temptation, wouldn't both of them have to die? Can I also do business with grandma?

Finally, Nie Xiaoqian said: "Sir, Xiaoqian has been offended. As long as you are upright in your heart, you can survive this disaster."

The words fell.

Nie Xiaoqian blew a breath on Zhang Jingyun's face, and Zhang Jingyun's eyes suddenly changed, as if his spirit was affected.

"Nie Xiaoqian's cultivation level is better than Dong Xiaoyu's." Zhang Jingyun instantly judged that Nie Xiaoqian was already at the level of god refining.

Most people will be confused just by looking at her. After all, she has a face that makes people commit crimes. In addition, she wears a looming gauze that makes her figure even more graceful. If she is casually seduced, people will make impulsive mistakes. .

Zhang Jingyun remembers that in the original plot, Nie Xiaoqian just used wet temptation and bathed in the water, so that the Xiahou swordsman was so confused that he couldn't control himself, and was eventually sucked dry of Yang Qi and blood by the thousand-year-old tree demon.

But now Nie Xiaoqian felt that she couldn't confuse Zhang Jingyun with her own beauty, so she used the method of a female ghost to confuse people's hearts.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes blurred for a while.

When I came back to my senses, I was already in a room filled with agarwood. There was a bathtub on the ground in the middle, mist was constantly evaporating, and petals were floating on the water.

As the water suddenly bloomed, a pair of jade-like and lotus-like arms poked out of the water, and then Nie Xiaoqian poked her head out from under the water, like a hibiscus emerging from the water.

The clear and crystal water drops flow from the forehead to the cheeks, which can be broken by blowing, and are faintly touchable. The white and rosy skin under the slender neck is like shining jade.

"Good guy, when most people see a scene like this, they might want to take a few sips of bath water, just so they can eat two bowls of rice."

Zhang Jingyun had a panoramic view of all this.

Including four peaks reflected in the water.

If this were in the world of Tian Long Ba Bu, Zhang Jingyun would have been nicknamed "Qiao Feng".

"Sir..." Nie Xiaoqian called softly.

Nie Xiaoqian's eyebrows were lightly covered at this moment, her expression was blushing, and her clear and bright eyes were really charming when they met Zhang Jingyun's gaze.

"Wait a moment." Zhang Jingyun turned around and closed the door, then came to Nie Xiaoqian's side, picked him up and put him on the bed under Nie Xiaoqian's stunned eyes.

"Sir, please respect yourself!"

Nie Xiaoqian said softly, she was reminding Zhang Jingyun, wasn't it a test of his determination? Why do you seem to have no concentration at all?

Zhang Jingyun didn't seem to understand. Looking at him like this, he seemed to be obsessed with it. When Nie Xiaoqian saw this, she sighed immediately.

According to the previous routine, before he succeeded, Nie Xiaoqian should shake the silver anklet and notify the thousand-year-old tree demon to absorb the blood essence.

Nie Xiaoqian also wanted to give Zhang Jingyun a chance, but Zhang Jingyun had already begun to use red palms to clear the air, and he was talking nonsense, clearly unable to withstand the temptation.

You can't just lose your virginity and go back and be punished. There have been many people seduced by him over the years, but very few have succeeded. Otherwise, the thousand-year-old tree demon would not dare to marry the old demon from Montenegro.

In desperation, Nie Xiaoqian was about to inform the tree demon, but at this moment her body trembled, as if an electric current was piercing her body, and a mysterious feeling came to her heart. She finally knew what Zhang Jingyun meant by practicing. .

What Zhang Jingyun was performing was the secret technique in the Xuannv Sutra. Nie Xiaoqian thought Zhang Jingyun was deceived by him, but in fact this was the process of cultivation.

Zhang Jingyun did not forcibly control Nie Xiaoqian's body, but used his own magic power to form a cycle between acupuncture points all over her body and Nie Xiaoqian.

Nie Xiaoqian's power is too yin, while Zhang Jingyun's power is extremely yang and strong, one yin and one yang. After the harmonious operation of the Xuannv Sutra, both of them have improved.

At this time, Nie Xiaoqian had no time to think about him. She only knew that Zhang Jingyun was no ordinary person. He must be an accomplished master in cultivation. This trip might enlighten her. After all, if Zhang Jingyun was willing to slay demons, he would beat her to death. It’s not that it can’t be done.

In this way, Nie Xiaoqian had already forgotten to inform the thousand-year-old tree demon, and even without knowing it, she took the initiative to approach Zhang Jingyun, wanting to have sex.

Zhang Jingyun naturally would not refuse.

"Young Master~" Nie Xiaoqian made a sleepy voice, her chest heaving up and down, everything came naturally without any hindrance!

"Hiss! It's a bit cold!"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and he felt quite strange. He had practiced dual cultivation with Dong Xiaoyu before. To be honest, the ghost body was not as solid as the human body. There was always an illusory feeling, which was unreal.

But practicing dual cultivation with Nie Xiaoqian...

Realistic, so realistic!

Nie Xiaoqian's cultivation is much better than Dong Xiaoyu's. She is so real that she has flesh and blood. Although it is a little cooler, it is another ultimate experience.

[Double repair once, attribute points +2]

At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

Zhang Jingyun's tiger body trembled, and there were actually two points. The next second, Zhang Jingyun felt the rich Xuanyin energy pouring into his body. After being tempered by the Xuannv Sutra, it became purer and returned to Nie Xiaoqian's body again.

"The energy of Xuanyin, that's what it is!"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly understood why the old Black Mountain demon insisted on marrying Nie Xiaoqian. It turned out to be because of the mysterious yin energy in Nie Xiaoqian's body.

The energy of Xuanyin is a great tonic for demons. To put it bluntly, it can be regarded as a kind of cauldron. The thousand-year-old tree demon is male and female and cannot enjoy the energy of Xuanyin. That's why he betrothed Nie Xiaoqian to the old demon from Montenegro. I can get a lot of benefits from the old demon from Montenegro.

Zhang Jingyun can absorb this Xuan Yin energy, and his cultivation can be stronger, but with the Xuannv Sutra, he will not do this kind of thing of killing the goose to get the eggs. Isn't practicing every day better than fishing in the dry lake?

"Two attribute points, it is estimated that each pair of cultivation is so many. The cultivation effect of Xuanyin Qi is stronger than Bai Yuekui." Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but try again.

Another half hour.

[Double repair once, attribute points +2]

Zhang Jingyun looked excited. After repeated practice, he even felt that the practice of Xuannv Sutra had reached a higher level. The two forces of yin and yang in his body were as unified as one.

After a night.

Zhang Jingyun's attribute points increased dramatically by eighteen.

Nie Xiaoqian's face turned red, feeling that her body had improved to at least two levels of cultivation. She just felt that the madness last night was a great opportunity.

"Young Master... No, Immortal Master, thank you for your enlightenment. Not only did you not kill me, but you also improved your cultivation. Xiaoqian will never forget it." Nie Xiaoqian said sincerely.

Zhang Jingyun said: "I can't talk about being an immortal master. My common name is Ning Caichen. I came to Lanruo Temple to clean up the demons and ghosts here.

It is because of your lingering conscience that you have today's situation and today's opportunity. Moreover, I said last night that I want you to help me practice. "

Nie Xiaoqian understood.

"Then I'll come tonight?"

Zhang Jingyun smiled happily, "When you go back, do you know how to tell the monster?"

Nie Xiaoqian said softly: "Please give me Mr. Ning's instructions."

"Just tell it that there is a powerful person in the temple with a strong mind. He can't do it alone. I hope others can come and try."

Nie Xiaoqian: "???"

Zhang Jingyun said: "Don't get me wrong, I just want to know if there are any other female ghosts in Lanruo Temple who have troubles besides you.

People are divided into good guys and bad guys, and ghosts are also divided into good ghosts and evil ghosts. They cannot be eliminated indiscriminately, otherwise wouldn't it mean that even you would not escape death? "

Zhang Jingyun looked firm and upright. Nie Xiaoqian was moved. It was rare for an expert like Zhang Jingyun to care about these female ghosts.

"Sir, you are such a good person."

After Nie Xiaoqian finished speaking, she disappeared.

Zhang Jingyun chuckled. With so many female ghosts in Lanruo Temple, Nie Xiaoqian may not be the only one to be pitiful. Zhang Jingyun alone has limited power. He can only take care of one...

“Lanruo Temple is such a good place…”

Zhang Jingyun was in a good mood. He stretched out his hand to open the door and prepared to bask in the sun. However, a bearded man coming towards him somewhat disturbed the scenery.

"Brother Yan, what's wrong?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

The bearded man blocking the door was naturally Yan Chixia. Seeing that Zhang Jingyun was safe and sound, Yan Chixia was somewhat relieved.

However, Yan Chixia has always been warm-hearted and cold-faced, without much emotion on her face. He stared at Zhang Jingyun and asked, "Didn't you encounter anything last night?"

Zhang Jingyun said bluntly: "I met a female ghost. It seems you didn't lie to me. Lanruo Temple is really dangerous."

"and after?"

When Yan Chixia heard that Zhang Jingyun had seen a ghost, she quickly asked, and Zhang Jingyun said, "Later, I was upright and firm in my heart, and the female ghost couldn't do anything for me, so I left."

"Haha, you are a very good boy. Do you know that the reason why the female ghosts dare not harm you is because I made an agreement with them that only people with evil intentions can be killed. You, like me, are rare gentlemen!"

Yan Chixia said with satisfaction.

Zhang Jingyun echoed: "That's not true!"

Then the conversation changed and Zhang Jingyun asked Yan Chixia: "But your martial arts skills are not as good as mine, so how can you make an agreement with these monsters?"

Yan Chixia blew her beard and glared: "You kid, your martial arts skills are just a little better than mine. It's useless against monsters and monsters. You have to use magic."

"Spells? Which sect are you from?"

Zhang Jingyun asked following the trend. The previous words were all clichés. He naturally knew that Yan Chixia knew magic, but Zhang Jingyun really couldn't explain Yan Chixia's background.

The main thing is the Xuanyuan Divine Sword used by Yan Chixia. The incantation recited is: Heaven and Earth are infinite, Qiankun borrows the law, and is related to the Kunlun Sect.

But when fighting monsters, I always use Buddhist methods, often using Prajnaparamita, and also used the Diamond Sutra to deal with the old monster of Montenegro.

Later, when dealing with Cihang Pudu, he directly wielded a sword. It was clearly Shushan's sword-wielding skills, and he practiced both Taoism and Buddhism, which was also strange.

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