So what if it's a planetary Honkai beast?

Because it kicked the iron plate, its last head was almost broken into two pieces, and the core was smashed together.

Here, Ren Yu frowned.

He couldn't understand what Steven said, but somehow he had a bad premonition.

Facts have proved that Ren Yu's hunch was correct.

Just when he wanted to raise the knife and kill Steven completely.

Suddenly bursts of energy fluctuations gushed out from the latter.

buzz buzz

In the sky, a beam of pure white light pierced through the dark clouds and hit Steven's body straight.

In an instant, the momentum gradually rose.

As the Houkai energy fluctuations on Steven's body became stronger and stronger, his body gradually swelled, and warm liquid flowed out of his blood-red eyes.

"God... is God! This is a miracle! This is God's will!"

But Steven hadn't been complacent for long, and suddenly froze in place again:

" won't let me confront him head-on? Why?! Tell me to escape from the World Bubble immediately? Why?!"

The will of the collapse did not explain, not even a word.

Seeing this, Steven suppressed the grievance in his heart, glanced at someone angrily, and quickly lifted into the air.

Anyway, this hatred, it remembers it!

At that time, I will find a way to report back!

Seeing that Steven is flying higher and higher, his body is getting bigger and bigger!

Ren Yu frowned, anxious in his heart.

He couldn't just leave Teresa here, but it wasn't his style to let the tiger go back to the mountain!

Besides, the strange light beam just now gave him a very bad feeling.

For some reason, Ren Yu just had the urge to tear out the person behind this beam of light and completely wipe it out.

Anyway, he just has the urge to be irreconcilable with this beam of light!

"I knew I would have brought Sirin here... At least at this time, she can still help me!"

Ren Yu was anxious and was thinking about it when he suddenly raised his eyebrows.


He suddenly turned his head to look somewhere.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, not far from the Floating Island of Destiny, a dark space portal slowly opened.

Sirin strode out from inside.

It's just that before she went out, she frowned in disgust, turned around and asked the purple-haired girl in a suspicious tone, "Are you sure? Lord God, is he really here?"

Seeing the apocalyptic scene outside, and seeing the questioning gazes of the 'big sisters' beside her, the purple-haired Xilin was so anxious that she almost burst into tears: "Yes, absolutely yes...I obviously put him Teleported here, absolutely right..."

She walked out of the passage with a bitter face, flew in the air and looked around, suddenly pointed in a certain direction, and said pleasantly: "I found it, there...Look quickly, it's there!"

Everyone looked up, and saw that Ren Yu was biting behind Steven tightly, and they were about to rush out of the world bubble with him and enter the scope of the Quantum Sea.

Seeing this scene, the girls were worried.

"My lord..."

"Master Ren Yu..."

The purple-haired Sirin pointed at another ruin, and shouted loudly: "Look, there is still Theresa here...she seems to be waving to us?"

Chapter 398 Black Hole

But why is Teresa here?

Could it be that World Bubble is the credit again?


This guy looks like he has no clothes on!

Naked, what are you doing?

Could it be...

At this moment, Sirin thought of a terrible thing, her scalp went numb with fright, and her cheeks turned pale.

Beside her, Rita had already quickly taken off her jacket, the Valkyrie armor thrusters were ignited, pushing her towards the white-haired girl.

World bubble, pellicle.

Ren Yu was still chasing Steven, and after leaving the atmosphere, he was surprised to find that what he came to was not the Quantum Sea.

At this moment, he felt the blood in his body surging, as if it was about to boil.

Ren Yu forcibly suppressed this discomfort, scanned his surroundings, and looked at the several dark red 'big fireballs' that caught his eyes.

"Those are... the stars that exist in this galaxy?! Is this the real universe?!"

Not to mention stars, even compared to the nearby planets, Ren Yu is as small as an ant.

Even with a body as big as Steven, it can barely be considered a rabbit, and there is no analogy at all.

Sensing the surrounding environment, Ren Yu frowned and thought to himself:

"It seems to be true. There is no oxygen here, the surrounding pressure is almost zero, and there is a lot of radiation. It seems that it should be the real universe."

To be honest, this was the first time he had seen such a scene.

In the past, after leaving the surface of the world bubble, they would fall into the quantum sea, but this month, the world bubble is connected to the universe?

"Three stars, this should not be the solar system I am familiar with, forget it, I don't's still important."

In fact, he can use Huaniaofengyue to deploy an energy shield to fight against cosmic radiation.

But Ren Yu felt that there was no need for this. He has evolved five times. Even if he is thrown into the harsh space environment and exposed to all kinds of radiation, as long as he does not encounter a gamma ray burst head-on, he can instantly destroy his body. The **** whose life on the earth has completely evaporated can completely roam around before the material energy in the body is exhausted.

What's more, using the body to resist the cosmic radiation, Ren Yu felt that it was also a kind of exercise, and it was regarded as honing in on his control over power.

Ahead, Steven was also exposed to the vacuum environment.

After coming to the real universe, its action speed has obviously slowed down.

However, at Steven's **** wound, the granulation kept wriggling, and the Houkai consciousness died in person. It was nourished by enough Houkai energy, and the second head seemed to be growing again.

For some reason, just looking at Steven, Ren Yu had the urge to kill him completely.

As time went on, this urge became stronger and stronger.

It's as if this guy has robbed something that should belong to him.

Suppressing the impetuousness in his heart, Ren Yu secretly said: "It's strange, did I feel this way before? Why is the badge ball also a little hot?!"

He looked down.


Sure enough, the golden badge ball turned red.

Is it because of this thing?

Because of the badge ball, why did I become hostile to Steven?

But it doesn't make sense either...

Just thinking about it, Steven's huge body in front of him suddenly trembled, and began to speed up inexplicably, and Ren Yu hurriedly followed.

"Strange, why did this guy speed up suddenly? Wasn't his speed much slower than mine before?" Ren Yu muttered in his heart while using the energy of the badge to speed up.

"Compared to a war of attrition, I want to see how long you can last..."

Before setting off, Ren Yu invoked the authority of World Bubble'Zero', and forcibly injected the energy of the badge on his body to the upper limit of 500%.

After evolving into a fifth-order life, the energy accumulated by the badge ball is very different from before.

The first is pure compression. Although Ren Yu doesn't know the exact value, according to his feeling, the current 1% badge energy is at least four or five times higher than before.

In other words, the 500% badge energy he carries now is at least four times higher than when he was at the fourth level. After living in the cosmic radiation for a few years, Ren Yu feels that he is still fine.

Here, after holding it in for a long time, he managed to squeeze out a little extra energy, and Steven, who was counting on speeding up to get rid of the life-threatening ghost behind him, glanced at the back and felt like vomiting blood: "Damn, what is the speed of that guy?" Pulled up too?"

Is this guy human? !

Human beings, two-legged creatures, can fly out of the universe and survive in a vacuum environment without any foreign objects, which has already surprised them.

But this black-haired ghost is even faster than it?

Steven even wondered if he was a planetary Honkai beast!

Could it be that its sixth-level life is fake, and the opponent is a planetary Honkai Beast?

Just when Steven was in so much pain, he was about to use part of the Houkai energy recovered from his body to accelerate his flight speed.

In my mind, a magnificent and incomparable voice suddenly sounded.

"Let go of your body and mind, and let me do it."

"It's...God!" Steven was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted immediately.

It felt ecstasy, and suppressed some excitement: "You want to help me escape the pursuit... No, help me eliminate the guy behind?"

There was no answer, but in the next second, Steven found that his body was suddenly out of control, as if a spiritual phantom had been projected over him and attached to his body.

Regarding this, Steven was determined. With the consciousness of Houkai to help it, would he still be afraid of the black-haired ghost behind him?

It seemed to see Ren Yu's next misery, and thought proudly in his heart: "At that time, I will definitely **** his body dry, make that guy's skull into a ring, and wear it on the tentacles as an ornament !"

The moment the consciousness of Houkai came, Ren Yu immediately discovered that something was wrong with Steven.


He lowered his head abruptly, and the badge ball in his arms trembled. He took it out and found that the shell of the badge ball was frighteningly red. The color changed from light red at the beginning to dark red, and it felt extremely hot .

Not only that, at this time Ren Yu also found that his heart was very depressed, and the anger in his mind was getting stronger and stronger.

He had never hated Steven so much as he did now.

Ren Yu had the illusion that 'it has completely betrayed him and should be killed'.

At this moment, no matter how stupid he was, he realized that something was wrong.

- The problem is Steven!

—Something must have happened to Steven that he didn't know about, causing the badge ball, and his own hostility!

Ahead, Steven accelerated again, twisting his body, leaving a long blue light in the dark sky.

Ren Yu squinted his eyes, and hurriedly followed behind Steven.

"I have to figure out where the anger comes from! And what happened to Steven!"

The badge ball has the same root as Ren Yu, and it is also the source of a large part of his power. Compared with conspiracy theories, he is more inclined to believe in the badge ball itself.

"Betrayed? Steven betrayed me? What does this mean? What does Honkai Beast have to do with me?"

Just when Ren Yu's thoughts changed sharply and all kinds of weird thoughts kept popping up.

Ahead, there appeared a dark brown ring-shaped meteorite belt composed of a large number of unknown planetary fragments.

Regardless, Steven didn't even slow down, and plunged into the dense meteorite belt.

After a few moves, its huge body disappeared in front of Ren Yu's eyes, and only a trace could be seen from the gap.

Ren Yu naturally followed in, with a thoughtful expression on his face: "That guy Steven, is he trying to get rid of me through this meteorite belt?"

But when his speed increased, he followed Steven into the meteorite belt, and kept walking and chasing after a while.

Steven suddenly started to slow down!

It was as if he was exhausted and had to rest for a while before continuing to run for his life.

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