he can't believe steven is tired

Steven's appearance is as if... he has nothing to worry about, and he dug a hole for him to jump!

The idea just came up.

Ren Yu was startled: "No, there seems to be something weird ahead!"

A strong sense of danger struck.

Looking ahead, Steven's slower and slower speed made his anxiety grow stronger.

Ren Yu didn't believe that the other party was exhausted, and it was as simple as wanting to rest for a while!

There must be ghosts in here!

The premonition of danger became stronger and stronger, and Ren Yu's eyelids twitched wildly.

At this moment, he couldn't care less about chasing Steven anymore. He clenched his fist, took a deep breath, and shot straight in front of him.


The light shines!

The meteorite is falling apart!

With the help of a strong recoil, Ren Yu shot back at a fast speed.

"No, you have to hurry up!"

During the flight, Huaniaofengyue's pure white energy shield unfolded.


Ren Yu turned around, had already put on three badges, punched a meteorite from the sky, and retreated faster and faster.

At this moment, Steven turned around.

Its two huge heads kept shaking, its hair-like dense tentacles kept waving, and hundreds of scarlet eyeballs also looked at Ren Yu sullenly.

It cracked its ferocious mouthparts, and hummed in a muffled voice: "Hehe...you can't escape!"

That's right.

Ren Yu just left not long ago.

I saw a strong pulling force coming from behind me, trying to **** him in.

"What the hell?!"

The space in front of him was distorted for a while, Ren Yu turned his head abruptly, and saw that there seemed to be a layer of ripples in the meteorite belt, and something huge hidden below was about to come out.

"what is that?"

Ren Yu didn't dare to stop at all, and his speed increased sharply.

He cast his eyes behind him in surprise, only to see that the meteorite belt he had seen before had changed.

It got a little twisted, a little unreal.

It was as if something forcibly distorted the surrounding light, distorted the surrounding space, and changed their appearance.


Ren Yu's heart skipped a beat, he turned his head suddenly, and saw a big rock tens of thousands of times bigger than him roaring towards his front door.

He quickly knocked it out with a punch.


The meteorite instantly fell apart.

Even though it was shattered by Ren Yu, it still maintained an extremely fast speed and flew towards the meteorite belt.

In just an instant, more small meteorites were sucked towards him, and one of them happened to pass by Ren Yu.

Even those planets in the distance have become much larger.

Seeing this scene, someone was slightly taken aback.

A terrifying thought popped up in his mind. He swallowed hard, turned his head to look at the meteorite belt, and said in a trembling voice, "This shit, what exists in there, shouldn't it be... a small black hole?"

As if to confirm Ren Yu's conjecture.

The pulling force around him was getting bigger and bigger, his speed was getting slower and slower, and he fell into a stalemate.

At this moment, the white energy shield on the surface of Ren Yu's body seemed to be resisting this pulling force, and it became extremely bright red, looking like it would collapse at any moment.

And the badge energy stored in the badge ball also kept falling like running water.


Ren Yu knew that the energy shield had been overloaded.

If the thing in there is really a black hole, he would not be surprised if this happened.

After all, the gravitational force of a black hole is extremely strong, distorting everything close to it, and the curvature of space-time is so great that light cannot escape.

The energy shield of Huaniao Fengyue can offset the gravity of the black hole for a short time, allowing him to escape, which is already amazing!

Just as he was thinking, the badge ball in Ren Yu's arms suddenly trembled.

The tension on his body loosened.

Once there is no gravity, Ren Yu's speed soars instantly!

A certain person was overjoyed, for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, he didn't even think about the reason, and just tried his best to speed up.

Damn, that's a black hole!

Run away first!

whoosh whoosh

Gravity intensifies.

The universe was silent, but around him, countless meteorite fragments were shooting towards the opposite direction of Ren Yu, that is, the direction of the meteorite belt, at an incredible speed, which was in stark contrast to him.

Since then, Ren Yu has never doubted it!

Although I don't know how Steven did it, that guy really created a black hole!

"No, it's also possible, that guy is no longer Steven!" Ren Yu's eyes widened slightly, and he suddenly remembered something.

—Honkai consciousness will come, use the shells of your subordinates to fight instead!

"Could it be that that guy over there really has a Honkai consciousness?! Why is that guy staring at me?"

Thinking of this, cold sweat suddenly broke out on Ren Yu's back, and he was terrified.

He wasn't so arrogant that he thought he could confront the Honkai consciousness head-on right now.

If it weren't for the badge ball showing its power at the critical moment.

He was afraid that he would be pulled in by the black hole right now, and completely torn to pieces by the violent gravity!

Seeing Ren Yu's escape from the black hole, "Steven" suddenly turned his head, and those scarlet eyeballs also looked at a certain direction of the universe.

At this moment, its line of sight seems to pass through countless galaxies and arrive at the central region of the universe.

After a while, 'Steven' looked away.

"Is that guy alive, or is the rule left after his death in motion? After so long, the master should have devoured that guy..."

Chapter 399 Time Dimension

"But if it wasn't for his inheritance, what happened to that weird energy fluctuation? How did humans with only five people in this class escape from the singularity?"

'Steven' pondered for a while, and finally, seeing that Ren Yu was about to escape from his control, it suddenly moved again.

Tens of thousands of tiny tentacles twisted into a long gray whip, and 'Steven' pointed it at the direction of Ren Yu's escape.

"If you really escaped, how can I explain to the master..."

The top of the long whip bulged and swelled, and the energy was constantly focused.

A few minutes later, with a bang, like a flower bud blooming, a long silver-white needle suddenly shot out from the top, flying towards someone.

The moment this whiteness appeared.

The momentum on Steven's body quickly withered, he fell down, his tentacles continued to wither, and even his skin had many wrinkles, making him extremely old.

It seems that this long needle has infused all its energy and energy, which is its pinnacle blow.

In the distance, Ren Yu, who was on the way to escape, shook violently, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and an extremely strange feeling arose.

"What the hell, my hunch is correct, that guy really won't let it go!"

Ren Yu didn't even think about it, and brazenly launched the apocalypse war that had already been prepared.

In an instant, a bright light cut down.

On the badge ball, three patterns light up.

The scarlet broadsword, which had gained 100% momentum, fell directly.

With an unstoppable momentum, it suddenly hit the blurred silver-white long needle.

The momentum is like a meteorite hitting a planet!

The strong shock wave spread from the place where the long needle collided with the broadsword.

The milky white energy shield burst immediately!


Ren Yu's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the moment he touched the long needle, the apocalypse war broke apart.

"No, I'll suffer!"

The moment the thought came up, someone's arm went numb, and he lost consciousness instantly, coughing up blood and flying backwards.

And the silver-white long needle flew out by rubbing against his arm, and the contact surface was hot and painful.


Although the long needle was bounced off, the dull impact sound was still transmitted along the bones of someone's arm.


There is no sound in the vacuum, even if Ren Yu scolds, only he can hear it.

After the catastrophe, it didn't care about repairing, grinned in pain, put away the broken Apocalypse War, adjusted its posture and continued to escape.

"Fuck, so ruthless! That guy must have a Honkai consciousness! It's the first time I've seen such a powerful attack..."

Looking at the surrounding environment, his head turned quickly:

"Hurry up, I'm almost at the nearest planet. I'll be safe for the time being as long as I go around to the back of the planet! Even if Steven is level 6 and has the consciousness of Houkai to help him fight, it's absolutely impossible The planet penetrates completely, or explodes!"

Speaking of which, this was the first time he encountered such a dangerous situation.

But there is no way, the gap between the two sides is really too big, the one over there has a sense of collapse, and it is understandable that Ren Yu lost.

"Damn it, I wrote down this grudge!" Someone cursed secretly, the speed soared again, and he fled in embarrassment.

the other side.


The weak 'Steven' was terrified when he saw that his sure-kill shot had failed, and immediately, he became annoyed again.

That was a full-strength blow close to the peak of the seventh step!

How did that fifth-order human escape?

Sure enough, this body is still too restricted!

The attack just now was already the strongest attack it launched using the body of this planetary Honkai beast.

It stands to reason that any planet can be penetrated casually.

But that fifth-level guy didn't die!

And it bounced off the attack!

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